Fleece Pajamas for Toddlers - Recolours
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There are eight pairs of pajamas with white buttons, zipper pulls, and stripes on the feet. They come in red, orange, yellow, green, turquoise, blue, purple, and magenta.

There are also four miscellaneous recolours for Sims who don't quite fit the mould. There's a black set of pajamas with red buttons, a red zipper pull, and red stripes on the soles of the feet. Your creepy little Sims might like it. There's a nice, basic white set. Then there's an army green set with khaki details. And last but not least there's a tiger-inspired set of orange and black!
All of the pajamas are wearable by both boys and girls and will show up under Sleepwear. No EPs are required.

Additional Credits:
Thanks to melodie9, natrobo, fanseelamb, and HystericalParoxysm for the cute hairstyles!
Uploaded: 10th Sep 2008, 760.3 KB.
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2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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About Me
Clothier of Small Sims
My focus is clothing for children, toddlers, and babies. I do not make clothes for teens, young adults, adults, or elders.
You may make recolours of my meshes, but please do not include the meshes in your uploads; link to my mesh instead. (The exception would be default replacement meshes. You may include the default replacement mesh in that case, but please give credit and a link to my original mesh.)
No paysites, please.
Sorry, but I do not take requests.
If you have any further questions, please PM me.
Happy Simming!