~Bedroom set with matching pet bed~
by MissWendy 17th Nov 2006 at 1:04am
Are you tired of your pet sleeping in your bed? Now you can give your furry friend a bed just more...
+1 packs
Customer Appreciation Paintings
by MissWendy 9th Feb 2006 at 6:36am
Get ready for "Open For Business" with these Customer Appreciation Paintings. more...
2 4.2k
Mickey and Minnie beds and endtables...New Mesh
by MissWendy 20th Mar 2006 at 2:48am
Here is my first New Mesh creation. After months of endless work it is finally done! more...
Padded Room by request from Evanscentlight and Kingfool
by MissWendy 21st Feb 2006 at 7:20am
Are your sims bouncing off the walls? Do they hurt themselves? Now you can protect them by giving them Padded more...
19 27.4k 13
"Sparkles"the Hamster (sculpture)
by MissWendy 13th May 2006 at 6:11am
This is Sparkles. She is a cute hamster for your sims to enjoy. more...
56 47.5k 17