Grand Trianon -- Cedar Recolor

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Uploaded: 23rd Nov 2007 at 10:46 PM
Updated: 5th Dec 2007 at 2:27 AM

The Grand Trianon set, is not easily characterized because it includes just about everything but the kitchen sink ... but it does have a bathroom sink.

This recolor was maximized for the effect on the doors -- hence the reason for the door & window category. If you are unfamilar with the set, you are in for a treat. The set makes extensive use of the repository technique. You must have the GrandTrianon MirrorBedroom Floor Mirror (see post #3 of mesh thread) & its recolor -- this is the repository master.

Because my sole goal was the door, some of the items look a little funky -- mostly the mirrors. Just use the original glass color on the mirror part and it will look great. (IMHO.)

Hope you enjoy it, and a special thanks to the Dream Team for a beautiful set!

Here are some examples of how the rest of the set will look.