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Fanseefem Plain Untucked Tees for EF

by Dark Rukario Posted 18th Apr 2009 at 8:52 PM
8 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 6 Feedback Posts, 1 Thanks Posts
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Not actually evil.
#2 Old 18th Apr 2009 at 9:29 PM
Thank you for these, I was hoping someone would make granny some untucked tees. Do you plan to make more elder separates? I should send you an invite to Gran and Gramp's Closet, just in case.

I am curious though, why make a new mesh, rather than use this one? Or the one from All About Style? Was it a UV map issue? Did the Maxis mesh UV map fit the HP/fansee textures better? Or did we just make similar stuff around the same time? You're of course free to make and use whatever you want. I'm just asking because if there's something unsuitable about my mesh, I would want to fix it. Or if your mesh is optimized in some way, like a UV map good for horizontal stripes or some such, I would want to know.

Please spay or neuter your pets. --- Cat Music Video! --- my meshes
Test Subject
Original Poster
#3 Old 19th Apr 2009 at 12:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CatOfEvilGenius
I am curious though, why make a new mesh, rather than use this one? Or the one from All About Style? Was it a UV map issue? Did the Maxis mesh UV map fit the HP/fansee textures better? Or did we just make similar stuff around the same time? You're of course free to make and use whatever you want. I'm just asking because if there's something unsuitable about my mesh, I would want to fix it. Or if your mesh is optimized in some way, like a UV map good for horizontal stripes or some such, I would want to know.

I guess I just used that one because I had it on hand at the time, I've only just started even downloading stuff for Elders let alone making them so when I started making these my Elders closests were pretty empty. I actually only downloaded your untuckable sweaters after I made these, but I would have used your mesh had I had it before because most designs look icky on the current mesh, they get all stretched.
#4 Old 19th Apr 2009 at 7:06 AM
these are wonderful, thank you! :D
Mad Poster
#5 Old 19th Apr 2009 at 10:09 AM
Gorgeous ! Thanks for sharing
Test Subject
#6 Old 20th Apr 2009 at 3:42 AM
Love these! Thank you
Lab Assistant
#7 Old 28th Apr 2009 at 11:15 AM
I'm so glad you made these! Usually I'm not a big fan of untuckable solid colours, but for these I'll make an exception!
Test Subject
#8 Old 11th Dec 2009 at 2:33 PM
Thanks for these! Elders just seem to be forgotten when I'm on downloading sprees....
Lab Assistant
#9 Old 13th Apr 2011 at 11:44 PM
good, simple recolors. thanks!!!