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Dungeons & Dragons Alignments as Traits

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This trait pack comes with the 9 basic Alignments from D&D 5th Edition.
Chaotic Evil
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Neutral
Neutral Good
Neutral Evil
True Neutral
Lawful Good
Lawful Evil
Lawful Neutral

You get various buffs dependent on your alignment and performing some interactions that correspond with that alignment.
Chaotic Evil
1.) Death on Contact
Being Chaotic Evil has it's perks! Like never feeling bad about Death... and killing others at will......
-greeting interaction: Kill for XP
2.) Haha!!
Chaotic evil sims are better at mischievous interactions! +3 to all mischief skills!
-Chaotic Evil sims build mischief skills 3x's faster
3.)When choosing between two evils....
I always pick the one I never tried before.
-buff achieved through doing some mischievous or evil actions
-emotional weight 1
-mood happy

Chaotic Good
1.)My Way....
is the right way!!
-buff achieved through doing generally good and some mischievous actions
-emotional weight 1
-mood confident

Chaotic Neutral
1.)Maybe, Maybe Not...
Depends how much I got paid to do it!
-buff achieved through some michieveous actioins and actions that benefit the sim's best interests.
-emotional weight 1
-mood playful

Lawful Evil
1.)Things are better....
With me ruling!!
-buff achieved though evil interactions or political interactions
-emotional 1
-mood confident

Lawful Good
1.)Uphold the Law...
for protection of the innocent!!
-buff achieved through good or political interactions
-emotional weight 1
-mood confident

Lawful neutral
1.)To keep order....
As long as it benefits me in some way.
-buff achieved through doing political interactions or interactions that benefit the sim's best interest
-emotional weight 1
-mood fine

Neutral Evil
1.)I am the most important thing in creation.
Do what you want, but never get caught. Conscience is for angels. Evil for evil's sake.
Vice is my own reward. The sinner enjoys their life. Evil is just a word.
Others envy my freedom and life without conscience.

-buff achieved through doing evil interactions
-emotional weight 1
-mood confident

Neutral Good
1.)When the system works, use it.
When it doesn't... that's what I am there for.
-buff achieved through doing good interactions
-emotional weight 1
-mood happy

True Neutral
1.)I am not altogether on anybody's side,
because nobody is altogether on my side...
-buff achieved through doing neutral interactions that benefit the sim's best interests
-emotional weight 1
-mood fine

all buffs last 240 sim minutes

The 9 traits are located in the Emotional category.

Unfortunately Pick and Choose is not an option as these traits do interact with one another.
Ex. Lawful sims will not like Chaotic sims.
Evil sims will not get along with Good sims.
True neutrals however do not care about the alignment of the sims surrounding them.

This appears as an angry buff with an emotional weight of 2 called Nemesis. This buff should be present when a sim knows a nearby sim is of
an opposing alignment.

Have fun and get questing
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