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The Rosewood Duplex - *FIXED! PLEASE REDOWNLOAD!*

by Swatme101 Posted 30th Mar 2011 at 3:23 AM - Updated 13th Apr 2011 at 1:10 AM by Swatme101 : Changed File, Changed Thread, Please Redownload!
22 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 12 Feedback Posts, 9 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 5:01 AM
First off superb job, this is an AMAZING duplex.
The layout of the house itself is great, the colors of the house are stunning and
the way the house is furnished is simply beautiful! All in all I think this is one of the best Duplex's I have seen! Keep up the great work! 10/10
Echezzman Nwokeoma
staff: senior moderator THANKS POST
#3 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 9:41 AM
Happy to see this approved. You did an awesome job here.Keep it up
Test Subject
#4 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 3:57 PM
i install this house but does not appear in the house menu??? i got late night 6.2
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 4:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jorgedll
i install this house but does not appear in the house menu??? i got late night 6.2

This is a common problem that I see with my uploaded houses. Make sure that you basegame is upgraded, as well as any other expansions. You can use this tool here:
This will check to see whether or not your game is fully uploaded.

Please comment back and tell me if it worked! I need to figure out this problem, because it's causing people the same problem!
Test Subject
#6 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 5:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Swatme101
This is a common problem that I see with my uploaded houses. Make sure that you basegame is upgraded, as well as any other expansions. You can use this tool here:
This will check to see whether or not your game is fully uploaded.

Please comment back and tell me if it worked! I need to figure out this problem, because it's causing people the same problem!

nope still the same? what can be
mature minion
retired moderator THANKS POST
#7 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 6:10 PM
Nice to see it finished, can't wait to try it in game
Field Researcher
#8 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 6:29 PM
Looking great! Congrats on the upload, I was watching your progress on the CFF.
Forum Resident
#9 Old 30th Mar 2011 at 9:55 PM
Very nice! I like how it turned out!
Lab Assistant
#10 Old 31st Mar 2011 at 12:15 AM
Very nice, thanks!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#11 Old 31st Mar 2011 at 2:55 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jorgedll
nope still the same? what can be

I am not sure at this point. I did some research and it seems that the game is just very patch sensitive. The best I can do / say is tell you to extract the package from the sims3pack and install it manually. That is also hard, so I will leave you with the file. The included custom content will not be included, however. OH. Maybe I can remove the included custom content with CUSTARD and see if that helps. Let me try both. I really am interested in curing this problem!

Alright. I CUSTARD'd the files out, created a new sim3pack, and also multi-installer-extracted the packages and .rar'd it. I will include the packages in the post and upload the new sims3pack to the original post.

For the .packages, just add them to your "/Documents/Electronic Arts/Library" folder. I think.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  Rosewood Duplex PACKAGES.rar (4.26 MB, 22 downloads)
Description: Read the post!
Test Subject
#12 Old 31st Mar 2011 at 3:52 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Swatme101
I am not sure at this point. I did some research and it seems that the game is just very patch sensitive. The best I can do / say is tell you to extract the package from the sims3pack and install it manually. That is also hard, so I will leave you with the file. The included custom content will not be included, however. OH. Maybe I can remove the included custom content with CUSTARD and see if that helps. Let me try both. I really am interested in curing this problem!

Alright. I CUSTARD'd the files out, created a new sim3pack, and also multi-installer-extracted the packages and .rar'd it. I will include the packages in the post and upload the new sims3pack to the original post.

For the .packages, just add them to your "/Documents/Electronic Arts/Library" folder. I think.

it works that way i just put both package to library and work
Mad Poster
#13 Old 1st Apr 2011 at 4:24 AM
This looks really realistic. I love it.
Test Subject
#14 Old 1st Apr 2011 at 4:04 PM
wow really cool, realistic Love IT!!!!!!!!!!, I would have downloaded it but I can't due to the small list of CC, well because I don't like using CC, anyway I looked at your profile and I have two question don't you make modern homes because I am a big fan of modern architecture and whether you take requests or not because I want a house ESPECIALLY made by you for me.
Lab Assistant
#15 Old 1st Apr 2011 at 8:53 PM
Hi Swatme101

I quote this from the overview "It has repeatedly come to my attention that some people are having trouble with getting this into their game. It's been a repeated pattern that the house will show up as installed in the launcher, and then never be in the house bin. I really would appreciate your feedback in letting me know in the comments whether or not this happens to you."

I have the habit to scan all Sims3Pack files with Custard before I install them. From a previous experience I had with a apartment lot that I downloaded from another site and one I made myself, I noticed that the lot is showing up as an object instead of a Sims3 package in Custard. This is the reason the lots don't show up in the house bin. The launcher shows that the lot has been installed successfully but in fact it did not.

What I found is it is some cc or EA store item that I used when I created my apartment lot that was causing the lot not to pack correctly when I exported it from the game. This is also the case with your apartment lot. See attached image. In your case - alarmClockStorybook

May I suggest you go back to your lot in game and remove the alarmClockStorybook from it. Then export your lot again. Open the exported Sims3Pack with Custard and check the top line. If it's still an object, check under the Sub-Type heading and what ever it shows there, remove it from the lot and export again. Open with Custard again and repeat until you find the lot shows as a Sims3 package in Custard. It should then show up in the house bin when you install it. In my case the problem was a rug I made and used on the lot that caused the apartment lot not to show up in the house bin.

Please let me know if this solved the problem. I know it's time consuming to do it this way but it solved my problem and the creator of the apartment lot I downloaded also fixed her lot this way, you can then also be sure that others who download your lot won't have a problem with it.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 1:59 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SimShady08
wow really cool, realistic Love IT!!!!!!!!!!, I would have downloaded it but I can't due to the small list of CC, well because I don't like using CC, anyway I looked at your profile and I have two question don't you make modern homes because I am a big fan of modern architecture and whether you take requests or not because I want a house ESPECIALLY made by you for me.

Thank you for the feedback. I try to keep the list of CC to a minimum, but sometimes I cannot help myself. Like I have with my 10x10 Family Starter, I may be able to create a CC free version just for you and anyone interested! I plan to do this in the future, as well as keep CC out of my houses. One thing I am curious about is your views on CC. Do you mind if there is Creators Content / Mods (ie, The "One More Slot Package!" by Granthes), and only dislike store content, or do you avoid all CC? Please let me know!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#17 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 2:08 AM
Quote: Originally posted by oumamea
Hi Swatme101

I quote this from the overview "It has repeatedly come to my attention that some people are having trouble with getting this into their game. It's been a repeated pattern that the house will show up as installed in the launcher, and then never be in the house bin. I really would appreciate your feedback in letting me know in the comments whether or not this happens to you."

I have the habit to scan all Sims3Pack files with Custard before I install them. From a previous experience I had with a apartment lot that I downloaded from another site and one I made myself, I noticed that the lot is showing up as an object instead of a Sims3 package in Custard. This is the reason the lots don't show up in the house bin. The launcher shows that the lot has been installed successfully but in fact it did not.

What I found is it is some cc or EA store item that I used when I created my apartment lot that was causing the lot not to pack correctly when I exported it from the game. This is also the case with your apartment lot. See attached image. In your case - alarmClockStorybook

May I suggest you go back to your lot in game and remove the alarmClockStorybook from it. Then export your lot again. Open the exported Sims3Pack with Custard and check the top line. If it's still an object, check under the Sub-Type heading and what ever it shows there, remove it from the lot and export again. Open with Custard again and repeat until you find the lot shows as a Sims3 package in Custard. It should then show up in the house bin when you install it. In my case the problem was a rug I made and used on the lot that caused the apartment lot not to show up in the house bin.

Please let me know if this solved the problem. I know it's time consuming to do it this way but it solved my problem and the creator of the apartment lot I downloaded also fixed her lot this way, you can then also be sure that others who download your lot won't have a problem with it.

Hello Oumaea! Thank you SO much for identifying this problem for me. I have been wondering and wondering about this problem, and I am so suprised it was right in my eyes the whole time.

After removing every CC object 1 by 1, I sadly had to remove EACH AND EVERY custom content item from the lot. There was much more than alarmClockStorybook. Not all is lost though! I made a few changes and everything looks great! The worst part is that I had to remove the OMSP, but that is okay. I am now debating on whether or not I edit this post entirely or delete this post and create a new one. I am consulting moderators, and once I figure that out, I will be out with the No-CC, fully installable version of this house!

I thank you for helping my problem, but I also thank you, and others, realize that... in the longrun of the house, you really do not need CC in a house . I mean, one thing here and there, and maybe somthing included, but other than that, there is really no reason to. The house is about identical, and directly downloadable. That is much better for the user, IMO, and I admit i hardly ever go out of my way to install CC for a house. From now on, I am going CC free. Thank you for making me come to this realization!
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 3rd Apr 2011 at 8:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Swatme101
Hello Oumaea! Thank you SO much for identifying this problem for me. I have been wondering and wondering about this problem, and I am so suprised it was right in my eyes the whole time.

After removing every CC object 1 by 1, I sadly had to remove EACH AND EVERY custom content item from the lot. There was much more than alarmClockStorybook. Not all is lost though! I made a few changes and everything looks great! The worst part is that I had to remove the OMSP, but that is okay. I am now debating on whether or not I edit this post entirely or delete this post and create a new one. I am consulting moderators, and once I figure that out, I will be out with the No-CC, fully installable version of this house!

I thank you for helping my problem, but I also thank you, and others, realize that... in the longrun of the house, you really do not need CC in a house . I mean, one thing here and there, and maybe somthing included, but other than that, there is really no reason to. The house is about identical, and directly downloadable. That is much better for the user, IMO, and I admit i hardly ever go out of my way to install CC for a house. From now on, I am going CC free. Thank you for making me come to this realization!

Hey Swat

I am glad I could help in some way. The only thing that still bothers me is to why the cc attatches itself to the lot package This also seem to happen mostly with apartments. Maybe one of the clever moderators can figure that out for us If you do find more information about this, please let me know.
Test Subject
#19 Old 7th Apr 2011 at 8:14 AM
I can use only one side, is that correct? the other apartment doesn't appear to be used.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 9th Apr 2011 at 4:39 AM
Quote: Originally posted by anamaga
I can use only one side, is that correct? the other apartment doesn't appear to be used.

Yes! This lot uses the Late Nights system for apartments and one side is empty. If you have late night, NPCs will move into the "empty" apartment.
Lab Assistant
#21 Old 11th Apr 2011 at 2:29 PM
Great work! It looks really realistic.
Test Subject
#22 Old 19th Jun 2011 at 1:42 AM
I love your sense of decor and use of color combinations. Very well planned. Thanks for sharing!
Test Subject
#23 Old 26th Jan 2014 at 5:59 AM
This place is truly amazing but access to other side would of been even better. :3