Apocalypse and Friends

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(NOTE: Please download the meshes at the links below before trying to install these sims.)

When I think of the greatest villians ever to face the X-Men, I think of five mutants.


These mutants have single handedly created the most destruction and devastation to the world of Mutants.

For your simming pleasure, here's four of those five (I just can't make Magneto without his trademark cape, sorry).

Apocalypse, aka En Sabah Nur, is the first supermutant known to mankind. He has absolute control over his body down to the molecular level. He is able to shift if form in size and shape. He has the ability teleport. He can fire plasma bursts capable of leveling entire cities. Other uncharted abilities I'm sure exist.

Mystique, aka Raven Darkholme, is a mutant with the ability to shape shift. She can become anyone, down to their fingerprints. She has also shown the abilities to shift her internal organs within her body to other locales in order to survive wounds inflicted by various weapons. Foster mother to Rogue, she has unleashed unholy terror on the world of humans. She was even capable of abandoning her own son, who later grew up to be Nightcrawler. Presumably worse, she assassinated her son, Graydon Creed, sired by Sabertooth, who was bent on the destruction of Mutants. Mystique can not be trusted.

Sabertooth, aka Victor Creed, is a mutant with the abilities of heightened senses, regenerative healing factor, superhuman strength, as well as an adamatium laced skeleton, claws, and teeth. He has been a thorn in Wolverine's side for longer than Wolverine can remember, literally. Sabertooth was also a by-product of the Weapon X Program that created Wolverine. As a member of the Marauders, he decimated the population of the Morlocks in the Morlock Massacre. He also nearly killed Psylocke after Prof. Charles Xavier attempted to reform him. He is a loathesome mutant who will not go away.

Mr. Sinister, aka Nathaniel Essex, is a mutant with near-complete control of his body down to the cellular level, shapeshifting, regeneration, incredible resistance to injury, telepathy, and telekinesis. He is also immortal. He is a scientific genius in several fields, most notably, genetics. He has unleashed the Marauders on mutantkind. He created and/or enhanced the savages of the Savage Land. He also has a particular fondness for the Grey-Summers bloodline. He created a clone of Jean Grey known as Madelyne Pryor. His ability to splice genes and create functioning Frankenstiens make him perhaps the X-Men's greatest threat.

Without the following wonderful people, these characters would not be possible: :grouphug:

Oh, and Maxis, of'course!

Meshes (You MUST have these for the skins to show up in your game!)

Body Meshes:

For Apocalypse, get Marvine & BeosBoxBoy's "Superhero" Muscle Mesh here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=81233 (Necessary file is the Mesh_ju-beos-superhero020805UPD.rar files)

For Mystique, get Particleman's "Wonderbra" Heels Mesh here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=54790

For Sabertooth, get Marvine & BeosBoxBoy's "Bodybuilder" (fixed) Mesh here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=79771 (Necessary files are the Meshes_Nude.rar and ju-beos_underwear.rar)

For Sinister, get Funnyycats "Batista" Body Mesh here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=77440

Hair Meshes:

For Sabertooth, get Cevic's Male Jeanette Hair Mesh here: http://www.modthesims2.com/showthread.php?t=75187

Just in case you need the original Jeanette Biedermann Hair mesh for Cevic's hair, get the Biedermann Mesh in the downloads section, for the Jeanette Sims2Pack, here: http://www.jeanette-meets-diesims2.de/

Everything (Make-up, hair, facial hair, masks, skin tone re-colors, etc) else is by either Maxis, or Me. :D

Thanx everyone, and please enjoy!

~ Synister, um, I mean Syn :evil:

These characters and their costumes are not endorsed by or affiliated with Marvel Comics and/or Marvel Entertainment, or its licensors. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Costumes, Logos, and Characters copyright Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and its licensors. All Rights Reserved.
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