New Hobby Traits

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Designed with game version
Updated for version 1.80/ Fashion Street & Incheon Arrival Patch

New Mods and Mod Updates
A full list of all of my most up-to-date mods can be found on my profile. For troubleshooting and bug reports, please join me on the Sims After Dark Discord server. If you would like to help support the continued development of my mods, please consider contributing to my Patreon, where I occasionally post progress updates and exclusive access to beta versions of my newer mods. All my mods on MTS will continue to receive updates and support.
Recent Updates

Update 10/24/21
  • Added Simplified Chinese translations from AJia.

Update 8/1/21
  • Cross-stitching now gives a positive moodlet to Artisan Sims.
  • Updated French translation from Kimikosoma.

Update 7/21/21
  • Updated for compatibility with the new patch.

Update 7/1/21
  • All hobby activity detection is now much more responsive and reliable.
  • Hobby failure moodlets now have an indefinite length and your Sim will remain stressed out until they participate in their chosen hobby.
  • Technophobes with the "Likes Video Gaming" preference can now play video games on consoles and arcades without issue. Computers will still stress them out regardless.
  • Fixed a few typos in buffs from the Worldly trait.
  • Updated German translation by LittleDog1002

Update 6/9/21
  • Added Danish translation by Julesthedane

Update 5/27/21
  • Updated for compatibility with the new patch
  • New Hobby Traits now includes a separate file just called "NewHobbyTraits.package". This allows for better compatibility with other mods and is where I will be adding the in-game settings menu in the future.
  • Added Build Buy preferences to the following traits:
    • Artisans want a studio with space to work on their carpentry, painting, candle-making, and knitting.
    • Competitive Sims enjoy having card games, foosball, basketball, and video games around to prove their mettle.
    • Horticulturists want a big garden, naturally.
    • Movie Buffs like having a big TV to watch and a big couch to sit on.
    • Scribes just need a place to write.
    • Technophobes want alternatives to electronics, so books, rocking chairs, and woodworking.
    • Tinkers want anything techy, a nice computer or robotics table will do.
    • Worldly Sims want cameras to take nice pictures of all of their cool travels.

Update 4/16/21
  • New Hobby Traits now uses a custom settings file. It can be found in your saves folder (Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves\Kuttoe).
    • You can set the number of days before a Sim with a hobby trait gets bored or stressed out from not doing their hobby.
    • There is a separate setting for the Worldly trait since taking a vacation every two days is unrealistic.
    • Please note: there is currently no interface in the game for changing the settings, so you will need to edit them using Notepad or a text editor.
  • As you can now control these settings, the "Longer Cooldown" version has been discontinued.
  • New Hobby Traits now generates a log file in the folder where it is installed to help diagnose mod issues.
  • A few bugs and typos have been fixed in the Competitive trait.

Update 3/16/21
  • Adjusted the script to avoid a conflict with mods which remove the Homesick buff from all Sims
  • Added a failsafe so that failure moodlets will not be applied to Sims who had their hobby trait removed

Update 1/21/21
  • Technophobes now feel Scared instead of Tense when around robots​.
  • Technophobes now get a Happy moodlet during power outages from the Power Outages mod by flerb
  • Updated certain moodlets to show up as True Happy in the Meaningful Stories mod by roburky
  • Updated the French translation from Kimikosoma​

This trait pack adds a total of eight new traits (six Hobby traits and two others) most of which require your Sim to regularly participate in their favorite pastime or else risk becoming stressed out. Each trait comes with new moodlets, social interactions with custom loots and speech bubbles, and whim sets.

- Artisan
These Sims enjoy making things by hand, and will become Happy when woodworking, making flower arrangements, or baking.

- Competitive
These Sims love to take part in games of skill. They get powerful moodlets from winning or losing a game, and may become Bored if they don’t take part in competitions for too long. (Social Trait)

- Horticulturist
These Sims love to work in their garden and harvest the fruits of their labor.

- Movie Buff
These Sims love to watch movies and talk about them.

- Scribe
These Sims love to write books, blog posts, and journal entries.

- Technophobe
These Sims are old-fashioned and get stressed out by any new technology with more than two buttons. They’re acutely aware of the ever-present and looming threat of robot overlords. (Lifestyle Trait)

- Tinker
These Sims love to know what makes things tick. They love doing upgrades, working on robots, and programming.

- Worldly
These Sims love to experience culture. They like to travel to Vacation Worlds and attend City Festivals.

Traditional Chinese (thank you, 000263!)
Portuguese (thank you, ArturLira!)
Italian (thank you, Birdolina! and thank you ISY for the update!)
French (thank you, Kimikosoma!)
Polish (thank you, oksytocyna!)
Russian (thank you, AnnieHugss!)
Spanish (thank you, Team Onnya!)
-South American variant available here (thanks, gab093lligth!)
German (thank you, LittleDog1002/Roland!)
Danish (thank you, Julesthedane!)
Simplified Chinese (thank you, AJia!)
Other translations are welcome

Add as many or as few traits to your mod folder as desired. Keep all package files and script files paired together in order for the social interactions to work properly. Since this is a script mod, these traits can only be placed one folder deep.

Settings File
The settings file for the mod is kept in the folder "Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\saves\Kuttoe". To change your settings, open the "[Kuttoe] NewHobbyTraits_Settings.cfg" file with notepad or any text editor and change the numbers to your desired values. The numbers must be positive and can use decimal points.
hobby_cooldown_days - The number of days a Sim must go without taking part in their hobby activity before they start getting failure moodlets. Default value is 2.
worldly_cooldown_days - The number of days a Worldly Sim must go without traveling on vacation before they start getting failure moodlets. Default value is 14.

Most traits only require the base game, but certain ones will need specific packs to be useful. Competitive uses a lot of assets from Get Together and City Living. Movie Buff explicitly requires Movie Hangout Stuff.

CC Depicted
Andrew's Pose Player was used to create the banner.

The Technophobe trait uses the following XMLs to establish proper trait conflicts in CAS:

All other traits do not have any conflicts.

Additional Credits
Zerbu for creating the Mod Constructor V4
Andrew and The Sims 4 Studio team for making Sims 4 Studio
NateTheL0ser for helping me with creating custom social interactions
Akirachu for helping me playtest and identify bugs
Alphabetsmells/LeRoiDeTout for helping massively with the script portion of this mod
and the greater The Sims 4 creator community for being supportive and helpful throughout the whole modding process
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