Prison Clothes for Women
prisonclothes-women.jpg - width=850 height=780
prisonclothes-women-back.jpg - width=850 height=780
Please Note: Screenshots were taken in direct sunlight. They won't look nearly as blinding in a dank dark jail.

More prison stuff available here.
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2005, 140.6 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2005, 136.2 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2005, 255.7 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Jun 2005, 246.7 KB.
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Updated: 5th Jun 2010 at 10:04 PM - typo
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Bright Orange & Yellow Prison Clothes
by fanseelamb 16th Jun 2005 at 3:13am
Bright Orange & Yellow Prison Clothes for the Old Folks
by fanseelamb 30th Oct 2005 at 7:55am
12 37.3k 35
by fanseelamb 2nd Jul 2006 at 7:28am
27 220.1k 86
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Elba II Maximum Security Prison
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+6 packs
Open for Business
Bon Voyage
Bright Orange & Yellow Prison Clothes for the Old Folks
by fanseelamb 30th Oct 2005 at 7:55am
As requested, here are the elder versions of my Bright Orange & Yellow Prison clothes for men and women. more...
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Puffy vests for cool cowboys. Literally. more...
Stylin' Toddler Outfit (Updated Hat 10/13/08)
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There's no reason tiny men can't dress well too! more...
Heart Patterned Bikini Top with Yellow Boyshorts
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Here's a sweet little swimsuit for young ladies. more...
4 Casual Vests over Black Sweaters
by fanseelamb 19th Apr 2006 at 12:34am
A few cute little vests for your College Boys & Young-at-Heart Men. more...
Supercute Boots & "Untucked" Jeans - An Adele Mesh Recolour [UPDATE: Fixed Mesh]
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Here are some clunky boots & hawt lil' jeans for your untucked guys. more...
Warm Wool Peacoats for your Stylin' Studs
by fanseelamb 24th Apr 2007 at 12:29am
Here are some warm wool peacoats for your stylin' studs. :D These coats require tiggerypum's peacoat mesh . more...
Fourteen Fansee Business Outfits
by fanseelamb 14th Jun 2006 at 9:21am
A lovely pinstriped shirt with comfy tee underneath, pants, belt, and even shoes! more...
Maxis Medical Scrubs as..... Medical Scrubs!
by fanseelamb 14th Feb 2009 at 10:15am
Maxis put these fetching medical scrubs in the basegame, then hid them and dressed our medical career sims in big more...
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