**OVERHAULED** NCIS for Sims 4 from Sims 3 [Updated 8/23/2024]
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UPDATED 8/1/2021
Updated to removed invalid and corrupt files found when using Better Exceptions scanner from Twisted Mexi
Works on current game version.

Track: NCIS Special Agent Career
Are you versatile, driven, and eager to travel the world and ready to work in challenging and complex situations? NCIS Special Agents are among the most adept and resourceful law enforcement professionals anywhere. Never restricted to a narrow specialty, even relatively junior agents are expected to handle a wide variety of criminal, counter-terrorism, and counterintelligence matters with equal skill. Special Agents travel the globe and may even be stationed aboard ship. The NCIS mission is to investigate and defeat criminal, terrorist, and foreign intelligence threats to the United Sim Nation Navy and Marine Corps–ashore, afloat, and in cyberspace. A Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) agent is considered one of the most interesting and rewarding careers in law enforcement. NCIS is a specialized law enforcement agency to safeguard the Navy and Marine Corps. In order to be a successful NCIS special agent, an individual must be able resourceful and handle a wide-range of criminal, counterterrorism, and counterintelligence investigations. A NCIS special agent must also be willing to travel all over the world to perform investigations. Do you have what it takes to keep your home and neighbors safe?
Level 1: Probationary Agent
You're the new "Probie" at the NCIS Squad. Time to prove your worth to the team and the Director that you have what it takes to defend Sim Nation from threats home and abroad. You’ll be working hard investigating crimes of espionage, defection, terrorism, assassination, and sabotage.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩40
Level 2: Special Agent
You've worked hard following the news, channeling information to other agents, and investigating the inner working of several foreign crime lords' bank accounts. Now you get to join the team on missions and crime scenes outside the office and prove your worth to the people of Sim Nation. It's gonna get sticky from here on out, there might be dirty marines and sailors to investigate as well as threats from abroad. Special Agent mobility is necessary to accomplish the agency's mission and helps support an individual's career development.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩65
Level 3: Field Agent
Being a Field Agent is one of the most challenging and fulfilling careers in law enforcement. Field Agents gain broad law enforcement experience and are given responsibility early on in their careers. Agents travel the globe and may even be stationed aboard a ship. In-depth training, critical assignments and excellent benefits attract the best.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩85
Level 4: Senior Field Agent
As a condition of employment, all Senior Field Agents are required to sign a mobility agreement. This may result in one or more overseas moves and periodic assignments within Sim Nation and throughout an agent's career with NCIS. Senior Field Agents may be required to deploy on assignments to support military forces in high-risk environments. Agent mobility is necessary to accomplish the agency's mission and helps support an individual's career development.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩110
Track: Medical Examiner
Your time as a NCIS Agent have taught you that there are violent people out there. Sometimes the remains of victims need to be examined to get a better understanding of what happened. The work of a medical examiner can be pretty gruesome and, at times, isolating. Medical examiners must be comfortable dissecting bodies, removing organs, and dealing with victims and families who experienced a very traumatic and violent death. Its long hours in the morgue and autopsy rooms, are you ready to help make a difference and uncover the truth of the crime?
Level 1: ME Van Driver
The Agents arrived and found a corpse. The ME has already bagged, tagged, and prepared the remains for retrevial. Its a dirty job, but someone has to do it. "Use the Clutch! Good God man! Use....The Clutch!"
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩120
Level 2:
You move the remains to and from the autopsy room and assist the pathologists as much as they will let you (or tolerate you) to do. You’ve been working on your biology and studying various pathology textbooks, but the agents upstairs are still making you the butt of their jokes because you never come out of the morgue without looking like a corpse yourself. Ducky : Do you know what a trocar is, Tony? DiNozzo : I'm guessing it's not an alien on "Star Trek"?
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 9:00 - 21:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩135
Level 3: Pathologist Intern
You’ve spent hours cataloguing and documenting the various remains - drawing fluid samples, scraping dirt from under finger nails, photographing wound patterns, and sending various objects to the other labs – that you’ve made an impression. The other pathologists have noticed your hard work and have petitioned for an internship. More work for not a lot of pay, but you know you are making a difference in the cases for Metro, right? "Drawn-out digressions is a privilege earned, Mr. Palmer"
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 9:00 - 19:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩140
Level 4: Resident Pathologist
Longer hours should mean better pay and office space right? In this case, it means more responsibility. You are in charge of making sure that the remains are documented properly, treated with care, and that reports get to the correct NCIS Agents upstairs to follow up on. Eventually those guys will understand that you are an intricate part of the team and have insights only you can share. "Let's not make a habit of lunching with serial killers as well."
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 18:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩170
Level 5: Medical Examiner
You’ve worked long hours and seen more than most people will ever understand on your autopsy table. You are now the lead pathologist on each case that comes to you, tasked by the Director to offer insights and conclusions on the deceased’s cause of death. Your work allows the other NCIS Agents to arrest the suspects for their crimes. “Change is inevitable like the seasons…I suggest you embrace it.”
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat — Hours: 9:00 - 19:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩195
Track: Forensic Scientist
Do you have what it takes to work in the lab? Forensic science technicians work the scenes and, in the labs, to analyze collected evidence and gather the correct reports to the higher ups. Working in tandem with the ME’s Office the Forensic Lab is crucial for chemical analysis of fluids and substances found on/in/at the scene; evidence has been properly collected, catalogued, and photographed; data such as DNA and fingerprints are collected and identified; digital reconstruction of the scene for investigations and eventually court; and determine and prove what item/weapons/substances were used at a scene. And DON’T FORGET: "I am one of the few people in the world who can murder you and leave no forensic evidence."
Level 1: Lab Intern
Abby: Also, you are not to touch my computer, my lab equipment, my MP3 player, my CafPow, my desk or Bert my farting hippo, without my express written consent. Intern: Well, how am I gonna’ do anything? Abby: And there’s no cameras or flash photography. Intern: Well, I don’t have a camera. Abby: And if I accidentally turn my back to you, you are to immediately move back into my eyeline. Intern: Why don’t I just wear bells? Abby: That’s a really good idea. I mean I’m sorry about this.. I mean Darren worked out but, I just had problems with people that have been assigned to my lab. (Abby pulls out a collar with bells) It’ll just be better this way. Intern: I uh, I’m not putting those on. Abby: Oh no, actually you are. Intern: No I’m not. Abby: Except for the fact that you are.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 18:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩110
Level 2: Digital Evidence Collector
Your job is to receive and analyze computers, mobile devices, and audio/visual equipment and recordings for digital evidence…. without sleeping at your desk.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩145
Level 3: Firearms Expert
Checking the guns for prints, shooting them to collect firepin patterns, logging trajectory and impact.... You get to see a lot of them though, and sometime there are fun ones to shoot. "Let that be a lesson in parenting: tell a kid he can't have a rifle, he grows up to be a sniper"
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri — Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩170
Level 4: DNA and Chemical Scientist
Items come up from autopsy in evidence containers to be tested. Sometimes you get to run DNA and other times you get to find out what the vicitm's last meal was. You also lockdown the lab when ever you smell almonds.....
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri — Hours: 10:00 - 18:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩188
Level 5: Forensics Lab Supervisor
You run the lab, supervise the staff, and are responsbile for several million dollrs of equipmennt now. Make sure that the guys clean up the mess they made when they pissed off Major MassSpec. "Abby Sciuto. Resident NCIS Forensic Specialist, heart and soul. A paradox wrapped in an oxymoron, smothered in contradiction. Sleeps in a coffin. Really the happiest Goth you'll ever meet."
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩217
Track: National Security Directorate
The National Security Directorate has program management oversight of counter-terrorism/counterintelligence investigations and operations, including espionage, terrorism, compromise, technology transfer, cyber intrusion, insider threat, and threats to research development and acquisition programs. The directorate is also responsible for manning, training, and equipping of agency personnel to protect Navy and Marine Corps forces, operations, information, facilities, equipment, and networks from attacks and the intelligence activities of foreign governments and international terrorist organizations. The security of the free world is in your hands to protect, are you ready Agent?
Level 1: Junior National Security Agent
You are part of the National Security Directorate office of NCIS. You job is to defend against enemies both foreign and domestic, and to preserve the Navy and Sim Nation. As a Directorate trainee, you will be required to work in Cyber Security, counter-terrorism activities, and field support for NCIS and the Navy. Sand, jungles, and even metropolitan zones will be your office as you travel to fight crimes that threaten national security!
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩110
Level 2: National Security Field Agent
As a Field Agent, you will now be responsible for running Ops around the globe. Your office will change with each assignment as you work to infiltrate cells and fight terrorist plots, counter cyber attacks on the ground, and investigate attacks against SimNation.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩130
Level 3: Special Agent Afloat
You are now an Agent Afloat. The Special Agent Afloat Program of NCIS sends NCIS Special Agents aboard U.S. aircraft carriers and other ships. The purpose of the program is to provide professional investigative, counterintelligence, and force protection support to deployed Navy and Marine Corps commanders. These special agents are assigned to aircraft carriers and other deployed major combatants. A special agent assigned to a carrier must be skilled in general criminal investigations including: crime scene examination, expert interview techniques, and use of proactive law enforcement procedures to stop criminal activity before it occurs. The special agent afloat also provides guidance on foreign counterintelligence matters, including terrorism. It is also the mission of the special agent afloat to offer Navy and Marine Corps leadership advice and operational support on security issues which might threaten the safety of ships, personnel and resources.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Sun — Hours: 7:00 - 19:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩155
Level 4: Protective Operations Officer
Your work has paid off to move up into the Protective Operations Office! The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is the only entity within the Department of the Navy authorized to conduct protection of Department of Defense/Department of the Navy High Risk Billets. The mission of the NCIS Protective Operations Field Office is to prevent terrorist and/or criminal attacks on principals under NCIS executive protection coverage and execute the necessary and appropriate response to a threat and/or attack on a principal. NCIS provides and manages full-time protection details on key Department of the Navy personnel.
Information: Days: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun — Hours: 7:00 - 19:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩165
Level 5: SECNAV Protective Duty Officer
NCIS provides and manages full-time protection details on key Department of the Navy personnel, including the Secretary of the Navy, the Chief of Naval Operations, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps as well as other high risk officers in the Departments of Defense and Navy. You are one of the agents responsible for the defense and protection of the Secretary of the Navy. The department also works closely with the Secret Service, Pentagon Force Protection Agency, Army Criminal Investigation Command, Air Force Special Investigations, and Marshals Service.
Information: Days: Mon, Fri, Sat, Sun — Hours: 7:00 - 19:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩197
Level 6: Global Operations Officer
The Global Operations Directorate is responsible for field offices which execute worldwide investigations and operations associated with espionage, counterintelligence, protective service operations, contingency response and high risk deployments, technical surveillance countermeasures, polygraph services, technical services, and forensic services. You are an agent working to provide the Major Field Offices globally with the resources needed to close their cases with forensic support, information services, and support officers.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩219
Level 7: Assistant Global Operations Director
You are the second in command of the Global Operations Division now. You work closely with the Division Director and the NCIS Director to provide day to day resources and support globally for NCIS. Your job entails overseeing the agents and reporting directly to the Director, who then reports to both the Director of NCIS and SECNAV.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩249
Level 8: Deputy Global Operations Director
The Deputy Global Operations Director is in charge of the Division. His job entails working hand and hand with the Director of NCIS and SECNAV. You report to the day to day operations of the Office for the security of the Department of the Navy and NCIS. You oversee the forensic departments, the technical support departments, and counter terrorism offices. You contact directly with the Global Offices to maintain communications for MTAC, the Director, and SECNAV.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩292
Track: Metropolitan Criminal Investigations
Felony criminal investigations are the cornerstone of the NCIS mission. NCIS is the investigative entity within the Department of the Navy responsible for major criminal investigations involving Navy and Marine Corps equities, service members, and affiliated civilian personnel. NCIS civilian Special Agents have the authority to investigate criminal acts in accordance with both the Uniform Code of Military Justice and established criminal laws when there is a DON nexus. Agents initiate and lead criminal investigations when the punishment for the offense is confinement of more than one year in prison; routinely investigating the crimes of homicide, rape, sexual assault, child physical and sexual abuse, burglary and robbery, larceny of government and personal property, and aggravated assault. NCIS also investigates any non-combat death involving a Navy or Marine service member.
Level 1: Investigator
The cases aren't getting any easier to solve, but you are a promising Special Agent. You've been moved up to the Metropolitan Crimes Division as an Investigator in HQ at the Navy Yard while you track down leads and investigate crime scenes. Your team will be working to track down criminals within and without the Navy when the crime occurs within Naval Bases of the East Coast.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 7:00 - 16:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩110
Level 2: Field Investigator
You are making waves as you clear case after case that's thrown your way with the team. Moving up to direct more resources and teammates, the cases are getting interesting and more challenging at the same time. You are in the filed searching the crime scenes to collect evidence and narrow down the suspects.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩130
Level 3: Senior Field Investigator
You're the Senior Special Agent of the team now, with lots of cases to clear. The Director has been impressed by your hard work and determination, and your superiors are preparing you for career work in the big leagues as you track down and arrest terrorists, dirty sailors, and corrupt marines. Keep working on your reflexes and hone your mind to nail larger cases.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 7:00 - 16:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩145
Level 4: Investigation Squad Supervisor
You’re the second in command of the squad and now supervise the team in investigations. You job gets tougher, as you have to deal wit the headaches from the boss and from the Director but you’ll get the hang of it.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 7:00 - 17:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩155
Level 5: Squad Supervisor
Aside from being the Senior Agent In-charge, you are now also the Metro Squad supervisor. You clear case after case, and direct the agents in the investigations of the crime against the Navy and naval personnel. Closely working with forensic specialists and the Medical Examiner, you are able to determine key clues such as cause of death in order to narrow down and arrest the suspects.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 7:00 - 17:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩170
Level 6: Assistant Deputy Director
Your work has paid off (kinda) and now you are the Assistant Deputy Director and work in the Office of the Director, which serves as the central administrative arm of the Director. Your Chief of Staff assists you in day to day operations of NCIS. You answer to the Deputy Director daily, and create the Daily Briefings for the Deputy, Director, and SECNAV Staff.
Information: Days: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩187
Level 7: Deputy Director
As Deputy Director, you are tasked with maintaining the responsibilities of the agency, coordinating teams, and reporting to the Director and Secretary of the Navy. Running the agency with help from the Director, you are making quite an impression on your superiors in the Naval Committee on Sim Hill. There are whispers you'll be appointed the next Director.
Information: Days: Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat — Hours: 8:00 - 16:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩214
Level 8: Director of NCIS
You've cleared and closed cases from internet fraud on naval bases to smuggling drug money through the caskets of fallen marines overseas to illicit businesses. As you've made a name for yourself, the Secretary of the Navy has been discussing your career with the Joint Chiefs and Admiral of the Navy, putting your name forward to be appointed the new Director of NCIS now that the current Director retired. You now run the agency and assign cases to agents and teams that threaten the security of the Navy while occasionally loaning your teams to other law enforcement agencies for training and join efforts. You also have to play nice with the FBI and CIA from time to time as well.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu — Hours: 8:00 - 17:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩287
Track: Cyber Specialist Officer
The NCIS Cyber Directorate conducts law enforcement and counterintelligence activities in the cyber domain advancing NCIS and the Department of the Navy (DON) objectives. The Cyber Specialist Officers provide timely, high quality, digital and multimedia forensics; deliver innovative cyber solutions to optimize workforce potential and enhance enterprise capabilities; maintain, develop, leverages, and matures partnerships and information sharing; and conducts timely analysis identifying existing and emerging threats.
Level 1: Computer Scientist
You develop innovative and specialized tools, analyze and write code, install network devices and conduct testing of software and equipment for NCIS Agents. You are also one of the key investigators into computer forensics sharing your expertise and insights through technical assistance to other cyber personnel within the intelligence community and foreign partners dealing with similar cyber challenges.
Information: Days: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat — Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩135
Level 2: Investigative Computer Specialist
Your primary focus is on digital and multimedia forensics to provide rapid response to aid investigators in solving crimes. Sifting through gigs of deleted files; the breadcrumbs of internal and international hackers; and scouring through digital photos to seek out hidden data; your work supports taking down threats to and civilian crimes against the DON.
Information: Days: Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat — Hours: 9:00 - 17:00 (8 hours) — Salary: ﹩145
Level 3: Cyber Intelligence Analyst
You now specialize in the review of cyber data for items of potential intelligence value and to produce actionable intelligence products. Your work of live cyber analysis, steganography probes on the web, and the counter hacking to track data thieves and hackers is now of the upmost importance in fighting cyberwarfare and support for your fellow NCIS Agents.
Information: Days: Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun — Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩155
Level 4: MTAC Officer
You are responsible for working in the Multiple Threat Alert Center (MTAC) for the Department of the Navy. As a MTAC Officer, you relay information across the globe to other agents, offices, sector chiefs, allies, and government offices. You are a key part of fighting cyber warfare in the most powerful department of NCIS and the Department of Defense.
Information: Days: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun — Hours: 9:00 - 18:00 (9 hours) — Salary: ﹩170
Level 5: MTAC Comms Officer
You are now responsible for communicating information between other Law Enforcement Agencies and Sector Offices. You relay communications across the globe for NCIS, SECNAV, the Department of the Navy, and other government law enforcement offices. You are required to secure state of the art, web-based law enforcement information and enable agents and analysts in multiple agencies to "connect the dots" and promote more efficient and effective responses to criminal threats.
Information: Days: Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun — Hours: 8:00 - 18:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩185
Level 6: MTAC Counter Intelligence Coordinator
MTAC is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information regarding criminal, terrorist, foreign intelligence, cyber, and other threats—to foster and support NCIS operations and investigations and to inform Naval and Marine Corps commanders, who must make decisions about force protection, security, and other operational issues. Your contributions support warfighting dominance across the full spectrum of naval operations, to include the maritime, cyberspace, and information domains, providing worldwide asymmetric threat warning to Department of the Navy through the operation of a more efficient and effective response to criminal and terrorist threats.
Information: Days: Tue, Wed, Fri, Sun — Hours: 8:00 - 18:00 (10 hours) — Salary: ﹩211
Level 7: MTAC Director
Seeing that MTAC is the central hub for the defense and cyber warfare of the Navy, your are the gatekeeper to the cyber defense and information systems supporting Criminal Investors of NCIS and other Federal Law Enforcement Officers. You direct the resources at the discretion of the Director and SECNAV. You are on call 24/7, ready to head into the Navy Yard at a moment’s notice to direct MTAC Officers in their mission of supporting NCIS Agents.
Information: Days: Mon, Tue, Sat, Sun — Hours: 8:00 - 20:00 (12 hours) — Salary: ﹩255
Filename | Type | Size |
NCIS.rar | rar | |
NCIS.package | package | 1320476 |
NCIS.ts4script | ts4script | 1752 |
Uploaded: 24th Aug 2024, 1.09 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the file(s) into your Mods folder
Need more information?
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
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Updated: 24th Aug 2024 at 3:35 AM - OVERHAULED and Updated for newest game version and Better Exceptions reporting
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About Me
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