#create Assylum Challenge: Manjara Rehab

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Well, a while ago, me, leesester, Ceyllynn, astillac, zaxis, and some others decided in #create to have a little assylum challeng. My assylum, well, it turned a bit too luxurious for an assylum so it's a 3456 (or any number you want) stars rehab! (not really )
Anyways, welcome to Manjare rehab for people with "a bit too much stress to handle on their own" as Mrs. Beanielu, the rehab's owner put it.
Built to home 8 sims, the Manjara rehab is one of the best equipmented rehabs in SimCity..
But every good thing has some... "interesting" aspects..

Rooms: - 3 bedrooms: 2 with 3 beds, 1 with 2 beds
- 1 kitchen
- 1 bathroom
- 1 office
- a basement (har har)
- a dining room
- a balcony at the terrace
- a lumber rom (double har har)

Lot Size: 3x4
Lot Price: 87.588

Custom Content Included:
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Modular Stairs Recolor by Numenor @ MTS2
- Roof by glamorous lunge
- The "Grand Trianon" Left-side Locker for the Loft Bed by The Dream Team
- The "Grand Trianon" Upper Loft Bed with ladder by The Dream Team
- Weathered golden walls for your home.Based on a texture by HolySimoly (http://www.holysimoly.com), edited by pbox (http://plasticbox.modthesims2.com), converted by Reyn  by plasticbox
- OMSP 33 by SilentLucidity
- OMSP 33 invisible recolor by SilentLucidity
- Sip bathroom3 (b) - laundry baskets- by Jasmine
- Sip bathroom3 (b) -mirror- by Jasmine-sims in paris
- "LadderStairs" -by Targa by Targa

Additional Credits:
All the creators whose content is included in my lot!
#create people and especially lee(sester) for having the idea of the challenge
Ceyllyn for playtesting the lot! thanks hun!
elpemmy for coming up with the name of the lot!
And everyone I might have forgotten
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