Liberal/Left-Wing outfits!
SouthPawVoter.jpg - width=386 height=634
StopTheStupidPeople.jpg - width=377 height=626
PigsFly.jpg - width=391 height=636
NotFightBack.jpg - width=386 height=649
VotedDemocrat.jpg - width=377 height=642
First shirt says: Southpaw Voter
Second shirt says: STOP the stupid people! When the Right are wrong, those Left are Right!
Third shirt says: I'll vote Republican when... (pigs fly)
Fourth shirt says: Hey, wait! I thought you wouldn't fight back!
Fifth shirt says: I vote Democrat because I can't afford to vote Republican.
Uploaded: 9th Aug 2005, 2.57 MB.
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Updated: 10th Aug 2005 at 12:08 AM - Added description of the different shirts
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