Autonomous Bed Beta Testers Needed v0.63 (updated 10/05/05)

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First a great big thank you to Quaxi for SimPE without which none of this would be possible. I want to thank Kathy for the great Mesh she made for this mod, and Jase and Inge Jones for all the help and advice. I also want to thank all the great folks over at for all the help Alpha testing this and for providing so many great ideas. And of course to all of you here for all the testing and ideas. It is a community like this that makes modding fun and worthwhile.


Please note that this is a VERY complex object. It has a great many options. Please, Please read the included readme file to understand how they all work. If you think you have found a bug, please be sure you can duplicate it and the conditions that cause it. Please provide as many details as you can so I can both duplicate it and find and fix the bug.

[Edited 10/05/05]
Changes for Version 0.63
Be sure to remove any previous versions of this mod before installing this new version.

1. Fixed "Sticky" animations when one sims quits relaxing. Now the sim that did not leave goes back to relaxing. Note if you cancel the relax interaction with one sim, both sims will get out of the bed.

2. Energy/Comfort gain and advertisement levels now match what is advertised in the catalog. They are now the same as the Majestically Medieval Double Bed.

3. Made the catalog text shorter.

4. Added support for Nightlife by adding in the date scoring. Note that this code checks for NL and only calls the date code if NL is installed. This version is still usable by those with Uni but NOT NL.

5. Toggle to allow for Visitors (on/off). If set to off Visitors will not autonomously use the bed. They can still be "invited" by a sim that lives there.

6. Raised the price of the bed to 3,000 Simoleans.

7. Modified the Advertising Option to add two new values and tweaked the existing settings.
Max = 0 (Your sims will not want to do anything else)
High = 1 (One of the most fun things you have have)
Moderate = 2 (As much fun as Playing Pool)
Low = 3 (As much fun as Playing darts, or a good video game)
Very Low = 4 (As much fun as a Cheap TV)
Off = 5 (No fun at all)

8. Sims now get (or stay) naked after Woohoo even if the Cinematic plays.

Most of the work here was testing for bugs and working on the advertising. Note that the way the advertising works is VERY dependent on what else you have on the lot. If you have a lot of very fun objects on your lot the advertising will have to be set pretty high to compete, but if you have only low fun objects then you will have to set the advertising to one of the low ranges to keep the sims from using the bed all the time. The new range of settings should help everyone control the bed usage.

I also added a small mini-tutorial at the end of the read-me for those wishing to change the default option settings using SimPe.

Version 0.62 had over 4000 downloads. Wow! Nice to know so many people like this little mod.
[End Edit 10/05/05]

[Edited 8/15/05]
Changes for Version 0.62

Be sure to remove any previous versions of this mod before installing this new version.
The changes in this version are nearly all by request and are new features not bug fixes. I have only one known bug and that is the frozen animation bug that occurs sometimes when a one sims leaves the bed. This bug is ONLY cosmetic and does NOT affect game play. The Sim is not locked up or anything. Their animation just did not reset back to the normal relax animation. I am digging further into this and should have a fix soon. Since this bug is only cosmetic I did not see a need to hold up this version with all of these nice new features.

1. Tweaked the advertising values. You guys will have to tell me if they are better now.
I mostly adjusted the range at which the beds draw sims in. I did adjust the Medium values down a bit and the Low values up a bit.

2. Added a new Advertising setting of OFF. This means the sims will not use it nearly as often.

3. Add a option menu items to select clothing changes when the sim relaxes...
Personality (chooses from Nude, Underwear, Pajamas, or No change, based on Outgoing and playfulness)
No change (Does not change clothing)

This should add some excitement to the bed, not that it needed much.

4. Turning the Woohoo Movie on/off

5. Added in Inge's Reservable bed code for relax and sleep. Each side of the bed can be assigned. This should also really help control the bed use for those that want the bed to be exclusive to just two sims.
If only one side is reserved then the other side can be used by anyone. If the owning sim gets in the wrong side (the open side NOT reserved to them) then no one can join autonomously.
This does NOT prevent you from manually selecting a sim and having them join.

6. Made available for community lots under Misc/comfort (the three circles and then chair). For all of those that wanted to have some bordellos or whatever.

7. The menu options are now available immediately. This means you can pause the game and make all the settings you wish. Note that if the bed being modified is occupied the sims in the bed may "jump" out depending on the options changed and what they were doing.

These were all good ideas and I thank you for them. It was some hard work to get all this added in, but the result is worth the effort.

By the way, the bed now has 49 additional menu items not counting the original menu items or any added by other mods. You can see the problems with doing a non-EP version until this is all done. To do the Non-EP version I will have to redo all 49 menu items. Not something I want to do with every new version.

[End Edit 8/15/05]

[Edited 8/9/05]
[Changes for 0.61]
1. Fixed the debug dialog. (Problem was the debug pointed to the old dialog code.)
2. Fixed the Gender checking on auto relax when the advertising was set to Med, and Low. The checks worked when advertising was set to High, but failed when the advertising was set to Med or Low. This is now fixed. (Problem was an incomplete software revision, my bad)
3. Added in checks to prevent a sim from relaxing in a bed when another sim is sleeping in it. This should prevent the issues with forced interaction bugs.
4. Added in a check to prevent a sim from trying to force interactions on a sleeping sim. (In case you force them to relax with a sleeping sim.
5. Added code to prevent teens from relaxing in the bed if “Allow teens” is set to off.
6. Revised the code checks for relax to allow you to ALWAYS make them relax manually, regardless of Motives, Gender, Age, etc.

[One bug still not fixed, but it is a tough one]
I am still looking into the “Locked embrace” problem when a sim leaves the bed to go to work or school. So far I have not found a good way to detect this happening from inside the code. But I will.

Over the next few days I will also be tweaking the advertisment values to make it a little less attractive on Medium and a bit more on low. I will also be adjusting the attenuation (range) of the advertisments on medium and low settings. I will post a new version when I have this tweaking completed. This should help with the "rush the bed" problems.

[End edit]

Well here it is at last.

This object is still in Beta and so will have bugs and incomplete features. It has been tested by a great group of Alpha testers and should have had all the major bugs fixed. But until I have a LOT of testers trying this out I cannot be sure I have them all.

This is an EP1 ONLY version, you will need the University expansion to use this modified object.
(The compatibility issue is menu related not code related, but you will not be able to set the options without the EP)

What this mod does…..
This bed allows for Autonomous Interactions.
This is a new object with very modified behaviors. Sims will get into this bed on their own to relax. Once there are two sims in the bed they will begin the normal interactions kiss, makeout, woohoo, and try for baby on their own. This is controlled by a LOT of options that determine just what they will do and with whom.
Please read this file carefully so you understand just how to set up your bed(s) to suit your needs.

Each bed has it’s own options that are saved when the game is saved. You can have multipule beds on a lot, each with it’s own settings.

Please, please read the attached readme file. This bed has a LOT of options, please do not post questions until you have read the file. If the readme is not clear please let me know, but please read it first.

Many thanks to CTNutmegger for the beautiful waterbed that she made just for this project. Thanks to her this bed is beautiful as well as fun.

Many thanks to Jase for all his help and support, and all the folks over at for all the help getting this mod tested and ready for this and for all the great ideas on how to improve it.

This bed uses all the Maxis and recolored sheets.

Do not repost this object or any portion on any other site.

[Edit - Added some of the read me text so people will have a better idea just what this bed can do]

Options Menu
Autonomy On or Off… (Defaults On)
This lets you choose if you want the Sims to “do their own thing” or not.
Turning Autonomy off also prevents Sims from relaxing in the bed on their own. This allows for a quick way to “turn off” the bed.
With Autonomy OFF you can use the bed pretty much as a normal bed, but in swinger bed mode all interactions will be available regardless of relationship scores.

Select Relationship checks…. Maxis, Swinger bed or Global mods… (Default Maxis)

Teen interactions allowed: Yes or No… (Default Yes)
Allow teens to autonomously perform interactions or not. Currently does NOT prevent teens from relaxing in the bed, just what they will try to do, or what can be tried with them.

Try for Baby Yes or No… (Default No)
Just what it says, will the sims try for a baby on their own or not.

Family checks On or Off…. (Default On.)
This came up during testing, it controls wither family members can have interactions or not. This does not affect normal married relations but the “other” kinds. I was going to force this to off, but figured I might as well give the users the option. With the checks on family members will not autonomously perform interactions other than chat. (This needs tested hard!!!) Note in Maxis mode the Maxis code should prevent this anyway.

Advertising (Comfort, fun and social, Maximum, Medium, and Low)
These values may need a little tweaking yet, but this will allow you to set just how much the sims want to use the bed.

High – The bed is the most fun and interesting object in the world. Your Sims just want to “play” in it all the time. Watch their Motives or they just may play until they starve to death.

Medium – The bed is one of the most fun objects around. Your Sims will want to play with it a lot.

Low – The bed is still fun, but is about equal to other fun objects, like the Tv, video games, etc.

Risky Woohoo (On/Off)
Setting this on will give your sims a 10% chance of getting pregnant anytime they Woohoo. Normal pregancy rules apply.

No-Shoo (On/Off) (Default On)
This incorporates my No-Shoo mod on a toggle. Turning No-Shoo On prevents sims from shooing other sims from the room when the sims in the bed want to woohoo.

Relationship test and rejection code options.
Autonomous interactions using the Maxis default relationship tests:
This means that the sims will try to things like kiss, make out, woohoo and try for baby on their own, but based on their relationship to the other sim. Just like in manual mode it is based on their relationship to the other sim, not the others sim relationship to them. So you can still be rejected. This works just like the normal game but without any action on your part.
Note: If you have a global mod like my swinger bed, teen woohoo, InTeen, etc. it will effect the behaviors, and reactions.

Autonomous interactions using my “Swinger Bed” code:
The sims will try things like kiss, make out, woohoo and try for baby on their own. The reaction code has been modified to remove most chances of rejection. I still have a few areas to work out here. You can still get rejected if the other sim is in a bad mood from low needs.

Autonomous interactions using the global modified code. This could be my “Swinger Bed” code, or some other mod out there, that is a GLOBAL mod. This is there for future compatibility more than anything.

Gender menu
Because players have very specific ideas about their sims sexual preference I have spent a great deal of time and effort to make sure everyone can have what they want.

Gender Checking (Yes/No)
If no your sims will have interactions with any gender.

Character Preference. (Yes/No)
If Yes, then uses both the Sims gender preferences to determine if they do more than talk. So if both Sims have a preference for each other’s gender then they will interact, otherwise they will just talk. If their preference is less than the threshold then they will interact. (Right now the threshold is a rather low 10, but as soon as I get the dialog fixed you will be able to adjust that.)

If no then the code will use the following settings. (You can choose more than one.)
This will let you control just what genders will have interactions with each other. If you set them all to Yes, then it will be like turning Gender checking off, but you can select what ever you want. So you could allow Male/Male, and Female/Female and not allow Male/Female for example. Or only allow Male/Female interactions to have your Sims lead a “straight” life.

Male/Female allowed (Yes/No)
Allows opposite genders to interact.

Male/Male allowed (Yes/No)
Allows two Males to interact.

Female/Female allowed (Yes/No)
Allows two Females to interact.

Set preference threshold (High, Medium, and Low)
High – Preference must be greater or equal to +100
Medium – Preference must be greater or equal to +50
Low – Preference must be greater or equal to +10

1.. Each bed has it’s own options, these options are saved with the game for EACH bed. This means you can have multiple beds in a household, each with it’s own set of rules. So you could set up Maxis rules for the bed in the master bedroom, and Swinger bed rules for the bed in the “Play room”, etc.

2.. Children CANNOT use this bed. They cannot sleep or relax on it. But they can jump on it.

3.. Right now this is restricted to Uni EP ONLY! This is a menu issue NOT a code issue. Uni added options for menus to be three levels deep and I used them to keep the menu clutter down. I will release a Non-EP version (with sadly very cluttered menus) once the project is ready for release.

4. This bed also provides for a Manual Swingers Bed. By setting Autonomous to off and the relationship checks to “Swinger Bed” you should have the often-requested non-global swinger bed.

5. If you are using the Maxis defaults and the relationship is not high enough the two sims will just talk. If the relationship builds they will start doing whatever is allowed by the changed relationship. If a rejection occurs they will exit the bed like normal.

[End Edit]

Enjoy everyone


PS. I also uploaded a little object that lets you adjust you Sims gender preference, you might find it handy for use with the gender preference option on the bed. You can find it here.
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