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Luna, Artemis and Diana kittehs from Sailor Moon as pets

by kittyvibe Posted 2nd Feb 2008 at 5:49 AM - Updated 16th Jan 2011 at 9:13 AM by kittyvibe
14 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 11 Feedback Posts, 2 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 10th Feb 2008 at 11:53 AM
Thanks very muchly for the SailorScouts from the planet Mau (though Artemis is the only out-and-out male SailorScout ever shown (SailorUranus is undefinable and the SailorStars are either seriously dedicated cross-dressers---or that morph is changing a lot more than their uniforms!!!
(and no way am I going to say anything about Zoisite's gender or whatever---whichever it is, "they" (she/he/it/whatever) are happily adjusted about it and have found true love (and in the Dark Dimension---that is the genuinely odd thing!)).
Mind you, Artemis's name is the name of the Greek Goddess of the Moon---maybe that was how he snuck in...
('Luna' is the Latin name of the Moon (feminine noun); 'Diana' is the Roman Goddess of the Moon)

Maetel of La Metalle
(email from an abandoned planet)
~~Power corrupts. Absolute Power is---kind of neat.

I remember when 'Saturns' were space-rockets, not cars...
Cult Leader
#3 Old 10th Feb 2008 at 1:56 PM
Sweeeet. Thanks they are great!
Forum Resident
#4 Old 10th Feb 2008 at 2:29 PM
that is so cute

"Anyone who dares oppose me no, the Life Fibers will suffer the same fate." ~Ragyo Kiryuin
Forum Resident
#5 Old 10th Feb 2008 at 3:04 PM
oooh cuteness! they're sooo lovely! thanks kitty!
#6 Old 11th Feb 2008 at 2:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Maetel of La Metalle
Thanks very muchly for the SailorScouts from the planet Mau (though Artemis is the only out-and-out male SailorScout ever shown (SailorUranus is undefinable and the SailorStars are either seriously dedicated cross-dressers---or that morph is changing a lot more than their uniforms!!!
(and no way am I going to say anything about Zoisite's gender or whatever---whichever it is, "they" (she/he/it/whatever) are happily adjusted about it and have found true love (and in the Dark Dimension---that is the genuinely odd thing!)).
Mind you, Artemis's name is the name of the Greek Goddess of the Moon---maybe that was how he snuck in...
('Luna' is the Latin name of the Moon (feminine noun); 'Diana' is the Roman Goddess of the Moon)

Hey Kitty, Nekonyami here. Love your SM cats :3

Just to let everyone know, Luna, Artemis, and Diana are not senshi. Also, Uranus is 100% female as Zoisite is male (he was just dubbed as female.) The Sailor Starlights are also female in their true forms, but they can change themselves into males to disguise themselves. In the manga, they never change forms and are always female.
Test Subject
#7 Old 11th Feb 2008 at 2:56 AM
these are great! thanks for making them! i am (and probably always will be) a huge BSSM fan!
Field Researcher
#8 Old 13th Feb 2008 at 4:47 AM
Thanks so very much! I'm amazed that they even have their crescent moon marks.

Excellent work. :D

<('_'<) <('_')> (>'_')>
Test Subject
#9 Old 22nd Mar 2008 at 5:11 AM
Default So adorable =D
They are like.. SO cute i dont rly like sailor moon but those cats are so cute im realy going to download them!
Nice Work! you rly tried!

*eats cupcake* Q.Q i miss my cupcake
Field Researcher
#10 Old 31st Jul 2008 at 11:47 AM
[QUOTE]moveObjects on cheat to delete the "parents" [QUOTE]
Or you could just give them up for adoption...

98% of teenagers do or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this in your siggy.
(()) Pass this ribbon around if you have or know someone with an illness and together, WE CAN
//\\ CONQUER IT!!!
Test Subject
#11 Old 11th Dec 2008 at 7:23 PM
Yay!"Diana"....My name!)

Life sucks. Get a helmet!
Lab Assistant
#12 Old 10th Apr 2009 at 5:09 PM
I used to love the sailor moon show when i was a kid xD
I kept the obsession for the cats though...I had a white and a black cat I named Artemis and Lunar (he was a guy, had to change it to Luna with an R). Lol. I dont remember a Diana though.

They all look so cute, you did an awesome job ^.^

(I was always confuzzled about Uranus too. Jupiter was the best. Rofl)

Oooh, what's that? *click*
Test Subject
#13 Old 10th Aug 2010 at 5:29 AM
omg! they look awesome im not really into sailor moon but lately for some reason i"ve been watching it on youtube and i would like to download the cats but i cant becasue im not allowed to download rar files cux i cant extract them u so could make them into zip files also please
Test Subject
#14 Old 4th Aug 2012 at 3:00 AM
They are adorable however, diana looked much whiter in the game than in the picture. BUt thank you for making them, I LOVE SAILOR MOON!!!!
Test Subject
#15 Old 8th Oct 2015 at 2:27 AM
Are They Supposed to look dismorped in CAS?