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-Insane Swimsuits- Women's Swimsuits Default Replacements

by Phaenoh Posted 29th Sep 2007 at 4:52 AM - Updated 10th Sep 2008 at 1:38 AM by Phaenoh
62 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 53 Feedback Posts, 8 Thanks Posts
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#51 Old 7th Oct 2010 at 9:29 AM
I love what you've done with the tankini set. I've always found the patterns atrocious, but with less of the fabric they become quite cute. Will definitely be using these!
Field Researcher
#52 Old 16th Oct 2011 at 10:21 AM
Grabbed the tankinis, thanks. They look so cute in game, now I don't cringe when I see a townie wearing it :D

And thanks for enabling the cute YA bikinis, it's the best swimsuit Maxis ever made and of course they only enable it for YAs
#53 Old 30th Jul 2014 at 5:44 AM
This is still my favorite default replacement set of women's swimwear. :3 Thanks!
Test Subject
#54 Old 8th Aug 2014 at 9:13 AM
A little late, I know, but since I'm just now finding these...THANKS! I hate, hate, totally abhor the Maxis versions. Your rejiggering of them actually makes them look wearable
Mad Poster
#55 Old 19th Feb 2015 at 10:18 AM Last edited by Charity : 19th Feb 2015 at 10:31 AM.
Are these mesh replacements or just texture replacements? I ask because I already have a mesh replacement, but I like these textures. I was also wondering about your other swimsuit and underwear DRs for various ages. Thanks.
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
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#56 Old 21st Feb 2015 at 8:18 PM
These (and most of my others you are asking about) are just texture replacements. If there is a mesh replacement involved, I included the word 'MESH' in the file name. They should work alright with a mesh replacement.
Mad Poster
#57 Old 23rd Feb 2015 at 2:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Phaenoh
These (and most of my others you are asking about) are just texture replacements. If there is a mesh replacement involved, I included the word 'MESH' in the file name. They should work alright with a mesh replacement.

Test Subject
#58 Old 11th Jun 2015 at 5:00 AM
Field Researcher
#59 Old 5th Mar 2016 at 10:42 AM
Thanks, I love the replacement for the double-clasp suits!
Field Researcher
#60 Old 28th Oct 2016 at 4:27 AM
Thank you so much!
Field Researcher
#61 Old 9th Nov 2016 at 12:40 AM
As far as the Suits are concerned, can I just have the Suits replacements as optional recolors as well, I like the new ones as replacements, but I don't want to give up my default Swimsuits! Could you do that for me, please?
Doing all the things, and *mostly* not failing.
retired moderator
Original Poster
#62 Old 9th Nov 2016 at 1:28 AM
You are in luck! That's why I made this tutorial!
Field Researcher
#63 Old 9th Jul 2023 at 10:18 PM
Default I'm a delegater, not a modder!
I'm not interested in learning to do it myself, that's the whole point of delegating! My brain does not work like yours!

Just make Non-Defaults of them all, please?
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