Daman-Lucilla Vest Denim Recolor
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LBB VestDenim Swatch.jpg - width=1297 height=737
There are two versions: One with The Sims 2 hobbies and one with bareback without a design.
I made around four body types, Maxis Teen and adult by Lucilla as well as Lean Body Builder AM and TM Version by Daman. Meshes are included in the file and they are all standalone.
Credits to:
lucilla-sims, daman19942, julietoon-ts2, Adobe Photoshop, Flaming Text.
Enjoy Guys, if you encounter miss match or problems please let me know :D
Filename | Type | Size |
Alder_Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim.rar | rar | |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Black.package | package | 181365 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BlackSport.package | package | 185564 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Blue.package | package | 209641 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BlueMusic.package | package | 212294 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Brown.package | package | 184501 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BrownTinkering.package | package | 186484 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Green.package | package | 224307 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_GreenNature.package | package | 226002 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_MESH.package | package | 250002 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Orange.package | package | 202971 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_OrangeGames.package | package | 203975 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Pink.package | package | 210895 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_PinkLiterature.package | package | 214399 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Purple.package | package | 190984 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_PurpleLiterature.package | package | 193523 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Red.package | package | 192152 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_RedCulinary.package | package | 195993 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_White.package | package | 213677 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_WhiteFitness.package | package | 216315 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Yellow.package | package | 212577 |
Daman19942_TLBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_YellowArtNCraft.package | package | 216184 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Alder_Daman19942_LBB_4t2_WP06VestDenim.rar | rar | |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Black.package | package | 181373 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BlackSport.package | package | 185572 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Blue.package | package | 209649 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BlueSport.package | package | 212302 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Brown.package | package | 184509 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_BrownTinkering.package | package | 186492 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Green.package | package | 224315 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_GreenNature.package | package | 226010 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_MESH.package | package | 249324 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Orange.package | package | 202979 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_OrangeGames.package | package | 203983 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Pink.package | package | 210903 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_PinkLiterature.package | package | 214407 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Purple.package | package | 190992 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_PurpleScience.package | package | 193531 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Red.package | package | 192160 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_RedCulinary.package | package | 196001 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_White.package | package | 213685 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_WhiteFitness.package | package | 216323 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_Yellow.package | package | 212585 |
Daman19942_LBB_4t2_EP06VestDenim_YellowArtNCraft.package | package | 216198 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Alder_Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM.rar | rar | |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Black.package | package | 181365 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-BlackSport.package | package | 185564 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Blue.package | package | 209641 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-BlueMusic.package | package | 212294 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Brown.package | package | 184501 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-BrownTinkering.package | package | 186484 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Green.package | package | 224307 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-GreenNature.package | package | 226002 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-MESH.package | package | 164922 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Orange.package | package | 202971 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-OrangeGames.package | package | 203975 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Pink.package | package | 210895 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-PinkLiterature.package | package | 214399 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Purple.package | package | 190984 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-PurpleScience.package | package | 193523 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Red.package | package | 192152 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-RedCulinary.package | package | 195993 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-White.package | package | 213677 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-WhiteFitness.package | package | 216315 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-Yellow.package | package | 212577 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-TM-YellowArtNCraft.package | package | 216190 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Alder_Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM.rar | rar | |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Black.package | package | 181373 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-BlackSport.package | package | 185572 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Blue.package | package | 209649 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-BlueMusic.package | package | 212302 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Brown.package | package | 184509 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-BrownTinkering.package | package | 186492 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Green.package | package | 224315 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-GrenNature.package | package | 226010 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-MESH.package | package | 166915 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Orange.package | package | 202979 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-OrangeGames.package | package | 203983 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Pink.package | package | 210903 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-PinkLiterature.package | package | 214407 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Purple.package | package | 190992 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-PurpleScience.package | package | 193531 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Red.package | package | 192160 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-RedCulinary.package | package | 196001 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-White.package | package | 213685 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-WhiteFitness.package | package | 216323 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-Yellow.package | package | 212585 |
Lucilla-Sims-4t2-EP06VestDenim-AM-YellowArtNCraft.package | package | 216199 |
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2024, 3.46 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2024, 3.46 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2024, 3.45 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Sep 2024, 3.45 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
TLBB and LBB Vest Denim by Daman |
Lucilla Vest Denim by Lucilla |
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+3 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
About Me
I am new to this community and please excuse my bad English hahaha, I am here to share my work mostly on creating, recreating, and renovating residential and community lots (Tumblr), as well as recoloring custom content items that look interesting to recolor or less recolor work.
Hopefully, you guys enjoy my work :D