Moi's Pferognil

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Lot Name: Pferognil


A: Brief Info

_v2: fixes made...
1. the corner washroom above the incoming stairs made smaller so that sims wouldn't get their heads hit! (when they're that tall.) plus a new small statue place!
2. stair reorganisation in the tower to increase accessment efficiency and usable space (wanted too fix it so badly...)
3. Due to more space, tower workshop room and tower living room were renewed and reorganised.
4. even more phones! except the master bedroom floor

v3: (be uploaded a day...)
-no more custom content is in these versions, except floor tiles or wallpapers I've made.
-reduced amount of plants, lights, columns, objects, etc to save the game resources.

Thanks for rhondalatte giving me a link to
(infos about building a playable house, held by en7en)

B. Copyright Issues:
B1. Feel free to decorate/re-decorate it... (Feel free to remodify and if share, you can only claim credits for what you've done on it.
B2. This lot is banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial usage.)
B3. No permission is necessary for redistribution of this lot with proper instruction like this page unless stated.

C. System specifications (when the lot was made):
C1. made without any EP (So, EP what and/or what not required)
C2. Running somehow slower than smooth @ build mode in a system (OS = MS-winxp-sp2; P4 3.0GHz; 1Gb DDR RAM; video card = 8x 128Mb) If any problem, welcome to report your system settings for providing info to other readers.

D. Lot Specifications:
D1. Lot Size: 3 x 5
D2. Lot type: Residence

E. Building Specifications:
E1. Major Theme: neo-modern tower house.
E2. Major Colourational Style: Mostly white as a neutral colour; interconnected tower-jungle-style
E3. Major Structural Characteristics: a flat-like apartment + a tower + an irregular shaped apartment; a hill-village-typed invaginated part ...
Special Outline:
4a. 1 master bedroom and 1 guest bedroom
4b. 1 huge bathroom and 1 small guest showerroom and 2 small washrooms
4c. 1 kitchen near a dining room
4d. an entertainment living room and a study room
4e. a basement workshop and an another workshop room
4f. a valley garden and a corner garden
4g. a swim-pool and excercise areas
4h. a BBQ balcony, lovetub, an open concert area, chess area...
E4. Building Motivation: aesthetic usage >>= efficiently functional usage; (plenty of phone, plenty of pathways, 4 toilets)

F. File Decompression & Install Tips:
F1. double click on the sims2pack to open it. To install it with Clean Installer is recommended coz you can choose what to install to avoid unwanted or redundant contents installed into your game system.
F2. Installation of a lot without ensuring the presence of the corresponding terrain paints can be destructive to the lot files.
F3. [No restart of the game] is needed to [install a lot in sims2pack file] and [access the installed lot @ "house bin"]. The trick is by any means to have your neighbourhood screen reload. Say, entering a lot and go back to the neighbourhood screen, or switching to another neighbourhood. After a neighbourhood screen has reloaded, the installed lot will appear in the house bin without the game restart. This is true only when Clean Installer is used.

G. Play-tips:
G1. Whenever geting a new house, you can scan and choose for things in the package with Clean Installer before installation
G2. You can ALWAYS check the playability of the lots to your system @ lot-building mode in the neighbourhood screen before playing them.
G3. Should you need, you can play-test it with the cheat "BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled (True/false)".
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