The Lake House ~ Split-Level Home with Swimmable Lake

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*snicker* Did I really put that up there? "Minimal CC"? LOL! No, literally, I am rolling on the floor... What was I thinking!??
I'm sorry. I don't know where my head was at when I edited these pictures. There is definitely more than minimal CC involved here. One might even say a whole bucketload was used... ah, well... it's all packaged and linked neatly for you below. If you don't want some of it - like all those CS Rocks, and you load the lot without them, your game will not explode. It won't look as nice, but it is still usable. Your sim can still go for a swim in the lake. Capisce? Without any further ado...

Do you know the old quarry outside Pleasantview? You don't Well, in my game, it's located outside of town before you get up into the hills. I built a home there and turned what was left of the quarry into a lake of sorts (which explains it's rather square shape - in my mind, at least)

This is a huge house (4 large bedrooms and 5 bathrooms) on a huge lot. If you have a large family who really likes outdoor living, this may be the perfect place for them.
Please scroll through all the pictures to see everything this extensive property has to offer.

This is a clean copy of this house/lot; no sim has ever lived here. The package has been cleaned with Mootilda's Clean Installer. Invisible smoke alarms are over the kitchen stove, fireplace, and patio grill. The telephones are centrally located on the walls, one by the bar the kitchen, the other is downstairs in the hall by the garage. The burglar alarm is by the piano in the entry area.

There is one silly little thing that I must point out... swimming in a lake is not as easy a process as it sounds. I can't sufficiently explain the games mechanics, but I do know a few work-a-rounds that get the job done - safely, and without having your sim swimming everywhere else on the lot. So... the silly little "thing" - the dock is on the same 'level' as the attic/roof. As you page-down level by level of the house, you'll notice the dock disappears when you take the roof off. This shouldn't really be a problem though because if the sim you are playing is about to go swimming, then you'll be with them down by the lake - right? You won't be answering the front door or cooking in the kitchen. If you are going swimming, then put the roof up as you head out to the dock. Easy-peasy mac-n-cheesy. Right? I hope so...

Necessary CC, that is NOT included Go, and get it: (it is all free, just follow the links to "shop")
IMPORTANT stuff (don't load the lot without it!)
Unlevel Wall - #90 by Numenor @ MTS2 (this is a "Must!" for split-level houses!) - follow directions and install properly!
CS - Energy Efficient Modular Stairs made recolorable by Huge Lunatic @ Sims2Artists - follow directions and install properly!
(The rest of this is 'window dressing' - your game won't explode, but the lot won't look as nice without it. It was used in the lot and not included in the .package file)
All of the CastawayStories (CS) Rocks - there are 13 of them and they have been repositoried. Get them in MeetMe2theRiver's Great Extracted Castaway Stuff Collection
From GoS/Maxis Pre-Order Incentives Archive I used the FT/UpscaleComputer - GlowStation 90XD, and TS/Mt King Snowboard sculpture
Oaktowne Classic Door REC Espresso by iCad on MTS2
MatteGlass Door AND Wachowt Slider REC Espresso by iCad on MTS2
SuperSuckerVent REC Bamboodk by Michelle on MTS2
TheColdinator AND FireEmUp By Kitchensations REC Bamboodk by Michelle on MTS2
Invisible Driveway by Sophie-David @ MTS2

Also included - in an extra DL file - is a brown recolor of the OFB windows by me. It is used in this house, but did not package with the house. Since it is not uploaded anywhere else, I included it here as an extra file.

Custom Content, included:
- Maxis Chic Modular Stairs - made recolorable by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2 - no script file needed as these override the original stairs.
- Maxis Wooden Stairs - made REC by Numenor @ MTS2 - no script file needed as these override the original stairs.
- Wooden Stairs Open Under by Reyn @ MTS2 - these do need a script file so follow the link and make sure you install them properly!
- Chic stairs recol in Espresso by iCad @ MTS2
- Chic fence recol in Espresso by iCad @ MTS2
- VIP Deluxe Extendable Arch by tBudgett @ MTS2
- Transparent Floor Tile/Now You See Me by Frillen @ MTS2
- Tiny ceiling light by Senesi2003 @ MTS2
- Kitchen counter dummy by Honeywell @ MTS2
- Matte & Glass Single Door by HL @ MTS2
- RetainingWall_Mesh/corner, TopMesh/corner, and 2 recolors - Chic Fence, and Wall of FP in Silver by tbudgett @ MTS2
- Invisiblesmokealarm by pfish @ MTS2
- Backless Cheap Shower and Tub/combo Shower by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2
- Intl Mid window by Huge Lunatic (HL) @ MTS2
- Shiftable OMSP 1 & invis rec by SilentLucidity @ MTS2
- Contempo FirePlace by Raggedyanne @ sims2artists
- Contempo FirePlace REC by ME (lol!) @ sims2artists

Standard mods I use that are not necessary nor included - but were probably used whilst building/photo-ing/prepping this house for upload...
I use Moi's Roof Shader for brighter roofs
Maranatah's White Wall Top texture replacement
Moo's Turn On/Off Lights
Menaceman's Lunatech Lighting Fix
BeosBoxBoy's no-red-pause-mod
Nopke's Go Under Spiral Stairs mod for proper spiral stair usage
And, of course, everyone needs Numenor's CEP and SEP!
I also use FRAPs to take in-game pictures, and PhotoShop to clean/collage said pictures.
And, I highly recommend using gummilutt's Invisible Medicine Cabinet to add features to any mirror - as per her policy, it's not used or included in this lot.

Lot Size: 6x6
Lot Price (furnished): $180,820

Additional Credits:
Thank you EAxis for this wonderful game
And, MTS2 for this terrific website!
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