"Cottage Life" Textile Set - set recolors Curtains and Tablecloths
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I present a set of recolour curtains and tablecloths for a country house.The set includes two curtains left and right. There are floor-length curtains and other curtains up to kitchen table. The set also includes two types of tablecloths - for a 1x1 table and for a 2x1 table. Repaints include fabrics with berries, chickens, sprinklers, flowers - great for cottage life!
- long and short curtains use the same mesh.
- right and left curtains meshes are included in folders [MESHES], because there is no other way to get it (This site is dead - SimPlan-X).
- mesh for tablecloth for one cage included in folders [MESHES], because there is no other way to, link dead, (I do not appropriate someone else's work. I provide a link to the creator's site - http://www.simcontrol.es/2009/11/02-11-2009-varios.html. I did not change the grid, as the creator requires. I wrote a letter to the creator that the link does not work)
- mesh for a tablecloth for two cells, you need to download in this set - https://modthesims.info/d/318626
- The file for easy collection - [AdeLana]Cottage Life_Textile Set COLL.package
in catalog -
1 Object name: Part of the ambrosia dining collection, Price: 335$
Buy > Decorative > Curtains
[Polygon - 1499]
2 Object name: mantel mesa redonda, Price: 16$
Buy > Decorative > Miscellaneous
[Polygon - 2048]
3 Object name: dining naira mantel, Price: 16$
Buy > Decorative > Miscellaneous
[Polygon - 92]
Textures and images Credits:
1 Berries - site fabricgateway.com (photo)
2 Chickens - site fabricgateway.com (photo)
3 Sprinkler - fabricgateway.com (photo)
4 Flower purple - site shtori.ru (photo fuchsia)
5 Flower blue - site
junior3d.ru (photo)
6 Checkered - site depositphotos.com (photo)
7 Camomile - site depositphotos.com (photo)7 Camomile - site depositphotos.com (photo)
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- spx-ambrosia-curtainsright-mesh by by Xiomara
- pili-mantel-MESH by Pilar
- spx-ambrosia-curtainsleft-mesh by by Xiomara
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_long_rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_long_rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsLeft_spx-ambrosia_short _rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]CurtainsRight_spx-ambrosia_short _rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x2_pili-mantel_rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec1 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec2 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec3 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec4 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec5 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec6 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Tablecloth1x1_pili-mantel_rec7 by AdeLanaSP
- [AdeLana]Cottage Life_Textile Set COLL by AdeLanaSP
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- pili-diningNaira-mantel-MESH by nazariopilar
[AdeLana]Cottage Life_Textile Set.zip
Uploaded: 29th Jul 2021, 5.98 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Dining Naira by nazariopilar |
simplan-x.com (non-MTS link) |
simcontrol.es/2009/11/02-11-2009-varios.html (non-MTS link) |
simplan-x.com (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 29th Jul 2021 at 10:38 PM
#cottagecore, #cottedg, #curtains, #tablecloth
by Sylla 22nd Jun 2006 at 2:01pm
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by feeEssen 9th Jul 2006 at 2:05am
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by stguy 18th Aug 2006 at 9:18am
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by SPOILEDROTTEN165 31st Mar 2007 at 12:02am
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A variety of coordinated place settings and tablecloths
by Hinoemasim updated 3rd May 2008 at 4:47pm
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About Me
About Sims, lots, meshes, rekolors, walls and floors
You can use them as you like. But:
- Do not give as your own works
- Do not use for downloads and presentation of your work on paid sites
- If possible indicate author
Friends, I am from Russia. English is not my native language. Advance I am sorry for the delays and errors in replies.