Moi's Mahala

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Lot Name: Mahala


A. Brief Intro:

Mahala is a modern building with several abstract designs, kinda techno looking with some oddities...

1. There's only the furnished version released.
2. EP02NL users have to get their driveway and/or garage doors by themselves although the space is reserved. (I've no NL yet.) But, you can use that area as another room.
3. :Slap: sorry V.C., I forgot to paste the links...:P. I'll learn to organise my multiple-doings better...

B. Copyright Issues:
B1. Feel free to decorate/re-decorate it... (Feel free to remodify and if share, you can only claim credits for what you've done on it.
B2. This lot is banned to be for any direct or indirect commercial usage.)
B3. No permission is necessary for redistribution of this lot with proper instruction like this page unless stated.

C. System specifications (when the lot was made):
C1. hack-free (except RGiles' transparent tiles, and Numenor's transparent windows)
C2. some customised contents (check with the Clean Installer; for authors, credits, and links for infos & downloads, please read part H.)
C3. made without any EP (So, EP what and/or what not required)
C4. Running smooth @ build mode & @ play mode in a system (OS = MS-winxp-sp2; P4 3.0GHz; 1Gb DDR RAM; video card = 8x 128Mb) If any problem, welcome to report your system settings for providing info to other readers.

D. Lot Specifications:
D1. Lot Size: 2 x 2
D2. Lot type: Residence
D3. Price: 110-140k? Sorry, I've forgot to write down before I played it :duck:

E. Building Specifications:
E1. Major Theme: modern abstract.
E2. Major Colourational Style: reddish, yellowish and/or whitish for the exterior; varied coloured internally.
E3. Major Structural Characteristics: edge-shaped curved windows, wall-arts, night scenes, Targa's open-wide lifts/elevators, etc...
E4. Building Motivation: aesthetic usage = efficiently functional usage

F. File Decompression & Install Tips:
F0. Whether the furnished or the unfurnished version, only 7-zip (.7z) has been used unless specified.
F1. unzip the zip downloaded file with zip-supported compressor or above or else by right-clicking and "extract...(whichever way)"
F2. you'll find a file with an extension ".7z" or called 7-zip. just decompress/extract it as if it's "rar" or "zip" when WinRAR >=3.41, 7-zip-manager >=3, IZArc >=3.5, power archiver >=9, ZipGenius >=6 or else... by right-clicking and "extract...(whichever way)"
F3. double click on the sims2pack to open it. To install it with Clean Installer is recommended coz you can choose what to install to avoid unwanted or redundant contents installed into your game system.
F4. Installation of a lot without ensuring the presence of the corresponding terrain paints can be destructive to the lot files.
F5. [No restart of the game] is needed to [install a lot in sims2pack file] and [access the installed lot @ "house bin"]. The trick is by any means to have your neighbourhood screen reload. Say, entering a lot and go back to the neighbourhood screen, or switching to another neighbourhood. After a neighbourhood screen has reloaded, the installed lot will appear in the house bin without the game restart. This is true when the Clean Installer is used.
F6. Floor tiles, wallpapers, terrain paints have to be installed earlier than or at the same time as the lot is installed for them to show up in a lot.

G. Play-tips:
G1. Whenever geting a new house, you can scan and choose for things in the package with Clean Installer before installation
G2. You can ALWAYS check the playability of the lots to your system @ lot-building mode in the neighbourhood screen before playing them.
G3. Should you need, you can play-test it with the cheat "BoolProp TestingCheatsEnabled (True/false)".

H. Credits, links and authors:


Ailias (NOT included)
Montego Modern lightpanel set (additions)
NightClub Wall light Set

jgwhiteus (the used included)
Spotlights - All Versions

klarsicht42 (NOT included)
KS InWallLight-System
KS Simple Round Lamp

Maxis (NOT included)
Cupid Commandos
u know where 2 get them...

Maxis' "Lost & Found" #2: The Stainless Barbecue (NOT included)
EP Ready - Maxis "Lost & Found" #4: The Matte Sphere (WES_H "Man Trapped into a Sphere" and Numenor(MTS2)_SphereMatte_GrayAndGlass)
"WallWindow" glass set V.2 (the whole set at the time) (NOT included)

Targa (NOT included)
Ascension V2 - more colors (and recolorable)
"Ascension" - Elevator Stairs (1 tile)

The Mod Squad (NOT included)
Welcome To The Weirdo Zone
("magical" plant, Cat-in-the-hat Tree, Bizaro dining chair)

Xanathons (NOT included)
Starlamp (tm)

000-floors (the used included to avoid Maxis destructive replacement)


Testers Wanted: Transparent Floor Tile Set

000-wallpapers (the used included)

The Paris Opera House (Opera A12)
The Vanguard (Bow R3)

As for those floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints with "Moi_" prefix, they were made/"sim"-ulated by this lot author. Thus, they're provided with the lot "as if" any other free things. Credits are not to be claimed on but these floor tiles, wallpapers, and terrain paints are regarded as the world public's things. So, feel free to use them however and redistribute them wherever with no permission needed, except that file renaming or any direct and/or indirect commercial usage is prohibited. (included)
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