Magickal Wizards Study CAS! (SD-Original)

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A lovely new CAS awaits you.
If you're looking for a Create-A-Sim screen with a medieval, magickal or alchemical taste, you've come to the right CAS.
So if you happen to like:
Medieval Meddling,
Magickal Mischief
Castle Chaos
Fantasy Folly
Alchemical Anarchy
Or if you just plain like it (which I'm quite confident that you will!) :D
I'd suggest downloading my Magickal Wizard's Study CAS.

It's my first upload, and for a first creation, I'd say it's pretty good!

This custom CAS! includes a LOT of custom sims2 content from varying sources. Here's what you'll need:

Required Custom Content:
- Dark Medieval Build Set for the walls and floors byLethe_s
- Magic Circle for the Sim podium circle by Lethe_s
- Occult Shop Set for the books and athames on the desk by Lethe_s
- Wizard's Study for the shelf on the wall by Lethe_s
- Goblet of Fire for the Harry Potter themed Goblet of Fire by boblishman and Numenor
- Candid By Candlelight for the candles by the door by Buggybooz
- Sorrow Regal Living for the table under the shelf by Kate @ Parsimonious
- A Fairytale Romance for the door by Kate @ Parsimonious
- Empty CAS Screen by windkeeper
From Empty CAS Screen need:

Installing MOST CAS!.package files is different from normal custom content! :NOTE: There are a number of ways for changing between different CAS!.package files. I will give instructions for the two that I support/suggest:

OPTION ONE Using the CAS! Switcher:
1) If you haven't already, download the CAS!.package Switcher Program from Zithsim. Download it as Zithsim suggests. It is by FAR the easiest way to change your CAS screen.
2) Come back here and save the .zip for my CAS!.
3) Extract the files to: My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\CAS! Files
This is where you save all new CAS!.package files and their preview pictures so that you can switch them with the switcher. The images in my .zip aren't NECESSARY, but if you're using the switcher, they help you to know which CAS you've selected in the switcher.
4) To change your CAS, follow the instructions given by Zithsim.

OPTION TWO Using the Downloads Folder:
1) Save my .zip
2) Extract the CAS file to a special "safe place" (preferably a new folder titled "CAS files" in your "My Documents" folder.)
3) Copy my CAS and paste it into your Sims Downloads Folder: My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
4) Rename it “CAS!.package”
5) When you're done using it, delete it from your downloads (but keep the original copy in your safe folder if you plan to use it again in the future).

Thank you for reading! I really hope you download this, my first ever MTS upload! Have a nice day

Additional Credits:
The Idea to change the location of the Finished Sims came from ClicknPsycho.
Some of her custom CAS files have relocated sections. I liked the idea and mimicked it. You should check out some of her CAS files :D

My Model's Clothing: XM Sims2: Mage's Robes by Jade
Hair comes from a pre-made Sim: Christmas Fairies by Calalily

And if you liked my User Interface: Wood User Interface by Calidan
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