Hallmark Modular Two Story Home: 4B/3B/Garage, 2-Click Foundation, Minimal CC

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Hallmark Modular Home Design
4 bedrooms - 3 bathrooms - garage
- front and side porches -

2-Click Foundation (with NO Basement)
Minimal CC - one is necessary for the 2-click Foundation; the others are an Add-On/Completer door/window set and recolorable/open-underneath stairs.
This is a pet-ready (for puppies specifically) home. I built it for a large, middle-income, family in Riverblossom Hills. I hope you have a family who will like living here too. Enjoy!

This lot has a 2-Click Foundation (but NO Basement) made with Mootilda's Grid Adjuster. The only way for Large Dogs to access the shortened foundation is with HL's Simple Passage Modular Stairs - which are invisible - their locations are labeled in the 10_Foundation picture above.

Please scroll through all the above pictures to see everything this house has to offer. This house is lightly furnished, and very sparsely decorated. All appliances, plumbing and lighting are included. The stove and grill have smoke alarms. The front door is burglar alarmed. There are telephones on each level.

This is a clean copy of this house/lot; no sim has ever lived here. The package has been cleaned with Mootilda's Clean Installer.

There is parking for two vehicles; one on the driveway, and one in the garage.
NOTE: The 'front' of the lot, according to the game, is the garage side of the house. This lot was built to be placed on a corner/intersection in your neighborhood - so the front door is aligned with the cornered street.

This is a pet-ready build. Pet items are included, specifically for dogs

Possibly used but NOT included - so, you may need to GO get it:
--- I use the Lifestyle Build Bundle wallpapers/floors ALL the time. (If you followed that link, it's the second link in the top post - extracted from Lifestyle Stories by Argon @ MATY) This 'bundle' lives back in my Bins folder so it doesn't have the CC star. If you ever enter one of my builds and find it has blank/unpapered walls/floors, it is because I used ones from this bundle and forgot to mention it. So, either substitute the wall/floor of your choice, or go get this bundle and re-install the lot (from your lot bin.)

Custom Content Included:
- Simple Passage Modular Stair by HugeLunatic (HL) @ Sims2Artists - these do need a script file so follow the link and make sure you install them properly!
- ArtNouveau Stairs - made RECOLORABLE by HugeLunatic (HL) @ MTS2 - no script file needed as these override the original stairs.
- ArtNouveau Stairs - Open Underneath by HugeLunatic (HL) @ MTS2 - these do need a script file so follow the link and make sure you install them properly!
- ArtNouveau Stairs - REC: AshPewter by GiveTheNineARide @ MTS2
- NouveauFence: AshPewter by GiveTheNineARide @ MTS2
- Colonial Doublehung Shuttered Tall (MM) by Leesester/LeeFish @ LeeFish
- Lafenetre Add On Completer Set by tBudgett @ MTS2

Lot Size: 4X2
Lot Price (furnished): $114,196

Standard mods I use that are not necessary nor included - but were probably used whilst building/photo-ing/prepping this house for upload...
I use Niol/Moi's Roof Shader for brighter roofs
And, HW/Honeywell's A Little Greyer: Roof Trim Defaults
Then, if it's a Bespoke Roof recolor - it will be THESE adjusted versions by The Llama Park/Tumblr that you see used in the pictures.
(However, what you get in the packaged file, will either be the plain EA roof or the straight, un-modified Bespoke roof from the set here on MTS2.)
Maranatah's White Wall Top texture replacement
Moo's Turn On/Off Lights
Menaceman's Lunatech Lighting Fix
BeosBoxBoy's no-red-pause-mod
Nopke's Go Under Spiral Stairs mod for proper spiral stair usage
And, of course, everyone needs Numenor's CEP and SEP!
I also use FRAPs to take in-game pictures, and PhotoShop to clean/collage said pictures.
And, I highly recommend using gummilutt's Invisible Medicine Cabinet to add features to any mirror - as per her policy, it's not used or included in this lot.

Additional Credits:
Thank you EAxis for this wonderful game
And, MTS2 for this terrific website!
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