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About Me
- I am open to requests, but I usually have about 12 projects going on at once, so by the time I get around to your suggestion you may not want it anymore. I'm more likely to take a suggestion if it's similar to my existing uploads, which at the moment are conversions of and alterations to existing meshes.
- I prefer a maxis-match style, so my downloads are unlikely to use adjust-shine highlights or other fancy-pants pizazz. Since I mostly create for my own game, my aesthetic inevitably gets all over my downloads.
- The Sims who model my creations are yanked somewhat at random from my SimBin, and were either created for gameplay or born in-game to Sims who were. Since I prefer my Sims with goofy smiles and exaggerated features, they are probably not unique enough to upload.
- I'm still working on my policy, so please ask if you have any questions!
- I prefer a maxis-match style, so my downloads are unlikely to use adjust-shine highlights or other fancy-pants pizazz. Since I mostly create for my own game, my aesthetic inevitably gets all over my downloads.
- The Sims who model my creations are yanked somewhat at random from my SimBin, and were either created for gameplay or born in-game to Sims who were. Since I prefer my Sims with goofy smiles and exaggerated features, they are probably not unique enough to upload.
- I'm still working on my policy, so please ask if you have any questions!