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All types of buildings/To live, work, shop, eat, or play/Pixel structures here
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by paisleyplumbobs 15th Jan 2015 at 9:09pm
Small and cozy, single-story brick starter home. more...
13 9.2k 28
by paisleyplumbobs 7th Jan 2015 at 8:19pm
A decent-sized, trendy & unfurnished two-story family home. more...
+9 packs
Open for Business
Teen Style
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by paisleyplumbobs 4th Jan 2015 at 11:11pm
A small but trendy unfurnished single-story home. more...
+9 packs
Open for Business
Teen Style
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
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Sul Sul!
Simming since 2001
**The Sims 2 homes available for download but they are not playable.
I'm almost positive this is only because there are no mailboxes in these lots and I believe if you place a mailbox in them, they will work**
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I want you to have fun with my content, but be respectful and responsible.
Please don't ever claim something of mine as your own.
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**The Sims 2 homes available for download but they are not playable.
I'm almost positive this is only because there are no mailboxes in these lots and I believe if you place a mailbox in them, they will work**
My Policy:
I want you to have fun with my content, but be respectful and responsible.
Please don't ever claim something of mine as your own.
Do not modify and re-upload anywhere.