Asian Collection Part 1 - TS3 to TS4 Store Conversion
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What do you get? Thirteen new items for your game. Some items have more swatches then others because the time it took to touch up EAs paint job was time consuming, but you can add switches if you like to those items or any of them if you would like. You could even change the whole design!
All items can be located through the search bar in game by entering "asi" (you don't have to put in the whole word unless you have a lot of custom content, then you need "asian" ) All textures/patterns are EA - except on Panda Doll, those are mine personally. All meshes are EAs. The Red, Blue, Green, Purple, and Pink colors on all of the objects - they are the exact same colors so they all match each other. All catalog descriptions are the original. You don't have to, but you can use the "MOO" cheat and Alt key to place items.
Descriptions of each item you will receive:
1. Lunar New Year Candy Box
6 swatches - Original was a white box; this is not included - only thing different is the color of the box - Red with Gold swirl; Green with Gold swirl; Blue
with Gold swirl, Black with Gold swirl, Pink with
Gold swirl, and Purple with Gold swirl.
(I was so tempted to eat the candy myself and not share, but then, I thought..."That is just too stingy, Goldi.")
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 95 (because of being tempted to not share)
Location: Decoration - Misc
2. Lemon Lime Tradition Painting
15 swatches - Original images used - Original Frame color in Black - Five frame colors per image; each new image starts with Black swatch
Pose 1 swatch colors - Black, White, Orange, Green, Yellow
Pose 2 swatch colors - Black, White, Orange, Green, Red/Orange
Pose 3 swatch colors - Black, White, Purple, Green, Blue
Colors after white are taken straight from the image itself.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 670 (it is very difficult to get the Geishas to stand still)
Location: Decoration - Painting
3. New Year Rabbit Painting
18 swatches - Original images , 3 images - Original frame and border Red
Other frame colors and borders: Blue with Blue border, Green with Green Border, Black with Red border, Brown wood with Pink border, White with Pink
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price 440 (because bunnies became fruitful and multiplied...a lot)
Location: Decoration - Paintings
4. Kumquats of Prosperity
18 swatches - Red sticker is the original - Original pot color not available - Blue sticker is by me - Each pattern of the pot comes with a choice of red or
blue sticker - Patterns for the pots come straight from the TS3 game
Patterns: Swatch 1 & 2 - Paint Checkers - France
3 & 4 - Paint Cracked - EP02
5 & 6 - Paint Crackle - Lg
7 & 8 - Paint Crackle - Sm
9 & 10 - Paint Eggshell
11 & 12 - Paint Rough Surface
13 & 14 - Paint Textured Floral - France
15 & 16 - Paint Wood Thick - China
17 & 18 - Stone Jade - China
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 75 (the kumquats are really yummy)
Location: Decoration - Indoor Plants
5. New Year Inflatable Rabbit
1 swatch - Original colors and designs are EA - some of the pattern work was EAs, but most of it had to be re-painted on. I tried to stay as close to the
original colors as possible and the design is all original - I would have provided more swatches, but painting the whole rabbit was a lot of work because he
just refused to sit still long enough.
One possible in-game glitch (I have checked it wasn't what I did during the conversion), when you place an item from the catalog to be placed, the item
will appear opaque and there will be a square that shows up under around the item. That square is the routing of that item. The rabbit will not appear, but
the routing does. Once you place the rabbit where you want it and release your mouse button, it takes two seconds and the rabbit appears.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 200 (all of that paint was expensive)
Location: Kids - Decoration
6. Huan-Yue Panda Doll
(my favorite item thus far to ever convert)
16 swatches - Original color was white greyish color - Comes with Boy and Girl looking clothes -
I thought about making some lipstick, eyelashes, and blush on the face for the girl clothes options, but decided against it. Then, I considered for the girl
clothes to have dresses instead, but making adjustments to a mesh means a whole new catalog item. I don't know about you, but I don't want my catalog
system flooded with the same item and one thing being completely different. You can alter the mesh if you want to. But you may not use the patterns on
your own mesh, those are mine.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 120 (Sim-mart special discount for the clothes - couldn't make you pay the actual amount for the material from Banana Simpublic)
Location: Kid - Toys
7. Xing the Lunar Year TIger
2 swatches - Original is the Bengal (orange striped) - Swatch 2 is the Siberian White Bengal striped with a few more stripes painted on
He was so nice when I repainted him that the cost went down a bit, but you still have to pay for the repainting.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 120
Location: Kids - Toys
8. Chinese Hanging Lantern
1 swatch - Original colors - did some light touch ups on the paint, it got a little disheveled in the transporting - I was going to do Green, Blue, and Purple,
but decided not to. I might do it anyway as an add-on recolor. Never know. You can change it if you want to.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 85 (for the labor and making the light bulb)
Location: Lighting - Ceiling (like, duh)
9. Year of the Horse Banner
48 swatches - Original decals - Original colors - Red and Gold - 3 rod colors - 4 Cloth colors
Decal EA overlays - Horse, Monkey, Goat, Rooster
Rod Colors - Gold, Bronze, Brass
Cloth Colors - Red, Blue, Green, Purple EA did not have stitching on the original; so, I added that detail. Banner trim is the same color throughout.
Base game compatible: NO. Need Get Together
Price: 45 (labor costs and for the mold that broke while changing the metal)
Location: Decoration - Sculpture - Wall
10. Porcelain Rabbit
2 swatches - Original and then one done by me
Had a lot of touching up to do on this one and re-make the design on the original overlay that EA provided.
This poor bunny was in bad shape. I had to glue him back together and re-paint some of the areas so he wouldn't be so pixelated. He was a little under
nourished too.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 70
Location: Decoration - Sculpture
11. Lunar Year Poster
12 swatches - Original 3 was white frame and black lettering - Gold lettering and Black & Red frames added by me
Each word - Happiness, Prosperity, and Longevity - comes in Black or Gold lettering and Black and Red frame
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 670 (that's the price these days, honey, for gold leaf)
Location: Decoration - Painting
12. Year of the Dragon Wall Hanging
9 swatches - Original in Wood frame, Red background (behind the flowers and dragon), Red chimes, and Pink flowers
I added two frame colors and kept the original. I kept the pink flowers and added red and blue flower options. I kept the Red chimes and added Blue and
Green options. I removed the background color from the flowers and dragon.
Base game Compatible: Yes
Price: 190
Location: Decoration - Sculpture - Wall
13. Year of the Dragon Table Lamp
Used the lighthouse lamp from the kid's area for the conversion. You can always use the dimmer to lower the intensity of the lighting.
3 swatches - 3 dragon colors with gold back, and white ball
Very little painting was done on this piece. Price reflects the costs of the light bulb, gold leaf, and medical expenses incurred while painting trying to
retrieve the ball he was holding to fix it. He thought I wouldn't give it back.
Base game Compatible: NO. You need Cats and Dogs for this item to work.
Price: 200 (Bad Dragon!)
Location: Lighting - Table
That's it. Hope you and your simmies enjoy the early Asian New Year Gifts! --goldi
Polygon Counts:
* Candy Box -- High - 440; Med - 439; Low - 439
I tried decimating the item more, but the box became badly deformed.
* Lemon Lime Painting -- High - 104; Med - 100
* Rabbit Painting -- High - 102; Med - 102
* Kumquat Plant -- High - 798; Med - 798; Low - 798
Decimating the plant anymore would cause the leafs, fruit and pot to be deformed.
* Inflatable Rabbit -- High - 1033; Med - 836; Low - 678
On Med and Low polys - there is a bit of deforming going on the mesh...the legs start pulling away from the body of the rabbit.
*Panda Doll -- High - 1126; Med - 899
Decimating the doll anymore that what I did, would cause the item to become badly deformed around the face.
* Tiger Toy -- High - 394; Med - 315
* Hanging Lantern -- High - 496; Med - 396
* Horse Banner -- High - 488; Med - 480; Low - 474
* Porcelain Rabbit -- High - 498; Med - 398
* Asian Writing Poster -- High - 100; Med - 96
* Wall Hanging -- High - 378; Med - 378; Low - 378
Low poly sculpture I went ahead and kept the poly the same
*Dragon Lamp -- High - 658; Med - 533
Additional Credits:
EA - TS3 Store - Blender - GIMP - TSRW - S4S - S3OC - S3PE
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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