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Custom careers - more choice for your working Sim!
by ekrubynaffit 6th Jun 2021 at 11:32pm
This has now been almost 5 weeks in the making, I even did research on some things like options for more...
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* Please do not take my houses and pass them off as your own.
* If you use my houses in a story or example of something, please give credit where credit due. And a link to see it all in its glory is nice too.
* You may use my walls and paintings in your lots.
* If you have an issue with something, please contact me directly and not through a 3rd party. I like to know first and foremost what has gone wrong.
* If you are using my lots in a hood you are uploading for others to use, please do not include them, post a link to the lot for the downloader to install themselves incase there is CC and/instructions that go with it.
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* If you use my houses in a story or example of something, please give credit where credit due. And a link to see it all in its glory is nice too.
* You may use my walls and paintings in your lots.
* If you have an issue with something, please contact me directly and not through a 3rd party. I like to know first and foremost what has gone wrong.
* If you are using my lots in a hood you are uploading for others to use, please do not include them, post a link to the lot for the downloader to install themselves incase there is CC and/instructions that go with it.
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