Benimaru Nikaido (Long Haired) + Shingo Yabuki (w/o bandana)

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Wow, I was actually shocked how many people liked the KUSANAGI costumes, so immediately I worked on these -

Let me first say that everything -

-The clothing for both characters
-The skin for Shingo
-And umm....the photshopping?

Was by me once again. The screencap does, however, feature ThunderBreak's Shin Kyo, holding a nice conversation with his best friend there, so check Shin Kyo out -


The electric narcisstic pretty-boy of Japan team is here! King of Fighter character since the original, Benimaru Nikaido's fighting style consists of a weird capoeira-like form of shooting (like muay thai).

The first thing you'll notice is his hair. Yeah, it's hard looking for a mesh to make Beni's trademark hairstyle, so I did his alternate version you can find in KOF 2000 (His alternate striker) and the image you can unlock in 2003 if you play the original Japan Team (I.E. Kyo, Beni and Daimon) until I find the proper mesh, you'll have to make do with the girlie Beni...but most you SNK fangirls wouldn't object to that anyways...


Shingo Yabuki is a young go getter with one goal in life - to be like his hero Kyo Kusanagi! Ever since Kyo won the tournament of '96, Shingo wanted to be just like him, and as luck would have it they go to the same school! Course, Kyo's a lazy punk who has too much to do on his hands so he'd rather not teach him the ways of the Kusanagi; but as a consolation gift, Kyo did give him the same gloves he used to fight in the 1997 tournament! Awww....Kyo IS a nice guy...

Now, the first thing you'll notice with Shingo is that......his headband is missing. Yes, once more, it's hard to find a 'headband' mesh that goes completely around the head and not just the front, thus making Shingo's hair look a tad funkish. Until I can get my hands on a proper mesh or something, Shingo is gonna be without his trademark

So yeah - both of Kyo's pals, but both are only 98% complete (Face it, it's not them without their stuff. Well, for Beni it's techincally him but...) so if I can get some help, I'd appreciate it!

My next KOF related project will be to complete Hero Team with the unshakable but gentle hearted Goro Daimon :kami: (Wish me luck!) and an original Athena sim. It makes sense considering she changes her costume in each game! Plus gives me a chance to practice my talent as a character designer.

So yeah, once more thank you for the kind words from my fellow SNK nerds and please do enjoy! Special thanks for thunderbreak for bringing out the SNK fanboy in me!

All designs based off of the 2001 art.

~Luminous_Manic aka Makks aka That Puffy Guy!
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