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Freya Creations
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Residential 4
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About Me
I decided not to unistall Sims2 and now after a long break I feel like I want to make some more. Not that often maybe but I will give more to you who play Sims2.
But unfortunately I will not be making meshes for Sims 2, I have forgotten most of it and it was over a year ago since the last time and I haven't got time to go through everything again so it will be mostly Homecrafter stuff for Sims 2 I'm afraid. I will also build a little for Sims3.. but...
Right now I don't have so much time to do anything but I'll try now and then to upload.
But unfortunately I will not be making meshes for Sims 2, I have forgotten most of it and it was over a year ago since the last time and I haven't got time to go through everything again so it will be mostly Homecrafter stuff for Sims 2 I'm afraid. I will also build a little for Sims3.. but...
Right now I don't have so much time to do anything but I'll try now and then to upload.