This will be my 1000th upload here at MTS so I thought I would make it something special to celebrate. All The Sims 4 Tiny Living Stuff Pack converted to the Sims 2, plus 19 add-on pieces. All original colours are included in the meshes. Due to the extremely LONG list of technobabble I have hidden it under the spoiler.
UPDATED September 15. 2023:
Thank you Bulbizarre for letting me know there was a problem with the Power Tower Bookcase thumbnail. Apologies for any inconvenience it may have caused. I managed to transpose a number, I put 01 instead of 10 in the shape (SHPE). It made no difference to the bookcase, just the thumbnail. A fixed Bookcase has now been uploaded in a separate
zip file.
UPDATED March 5, 2023:
Thanks to Nostural for letting me know there was a problem with the dirty state of the bath, I have added the fixed bathtub in a separate
zip file. I am sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused.
UPDATE November 1, 2022:
I have fixed the 'Now you see it Sofa' and added the fixed sofa file in a separate
zip file. Many thanks to Underneathitall for pointing out there was a problem with the sofa. It turned out to be incorrect GUIDs, I do apologise to everyone for my stupid mistake.
NotQuiteOrbitalSittingBarstool .
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Miscellaneous. Price: §100.
Cloned From: The Sumptuous Brasserie Barstool. *Nightlife required*
Poly Count: 330
Subsets: 2 - Chair & Seat - slaved to the Not Quite Orbital Sitting Dining Chair.
Guid: 0x99EB7397
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Dining Chair. Price: §200.
Cloned From: "Contorto" Dining Chair
Poly Count: 338
Subsets: 2 - Chair & Seat
Guid: 0x99EB7396
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Dining Chair. Price: §100.
Cloned From: Oaktowne Dining Chair.
Poly Count: 620
Subsets: 2 - Cushion & Surface.
Guid: 0x99EB740D
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Living Chairs. Price: §200.
Cloned From: Armchair by Club Design.
Poly Count: 797
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Surface.
Guid: 0x99EB7407
Lovely Loveseat
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofas & Loveseats. Price: §400.
Cloned From: Loveseat by Club Design.
Poly Count: 1146
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Surface.
Guids: 0x99EB7408, 0x99EB7409, 0x99EB740A
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofas & Loveseats. Price: §2,100.
Cloned From: Luxuriare Loveseat.
Poly Count: 1108
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Wood
Guids: 0x99EB7435, 0x99EB7436, 0x99EB7437
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofa and Loveseats. Price: §550.
Cloned From: Sofa by Club distress.
Poly Count: 814
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Wood
Guids: 0x99EB743C, 0x99EB743D, 0x99EB743E, 0x99EB743F
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Sofa and Loveseats. Price: §400.
Cloned From: Loveseat by Club distress.
Poly Count: 588
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Wood - slaved to the Now You See It Sofa.
Guids: 0x99EB7438, 0x99EB7439, 0x99EB743A
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Living Chairs. Price: §325.
Cloned From: Armchair by Club distress.
Poly Count: 364
Subsets: 2 - Cushions & Wood - slaved to the Now You See It Sofa.
Guid: 0x99EB743B
Found: Buy Mode > Comfort > Beds. Price: §2,100.
Cloned From: Cheap EazzzzzeMorrisey Double Bed.
Poly Count: 2124
Subsets: 2 - Bedding & Frame
Guids: 0x99EB73C9, 0x99EB73CA, 0x99EB73CB, 0x99EB73CC, 0x99EB73CD, 0x99EB73CE, 0x99EB73CF
Found: Buy Mode > Confort > Beds. Price: §650.
Cloned From: Cheap EazzzzzeMorrisey Double Bed.
Poly Count: 1805
Subsets: 2 - Bedding & Frame.
Guids: 0x99EB73A0, 0x99EB73A1, 0x99EB73A2, 0x99EB73A3, 0x99EB73A4, 0x99EB73A5, 0x99EB73A6
Found: Buy Mode > Confort > Beds. Price: §500.
Cloned From: Craftmeister's Pine Bed.
Poly Count: 1249
Subsets: 2 - Bedding & Frame - slaved to the Space-Saving Double Bed.
Guids: 0x99EB73A7, 0x99EB73A8, 0x99EB73A9 0x99EB73AA
Found: Buy Mode > Plumbing > Baths & Showers. Price: §700.
Cloned From: Krampft Industries "Hubba Tubba" Economy Bathtub.
Poly Count: 1520
Subsets: 1
Guids: 0x99EB742C, 0x99EB742D, 0x99EB742E
Found: Buy Mode > Plumbing > Toilets. Price: §400.
Cloned From: Sewage Brothers Resteze Toilet.
Poly Count: 783
Subsets: 2 - Seat and Porcelain.
Guid: 0x99EB7415
Found: Buy Mode > Plumbing > Sinks. Price: §150.
Cloned From: "Garden Fresh" Pedestal Sink.
Poly Count: 908
Subsets: 2 - Sink and Surface
Guid: 0x99EB7416
Found: Buy Mode > Electronics > Computers & TV's. Price: §2260.
Cloned From: Trottco 27" MultiVid IV Television.
Poly Count: 607
Subsets: 2 - Electronics & Surface.
Guid: 0x99EB7423
Found: Buy Mode > Electronics > Computers & TV's. Price: §2260.
Cloned From: Soma "Wall-Eye" Large Flat-Panel Television.
Poly Count: 602
Subsets: 2 - Electronics & Surface.
Guids: 0x99EB7420, 0x99EB7421, 0x99EB7422
Found: Buy Mode > Electronics > Computers & TV's. Price: §2890.
Cloned From: Soma 44" PancakeTek Television.
Poly Count: 721
Subsets: 2 - Electronics & Surface.
Guids: 0x99EB7426, 0x99EB7427, 0x99EB7428
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Sculptures. Price: §80.
Cloned From: 'Bowl of Plastic Fruit'.
Poly Count: 299
Subsets: 2 Books & Bookends.
Guid: 0x99EB740E
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Sculptures. Price: §50.
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 397
Subsets: 1
Guid: 0x99EB73B5
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Sculptures. Price: §100.
Cloned From: 'Bowl of Plastic Fruit'.
Poly Count: 302
Subsets: 3 - Glass (not recolourable), Tray & Materials.
Guid: 0x99EB73B0
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Sculptures. Price: §150.
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 426
Subsets: 2 - Shelf & Materials.
Guid: 0x99EB73B1
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Sculptures. Price: §100
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 406
Subsets: 2 - Shelf & Materials.
Guid: 0x99EB73B2
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Mirrors. Price: §150.
Cloned From: Club Distress Wall Mirror.
Poly Count: 394
Subsets: 1
Guid: 0x99EB7417
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Rugs. Price: §300.
Cloned From: Sung-Gyu Sunburst Oriental Rug.
Poly Count: 2
Subsets: 1
Guids: 0x99EB7419, 0x99EB741A, 0x99EB741B, 0x99EB741C, 0x99EB741D, 0x99EB741E, 0x99EB741F
SimpleAndCleanArt - MASTER
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Wallhangings. Price: §200.
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 66
Subsets: 2 - Frame & Artwork.
Guid: 0x99EB7412
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Wallhangings. Price: §150.
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 66
Subsets: 2 - Frame & Artwork - slaved to the TS4-TS2 Simple And Clean Art.
Guid: 0x99EB7413
Found: Buy Mode > Decorative > Wallhangings. Price: §100.
Cloned From: Handle and Spout.
Poly Count: 66
Subsets: 2 - Frame & Artwork - slaved to the TS4-TS2 Simple And Clean Art.
Guid: 0x99EB7414
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Ceiling Lamps. Price: §150.
Cloned From: "4 by 4" Designer Chandelier.
Poly Count: 620
Subsets: 2 - Metal & Shade.
Guid: 0x99EB7429
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Ceiling Lamps. Price: §150.
Cloned From: "4 by 4" Designer Chandelier.
Poly Count: 620
Subsets: 2 - Metal & Shade.
Guid: 0x99EB742A
DonTrippLightFixture-D-Longer - 2 Storey.
Cloned From: "4 by 4" Designer Chandelier.
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Ceiling Lamps. Price: §150.
Poly Count: 620
Subsets: 2 - Metal & Shade.
Guid: 0x99EB742B
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Floor Lamps. Price: §200.
Cloned From: Burnished Blaze Torchiere
Poly Count: 698
Subsets: 2 Shade & Wood
Guids: 0x99EB7418
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Table Lamps. Price: §80.
Cloned From: "Whodunnit?" Table Lamp.
Poly Count: 1154
Subsets: 2 - Shade & Wood - slaved to the TS4-TS2 All Included Floor Lamp.
Guid: 0x99EB7432
Found: Buy Mode > Lighting > Table Lamps. Price: §100.
Cloned From: Pix-Arm Drafting Lamp.
Poly Count: 676
Subsets: 1
Guid: 0x99EB7425
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Dining Tables. Price: §285.
Cloned From: "Visivue" Dining Table - *Nightlife required.*
Poly Count: 308
Subsets: 2 - Glass & Legs
Guids: 0x99EB7398, 0x99EB7399
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Coffeetables. Price: §150.
Cloned From: Club Distresss Square Coffee Table.
Poly Count: 394
Subsets: 1
Guid: 0x99EB73B3, 0x99EB73B4
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Coffeetables. Price: §200.
Cloned From: Club Distresss Square Coffee Table.
Poly Count: 358
Subsets: 1
Guids: 0x99EB740B, 0x99EB740C
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Endtables. Price: §150.
Cloned From: Crazy 8 Table.
Poly Count: 328
Subsets: 2 - Wood & Books.
Guid: 0x99EB7395
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Endtables. Price: §65.
Cloned From: Crazy 8 Table.
Poly Count: 166
Subsets: 2 - Legs & Surface.
Guid: 0x99EB7424
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Endtables. Price: §500.
Cloned From: Country Comfort Corner Table.
Poly Count: 348
Subsets: 1
Guid: 0x99EB73AB
Found: Buy Mode > Surfaces > Desks. Price: §300.
Cloned From: Retratech "Office Pal" Economy Desk.
Poly Count: 174
Subsets: 2 Legs & Surface.
Guids: 0x99EB7410, 0x99EB7411
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Dressers. Price: §500.
Cloned From: MALM Chest of 6 Drawers - * Ikea required.*
Poly Count: 502
Subsets: 1
Guids: 0x99EB73AC, 0x99EB73AD, 0x99EB73AE
StubbyCubbyBaby Changing Table : Slaved to the Stubby Cubby Bedside Table.
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Children. Price: §350.
Cloned From: Sanitation Station Baby Changing Table.
Subsets: 2 Table and Wood both slaved to the Stubby Cubby Bedside Table.
Poly Count: 909
GUIDs: 0x99EB7440 & 0x99EB7441.
StubbyCubbyBabyCrib : Wood slaved to the Stubby Cubby Potty Chair.
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Children. Price: §175.
Cloned From: Kinder Kontainer.
Subsets: 2 Bedding and Wood - Slaved to the Stubby Cubby Potty Chair.
Poly Count: 1442
GUIDs: 0x99EB7443, 0x99EB7444 & 0x99EB7445, 0x99EB7778
StubbyCubbyPottyChair :
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Children. Price: §80.
Cloned From: Tinkle Trainer 600 Potty Chair.
Subsets: 2 both recolourable.
Poly Count: 610
GUID: 0x99EB7447.
StubbyCubbyToyBox :
Found: Buy Mode > Miscellaneous > Children. Price: §55.
Cloned From: Rip Co Toy Bin.
Subsets: 1 recolourable.
Poly Count: 1049
GUID: 0x99EB7448.
Found: Buy Mode > Hobbies > Knowledge. Price: §300.
Cloned From: BiblioFile Bookcase.
Poly Count: 376
Subsets: 3 - Glass (not recolourable), Bookcase & Bits.
Guid: 0x99EB73AF
Build Mode:
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek : MASTER MESH
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek-Diagonal : Slaved
Found: Build Mode > Doors & Windows > Doors. Price: §50.
Cloned From: ValueWood Lumber's "Justa Door".
Subsets: 2 Glass & Surfaces - Both Recolourable.
Poly Count: 474 & 474
GUIDs: 0x99EB776F, 0x99EB7770, 0x99EB7771 & 0x99EB7772, 0x99EB7773.
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek-Arch : Slaved
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek-Arch-Diagonal : Slaved
Found: Build Mode > Doors & Windows > Doors. Price: §50.
Cloned From: ValueWood Lumber's "Justa Arch".
Subsets: 1 Surfaces - slaved.
Poly Count: 96 & 96
GUIDs: 0x99EB7774, 0x99EB7775, 0x99EB7776 & 0x99EB7777, 0x99EB7778.
JustALittlePeek-Window : Slaved
JustALittlePeek-Window-Diagonal : Slaved
Found: Build Mode > Doors & Windows > Doors. Price: §50.
Cloned From: "Function of Plate Glass" Window.
Subsets: 2 Glass & Surfaces - both slaved.
Poly Count: 156 & 156
GUIDs: 0x99EB7779, 0x99EB777A, 0x99EB777B & 0x99EB777C, 0x99EB777D.
These are not all base game compatible, EP's are required for some things - the dining table (Night Life), dresser (Ikea) and shelves (Apartment Life).
Files have been compressed and checked in game. Colour charts are included in the
zip files.
Additional Credits: SimPE -
CEP - GIMP - Milkshape - UV Mapper - Homecrafter Plus - Gadwin PrintScreen - The Compressorizer - Maxis/EA Games and MTS.
Many thanks to
TheNinthWave for extracting all the Sims 4 meshes and textures for me.
Poly Counts:
AllIncludedTableLamp - 1154
It'sNotAMurphyBed - 2124
It'sNotAMurphyLoveseat - 1108
JustALittlePeek-Arch - 96
JustALittlePeek-Arch-Diagonal - 96
JustALittlePeek-Window - 156
JustALittlePeek-Window-Diagonal - 156
NotQuiteOrbitalSittingDiningChair - 338
NowYouSeeItArmchair - 364
NowYouSeeItLoveseat - 588
NowYouSeeItSofa - 814
Space-SavingDoubleBed - 1805
StubbyCubbyBabyChangingTable - 909
StubbyCubbyBabyCrib - 1442
StubbyCubbyPottyChair - 610
StubbyCubbyToyBox - 1049
TheSinkzBathtub - 1520
SimpleAndCleanArt-Smallest - 66
SimpleAndCleanArt-Small - 66
TS4-TS2-AllIncludedFloorLamp - 698
TS4-TS2-AllOnTheFloor - 607
TS4-TS2-AllOnTheWall - 602
TS4-TS2-BotanicalBookends - 299
TS4-TS2-CompactLavatory - 783
TS4-TS2-ContemporaryCarpet - 2
TS4-TS2-DonTrippLightFixture-D-Longer - 620
TS4-TS2-DonTrippLightFixture - 620
TS4-TS2-DonTrippLightFixture-S-Longer - 620
TS4-TS2-GrooowingUpVerticalMiniGarden -
TS4-TS2-ItShouldBeThereOpenShelf - 397
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek - 474
TS4-TS2-JustALittlePeek-Diagonal - 474
TS4-TS2-LovelyArmchair - 797
TS4-TS2-LovelyDiningchair - 620
TS4-TS2-LovelyLoveseat - 1146
TS4-TS2-MediaMarathoner - 721
TS4-TS2-MiracleMirror - 394
TS4-TS2-ModernPouf - 394
TS4-TS2-MyKindaZen-NotJustADecoTray - 302
TS4-TS2-NoItemsLeftBehindTieredShelf - 406
TS4-TS2-NotATablesEnd - 328
TS4-TS2-NotQuiteOrbitalSittingBarstool - 330
TS4-TS2-OrbitalHighDiningTable - 308
TS4-TS2-PowerTowerBookcase - 376
TS4-TS2-PowerTowerDresser - 502
TS4-TS2-S1MO-ModernDeskLamp - 676
TS4-TS2-SimpleAndCleanArt - 66
TS4-TS2-SirCumferenceCoffeeTable - 358
TS4-TS2-Space-SavingSingleBed - 1249
TS4-TS2-StubbyCubbyBedsideTable - 348
TS4-TS2-TheSinkzBathroomVanity - 908
TS4-TS2-TinyConsoleForTinyLiving - 166
TS4-TS2-TinyDeskForTinyLiving - 174