The BBW collection ^_^

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This is just the beginning of the BB collection!

I found it discriminating that the maxis "normal" size is so skinny, and the maxis "fat" are actually a normal female body. I feel like its time to do something about that...

Thanks to one, of many, wonderful Meshes created by faeriegurl,
It's is now possible to make even more realistic sims :D
Go get it here if you haven't already got it:
or visit her page at:

Now to the most exiting thing about this mesh:
any adult female can be a Big or Bigger Beauty!
When your sim is wearing an outfit based on this BB mesh you can still chose betwen big.... and BIGGER!
so, if you got a skinny sim and dress her up in these clothes, she will be big.
but, you can make her even bigger by chosing to make her "fat" instead of skinny.
It's so cool!
I'm really truly thankful for this mesh!

Ok, so here is my idea:
I been surfing the forums regualy since a few days back,
and I found a sim picture thread where you are supposed to post pictures of your BB sim. I found that suprisingly few had posted in this thread, and I was wondering why...
But then it all became clear!
Ther are no big sims in the original game!
So, I figuerd that the only way (atleast what i know of) is to download faeriegurls BB mesh. And to that mesh there are very few recolours.
And who wants to have like five sims running around in the same outfit?
I ceartinly don't.
After this enlightment I decided that if I just started making new recolurs,
people will have more big sims in their games, and then also more pictures of them!

So, to see if there actually are people who are interested in a BB collection I started out small (sorry, my humor is among the worst ^_^ )

Anyway, tell me what you think about it!
Is it a good idea?
Do you like the outfits?
what would you like to see next?

It's a lot of work, but your comments are worth it ^_^

So, please enjoy!

// Avund


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