Unadorned: 12 Accessory-free, Inspiration Set Hairs

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This collection of a dozen Store hairs took me more than a month of retooling and adjusting (and scrapping, and starting again), but they're finally worth sharing. Some, like the Harmony Headband, were surprisingly involved. Others, like the Scarf and Maang Tikka, were unexpectedly straightforward. Each of these 12 hairs is from one of the four 'World Inspirations' sets that EA released, though many of them look quite different without the accessories they came with. Some hairs, like the Simply Stunning Maang Tikka, do still have some CAST-able parts. Those are detailed in the attached images, such as the one below.

These hairs are linked to the original Store hairs, you MUST have the original Store hairs installed for these edits to appear!
It won't break your game to install them if you don't have the original Store hair, they'll just appear as disturbing abominations instead.

This Set Includes:

1. Cante Captivating- Flor de Fuego
2. Japanese Inspired-Inner Balance Hairstyle
3. Japanese Inspired-Harmony Headband Hairstyle
4. Japanese Inspired- The Right Hairstyle
5. Africa Inspiration- Ornamental Beads Hairstyle
6. Africa Inspiration- Feathers and Braids
7. India Inspiration- Simply Stunning Maang Tikka
8. India Inspiration- Jeweled Adoration Maang Tikka
9. India Inspiration- Jeweled Eye Maang Tikka
10. India Inspiration- Scarf and Maang Tikka
11. India Inspiration- Glamorous Maang Tikka
12. India Inspiration- Elegant Teardrop Maang Tikka

There are two files for each hair: an AF file and an EF file. This is just so that the thumbnail displays correctly, don't let it throw you. If you have purchased the Store hair for adults then you should automatically have the elder version installed as well, and can drop both these files in your Packages folder without worry.

In case you only have some of the Store hairs, or you only want some of the edits, each hair is in its own folder, numbered and labelled with the original Store name. Each hair is numbered in the image below.

Note that these are not default replacements, but rather are additional hairs that appear alongside the Store hairs.

  • All the hairs come with the original morphs, for all four states.
  • All hairs are available for teen-elder, even if the original hair was not.
  • All hairs are binned correctly, meaning some will be found in the regular hair section and some will be found in the hair-with-accessories section, depending on whether or not they're CAST-able.
  • All CAST-able hairs come with a single color preset, to avoid cluttering up your hair bin.
  • All file sizes are teeny tiny, because they are linked to their original Store hairs.
  • Removing the accessories reduced the polycount by more than 1,000 polys on several of the hairs.
  • Your Sim will not be poked in the scalp by an ornamental butterfly while she sleeps.

Notes about specific hairs:
  • The Flor de Fuego hair has small clipping issues on particularly wide foreheads. The morphs are imperfect, but that is as EA made them. The Store hair was also originally not for elders, though I have since remedied that.
  • The Harmony Headband Hairstyle originally had permanent shadowing on the headband texture, where the butterflies used to be; I reworked the texture to remove it. The headband has one recolorable channel with no permanent pattern.
  • The Jeweled Adoration Maang Tikka had a severely borked control texture, a fact that had been somewhat obscured by the tikka but became quite obvious when the tikka was removed. I have repaired the control texture, and it should function as normal.
  • The Scarf and Maang Tikka has one recolorable channel, where the hair band ties off the braid. The band has a permanent pattern to it, as seen in the attached detail pictures.

Polygon Counts:
2347 polys - Cante Captivating- Flor de Fuego
3332 polys - Japanese Inspired-Inner Balance Hairstyle
3632 polys - Japanese Inspired-Harmony Headband Hairstyle
3494 polys - Japanese Inspired- The Right Hairstyle
3508 polys - Africa Inspiration- Ornamental Beads Hairstyle
3533 polys - Africa Inspiration- Feathers and Braids
2288 polys - India Inspiration- Simply Stunning Maang Tikka
2088 polys - India Inspiration- Jeweled Adoration Maang Tikka
3752 polys - India Inspiration- Jeweled Eye Maang Tikka
2108 polys - India Inspiration- Scarf and Maang Tikka
2852 polys - India Inspiration- Glamorous Maang Tikka
2330 polys - India Inspiration- Elegant Teardrop Maang Tikka
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