Dynamic Interactions - Resurrections
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Resurrections - Recently some UGC creators decided to quit modding forever. Creators who have mods which are not online might be in a worse position.
This mod is meant to alter the game play and give objects new interactions or remove some.
It's based on a quite an old mod of mine 'Copy Interactions' which I never released while I used it to copy 'clutter' interactions to objects to make them behave like clutter.
It allows to add and remove interactions to objects based on the neighbourhood, lot, room and other objects.
The mod is fed with configuration files and allows to customize how objects behave.
Cheat commands
- o19.dynint.init Read and apply the configuration files after modifying them.
- o19.dynint.info Log and print lot information for the current active sim.
Don't Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop
Scumbumbo did a good job when writing Don't Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop.
This was very likely the best implementation which was possible back then.
Overriding TS4 tunings and adding new tests to interactions which are not needed at all is very questionable and in the long term his mod broke.
From my point of view one should keep it simple and instead of creating workarounds by adding tests to interactions one should fix the root cause and remove the offending interactions.
With no interaction sim's will not use such objects.
That's what this mod does when reading the 'DontWashDishesWhereYouAngryPoop.txt' file.
It looks for sinks and if a toilet is in the same room then some interactions will be removed from the sink.
In December 2023 EA added the 'Set Sink Type ...' interaction to all sinks so one can manage this manually.
Don't Brush Your Teeth in Kitchen
Basically a clone of the configuration file to 'DontBrushTeethInKitchen.txt'.
As soon as a Fridge or Oven is in the room a few interactions which are not appropriate for the kitchen will be removed.
In 'Oga´s Cantina' there are six bars.
As this place is never crowded it makes sense to disable at least some of them.
The included 'Disable_Batuu_Bars.txt' file disables all but the two rounded bars at the entrance.
Barkeepers may need some time to use the right bar.
That's all folks.
One could modify toilets and remove the 'toilet-use-standing (14428)' and/or 'toilet_Toddler_PlayIn (155887)' interactions.
Also, the 'art_View (33623)' interactions can be added to most objects.
Adding random interactions to random objects will often fail with a routing error.
A table has different bones than a bed and one can't simply exchange the tunings as they animations will fail.
For large builds one can use this mod to disable object interactions for various objects.
If there are 3 bedrooms and only one should be used one can disable the 'sleep' interactions.
The o19.dynint.info command will log the world, lot and block id for the active sim.
Changing the room will result in a different block_id.
These options should log enough information to create custom configuration files. The files look a lot like JSON while they are Python Dict objects.
Completeness of Vision vs. Ability to Execute
All these things are not yet implemented. I'm not sure if I will ever add them.
- Specify strings for 'CommonGameTag' instead of numbers.
- Specify strings for interactions instead of numbers.
- 'set_interactions': Completely replace interactions instead of 'add_' and 'remove_'
- 'add/remove/set_posture_families'
- 'add/remove/set_tags': Add tags like unbreakable to an object
- 'set_broken': Repair / break objects
- 'copy/paste': Paste interactions from random objects
Game compatibility
This mod has been tested with The Sims 4 1.105.345, TS4-Tools 3.2, TS4Lib 0.2.0 (2024-02).
It is expected to be compatible with many upcoming releases of TS4, TS4-Tools and TS4Lib.
- Locate the localized The Sims 4 folder which contains the Mods folder.
- Extract the zip file into this The Sims 4 folder.
- It will create the directories/files Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.ts4script`, [i]Mods/_o19_/$mod_name.package`, [i]mod_data/$mod_name/* and/or mod_documentation/$mod_name/*
- mod_logs/$mod_name.txt will be created as soon as data is logged.
Manual Installation
If you don't want to extract the zip file into The Sims 4 folder you might want to read this.
- The files in ZIP-File/mod_data are usually required and should be extracted to The Sims 4/mod_data.
- The files in ZIP-File/mod_documentation are for you to read it. They are not needed to use this mod.
- The Mods/_o19_/*.ts4script files can be stored in a random folder within Mods or directly in Mods. I highly recommend to store it in _o19_ so you know who created it.
Usage Tracking / Privacy
This mod does not send any data to tracking servers. The code is open source, not obfuscated, and can be reviewed.
Some log entries in the log file ('mod_logs' folder) may contain the local username, especially if files are not found (WARN, ERROR).
- The Sims 4
- TS4-Library-for-TS4T - Download the '???? ZIP' file, not the '???? Source Code'
- TS4-Tools - Download the '???? ZIP' file, not the '???? Source Code'
Copyright and License
- © 2024 o19
- License unless the Electronic Arts TOS for UGC overrides it:
This mod is licensed to you, not sold.
I grants you a personal, limited, non-transferable (i.e., not for sharing), revocable and non-exclusive license to use this mod to which you have access for your non-commercial use, subject to your compliance with this Agreement.
You may not copy, modify or distribute my mod, unless expressly authorized by me or permitted by law.
You may not reverse engineer or attempt to extract or otherwise use source code or other data from my mod, unless expressly authorized.
I own and reserve all other rights.
Filename | Type | Size |
DynamicInteractions_v1.0.4-ts4t.zip | zip | |
dynamic_interactions.ts4script | ts4script | 18596 |
Batuu_Disable_Bars.txt | txt | 809 |
DontBrushTeethInKitchen.txt | txt | 2007 |
DontWashDishesWhereYouAngryPoop.txt | txt | 1814 |
Batuu_View_Bars.txt | txt | 323 |
Random_Things.txt | txt | 682 |
README_Regionss.txt | txt | 1840 |
README_Venues.txt | txt | 2615 |
README_Worlds.txt | txt | 4739 |
Sample.txt | txt | 2587 |
Uploaded: 16th Mar 2024, 15.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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