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  • Apartment house

    by kilari99 28th Oct 2022 at 8:59am

    This apartment was based of a house from the liveeditobjects section. It has a gym and a laundry on the ground more...

    +11 packs 5.7k 7

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • GTA 5 inspired house

    by kilari99 18th Oct 2022 at 1:47pm

    This house was inspired by Michael's house from GTA5. Been thinking about building that house and it turned out pretty good. I more...

    +15 packs 4 9.8k 21

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Abandoned family home

    by kilari99 6th Oct 2022 at 2:16pm

    This is an abandoned family home. Free to renovate for anyone who has been searching for an abandoned house. 2 bedroom, 2 more...

    +11 packs 4 3.3k 6

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • Luxury family dream home

    by kilari99 28th Sep 2022 at 7:03am

    This is an unfurnished family mansion. 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. With rooms for a gym, spa, libary, family room, kitchen, living more...

    +12 packs 10.5k 5

    Lots & Housing » Residential

  • A house above a lake

    by kilari99 18th Sep 2022 at 6:12am

    This is a house above a lake that i made for my friend. This is an unfurnished version but will upload more...

    +7 packs 2.3k 5

    Lots & Housing » Residential