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Fairy Changelings

by kestrellyn Posted 5th Jun 2020 at 12:18 AM - Updated 15th Dec 2024 at 5:28 AM by kestrellyn
43 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 33 Feedback Posts, 9 Thanks Posts
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#26 Old 1st Jul 2021 at 2:07 PM
This is a brilliant mod idea! I was wondering if there was a way to preserve the fairy changelings aspect without using the more complicated genetics system? From looking in SimPE, it doesn't seem like it, but I don't know anything much about modding. If not, no worries!
Mad Poster
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#27 Old 1st Jul 2021 at 7:26 PM
No, the genetics system is what makes the changeling part work.
Test Subject
#28 Old 1st Jul 2021 at 10:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
No, the genetics system is what makes the changeling part work.

That's fair! Thank you for answering me anyway!
Lab Assistant
#29 Old 8th Mar 2023 at 12:05 AM
Is there a way to manually assign a sim as a changeling? Maybe using the supernatural controller or something?
Mad Poster
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#30 Old 8th Mar 2023 at 3:25 AM
You can manually make a sim a fairy using Midge's supernatural object, and that should be exactly the same as being a changeling for all purposes.
Mad Poster
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#31 Old 23rd Dec 2023 at 5:30 AM
Big update, guys - this mod is now compatible with Triplets and Quads!
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 8:09 PM
Dialogues are incompatible with altpregcontroller, changelings pop up with some of the miscarriage strings.
Mad Poster
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#33 Old 12th Mar 2024 at 1:37 AM
Which alt pregnancy controller? I don't think this should work at all with it, or show any of its dialogs.
Lab Assistant
#34 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 12:50 AM
To be clear, is compatibility with Epi's Personality included with the TnQ version?

Click this.
Mad Poster
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#35 Old 23rd Jul 2024 at 1:23 AM
There isn't a separate TnQ version, it's a compatibility patch that you use in addition to one of the other files and TnQ.
Lab Assistant
#36 Old 24th Jul 2024 at 4:26 AM
Thank you! I thought so, but it's been a week!!

Click this.
#37 Old 14th Dec 2024 at 3:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by THybrid21
Dialogues are incompatible with altpregcontroller, changelings pop up with some of the miscarriage strings.

Also having this issue. Mod is by midgethetree btw.
#38 Old 14th Dec 2024 at 4:53 PM
Edit because I posted the comment in the wrong format: Reporting that it also has dialogue conflicts with piqiwi's anniversary, parenthood and afterschool activities mods. I don't think it conflicts with mood swings.

Sadly, though I adore the idea of this mod, that is just too many empty dialogue boxes for me, so I will remove it for now.
Mad Poster
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#39 Old 15th Dec 2024 at 5:03 AM
Thanks for identifying the specific mods. I've updated it to be compatible with the alt pregnancy controller, you will also need to redownload the Surrogate hack if you use that one. I'll look into the other hacks tonight.
Mad Poster
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#40 Old 15th Dec 2024 at 5:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by litlegothcat13
Edit because I posted the comment in the wrong format: Reporting that it also has dialogue conflicts with piqiwi's anniversary, parenthood and afterschool activities mods. I don't think it conflicts with mood swings.

Sadly, though I adore the idea of this mod, that is just too many empty dialogue boxes for me, so I will remove it for now.

Sorry, can you tell me exactly how you think this mod is conflicting with those piqwi mods? I looked through all the files and do not see any conflicting resources.
#41 Old 15th Dec 2024 at 1:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by kestrellyn
Sorry, can you tell me exactly how you think this mod is conflicting with those piqwi mods? I looked through all the files and do not see any conflicting resources.

With this mod present, all of the dialog strings you get in those mods show up as blank in the game. Functionally, his mods still work, you get memories and in the case of the anniversary mod, money, but the blank notifications ruin it, and in the case of the parenting mod, you get blank options in the pop up cards too, making it unplayable. This is a problem piqwi had with some other mods it seems, hence him providing some instructions on how to deal with it in one of the mod's comments. Sadly, I still don't know how to fix it to play nice with this mod even with the instructions. I tried changing the load order so piqwi's mods load last, but it didn't fix the issue.

I have removed the changeling mod because of these issues, so I didn't take screens. However, if you can't replicate it, I can install it back and get some when I have a day off.

And thank you for fixing the conflict with midge's miscarriage mod!
Mad Poster
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#42 Old 15th Dec 2024 at 3:02 PM
It's not possible that this mod could cause this to happen, because it doesn't modify anything that piqwi's mods modify. Those mods all seem to be overriding the global dialogs list, though, which means they will conflict with any other mod that also overrides that tables, which is probably why he has so many issues with conflicts. I've never overrided that table in any of the mods I've made. The issue is probably some other mod that you have that is overriding that table as well. I don't know why he felt the need to override the global list, since most of his functions are not globals. Anyway, you should be able to use HCDU+ to figure out what is conflicting with those mods, and it will also tells you that this one does not conflict.
#43 Old 16th Dec 2024 at 5:29 AM
Thanks. I tried it out, and it turns out Piqwi's parenthood, which I added the same day as changelings, was conflicting with Phaneoh's summer vacation. Removing summer vacation fixed the issue. I tested out the miscarriage dialogues and changed the chance for a changeling to test out those dialogues too, and it all works fine now.
Test Subject
#44 Old 20th Dec 2024 at 3:31 PM
This mod is Awesome thank you
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