Various EP/SP (+1 Base Game) Clothes Recategorized
CASRecatMain.jpg - width=2320 height=2070
afBottomBriefs.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP7ScarfFlower.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP6TankV.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP6SuitExecPants.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10BlouseTee.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10CropJacket.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10LocalTropicsTop.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10Lifeguard.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10RacerBackTank.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10DressStriped.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10LocalTropicsSkirt.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP10SkirtCoins.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP11LingerieShorts.jpg - width=1360 height=768
EP11UniformPants.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP1HETechDress1.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP1HETechShirtSkirt.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP1HETechJacketUpCollar.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP1HETechSuitSkirt.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP3PatioDressDay.jpg - width=1360 height=768
SP3PatioFrill.jpg - width=1360 height=768
This includes clothes from Base Game (only 1 item), Showtime, Supernatural, Island Paradise, Into The Future, High End Loft Stuff and Outdoor Living Stuff.
The images show which items have been recategorized, their names, and the new categories they have. They are still available in their original categories.
In the downloads there are 2 zip files: CASRecat and CASRecat_Merged.
- CASRecat Includes individual package files for each item with previews so you can pick and choose.
- CASRecat_Merged includes merged package files for each EP/SP or for all of the items shown in the pictures.
afBottomBriefs and ScarfFlower are only included in the "ALL" package. If you want to use the EP/SP packages instead you will need to take these 2 items from the individual packages zip file.
For the sake of convenience you can just use the "ALL" package. Even if you don't have all the DLCs mentioned it doesn't matter, the mod will still work for the ones you do have.

This mod edits the following CASP resources and will conflict with any mod that does the same; so basically any mod that changes the categories/age/gender of these exact items. Texture/mesh/morph edits should not conflict.
- CASP afBottomEP6SuitExec 0x861A96E609B7C6BC
- CASP afTopEP6TankV 0xB58D3A26A48E6D0A
- CASP afBodyEP7ScarfFlower 0x93E4C386D32BA904
- CASP afTopEP10BlouseTee 0xD0A433D1655026F3
- CASP afTopEP10CropJacket 0x7E1432AA6D627BA5
- CASP afBodyEP10DressStriped 0x9BAC2A5B496CF092
- CASP efBodyEP10DressStriped 0x7413C1645C1B392E
- CASP tfBodyEP10DressStriped 0x1E9D92152CCFCCE1
- CASP efTopEP10Lifeguard 0xD6F3E3331791D81A
- CASP amTopEP10Lifeguard 0xF4685DD7162F66B9
- CASP emTopEP10Lifeguard 0x2A903A8DC207EB2D
- CASP afTopEP10Lifeguard 0xFD2649688C742676
- CASP tfBottomEP10LocalTropics 0x4180A4AA2096982F
- CASP afBottomEP10LocalTropics 0x4CEAE27475C90338
- CASP afTopEP10LocalTropics 0xB8287C3F67636690
- CASP tfTopEP10LocalTropics 0x5B7293FC235E3975
- CASP afTopEP10RacerBackTank 0x6471AF9CEE6881E9
- CASP tfTopEP10RacerBackTank 0xE3B32CDADD71E82E
- CASP afBottomEP10SkirtCoins 0x9D279388CB4AF834
- CASP afBottomEP11Lingerie 0x14C23EE38E0B787B
- CASP afBottomEP11Uniform 0xBAF1D4D065C19628
- CASP tmBottomEP11Uniform 0x7EC51B65DC9E5E68
- CASP amBottomEP11Uniform 0x4B16ADC60E65293D
- CASP tfBottomEP11Uniform 0xAE46641B7303CE7D
- CASP afBodyHETechDress1 0x8ECBB3DAB425229B
- CASP afTopHETechJacketUpCollar 0xCF572C2F6DB0479A
- CASP afBodyHETechShirtSkirt 0xF1425DBC276F4984
- CASP afTopHETechSuitSkirt 0x2DB7AF586416269C
- CASP afBodyPatioDressDay 0x054246360DBC47FA
- CASP afTopPatioFrill 0x3431D949FACD0CC5
NRaas Packer
celtysims for their Gradient Wallpapers
| Individual packages for each item. Comes with previews.
Uploaded: 29th Sep 2021, 290.2 KB.
| Merged packages for each EP/SP or for all of them.
Uploaded: 29th Sep 2021, 105.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 30th Sep 2021 at 1:55 AM
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