Pokemod By Leljas: Play as Espeon, Umbreon and/or Sylveon from Pokemon!
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Espeon Shiny
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Umbreon Shiny
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Sylveon Shiny
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Espeon Shiny
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Sylveon Shiny
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Umbreon Shiny
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ESPERSON.png - width=475 height=968
Espeon Shiny
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USPERSON.png - width=475 height=968
Umbreon Shiny
SNPERSON.png - width=475 height=968
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Sylveon Shiny
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It may have been a while, but I haven't forgotten about the rest of the Eeveelutions! Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon are now completed!
You can find Eevee, Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon in their own mod that was published a while back, and as for Leafeon and Glaceon, they are bundled with my original Lucario mod.
For this mod, you'll need Savestate's furry mod version 2 (link to it here: http://www.savestatecomic.com/dlc/ )
If this is your first time downloading one of my mods, please also download the Pokemod Savestate Addons file. (you only need to get this file once)
Here's a detailed guide on how to make them:
(This mod doesn't include any tray files. You will have to make the pokemon yourself)
(The Pokemon are fully compatible for any gender)
(Make sure not to make very overweight or very thin Sims, as they might make some of the Pokemon's parts look off)
1 - Select the modded gray skin tone that comes with the furry mod. (Located under the miscellaneous skin tones)
2 - Click on the eyes and select the furry mod preset.
3 - While still on the eye selection, pick whichever custom eye color fits the character you are making.
4 - Move to the face details section and select the furry head or any of its variants.
5 - Still on the face details, change to either the plantigrade or the digitigrade legs.
6 - Again, still on the face details, find and select the parts you need to make the Pokemon you want. If you are making a shiny form, you can find it in the different color options.
7 - Finally, move to the body tattoos section and pick the one for the character you are making. If you are making a shiny form, you can find it in the different colors under the same tattoo.
I made a few gifs to show all the steps in order to make each pokemon:
Done! Now your Sim should look similar to the Pokemon of your choosing!
Here are a few comparison photos in between my mod and Pokemon Ultra Sun:
Known Issues:
(Most of these are from the furry mod and not my fault but still here's a full list)
If you don't use the modded skin tone that is included in the furry mod, the skin will become brighter than it should be.
If the digitigrade paws are selected, some bottom clothing may have double legs. This is a glitch with the furry mod and should be completely avoidable, make sure to pick shorter bottom clothing and not long pants.
If you use the digitigrade or plantigrade paws on your sim, then you will not be able to use any type of shoes
The furry mod has a lot of limitations when it comes to face details, you can't edit most of the face, except for the snout.
In a few animations, some of the meshes might go out of place/clip. This doesn't happen too frequently but it's still a problem.
If any other glitch appears, feel free to report it on the comments. I'll make sure to try my best at fixing it!
I hope you all enjoy!
Custom Content by Me:
- Face details that adds the parts of an Espeon
- Custom Eye color that resembles the eyes of an Espeon
- A Upper Chest Tattoo that adds the skin of an Espeon
- Face details that adds the parts of a Umbreon
- Custom Eye color that resembles the eyes of a Umbreon
- A Upper Chest Tattoo that adds the skin of a Umbreon
- Face details that adds the parts of a Sylveon
- Custom Eye color that resembles the eyes of a Sylveon
- A Upper Chest Tattoo that adds the skin of a Sylveon
Custom Content Included:Â
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Canine snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Canine snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Feline snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Feline snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Saber Tooth snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
- Face Detail that modifies the sims's face to be a Saber Tooth snout (I modified a few textures to fit my Pokemods) by Tim Weeks from Savestate ComicÂ
Additional Credits:
I used TwistedMexi’s T.O.O.L. mod for some of the pictures. It's an awesome mod.
Big thanks to the people who follow my mods, for your kind words and patience. This mod has been on hold for around 4 months due to computer problems, but that has since been sorted out.
Credits to the original creator of the furry mod Tim Weeks From Savestate Comics
Link to the website & download page of his mod: http://www.savestatecomic.com/dlc/
I also used a mod to change the wrench icon when displaying custom content in CAS. Link here: https://rheallsim.tumblr.com/post/6...placement-mod-i
Big Thanks to Sims4Studios for the modding tools, Ohana3ds for allowing me to export the 3D models from the Pokemon games...
And of course, the Pokemon franchise for the characters.
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Sims 4 Furry Mod by Tim Weeks from Savestate Comic
Pokemod Savestate Addons.7z
| Contains the Shaved Canine, Feline and Saber Tooth heads that goes with my mods. (You only need to download this once)
Uploaded: 13th Mar 2022, 2.55 MB.
Eevee Gen2 and Gen6 Evolutions by Leljas.7z
| Contains Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon.
Uploaded: 13th Mar 2022, 933.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Place in Tray Folder: Cut and paste all files into your Tray folder:
Special Installation Instructions
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray\
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
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Updated: 7th Aug 2023 at 10:20 PM
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About Me
Thanks for visiting my profile :)
Occasionally I do some custom colors for the pokemods and other tiny things that I never bother to post here, you can find those on my Ko-fi, always for the price of absolutely nothing, except maybe a little bit of your time ;)