Builder Career
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Anyway after 5 weeks, a lot of swearing and getting help from the amazing sims community I can now present to you the Builder Career.
Level 1 – Trade Depot Worker Mon-Fri/0900-1700/§200
Unable to go straight to an apprenticeship you have decided to use all your grit and determination to obtain your dream job of one day being a Master Builder. If this means starting right at the bottom in a small Trade depot, supplying materials to your idols, then by golly that’s just what you will do! You have to have some charisma to charm all those builder blokes and a bit of mechanical skill so you know what you're selling!
Level 2 – Trade Depot Manager Mon-Fri/0900-1700/§500
Look who's been hitting the books and learning his hammers from his mallets! You've put the nail in the coffin of just being a Trade Depot Worker and now manage the store! Keep working on that charisma and mechanical skill and you may make it out of the shop!
(Female is exactly the same except the word 'his' is changed to 'her)
Level 3 – Drill Press Operator Wed-Sun/0600-1200/§700
You made it out of the store and those countless hours of playing with the drill press when no one was looking is paying off! Don't be that guy and go pushing the hammer function on your drill just to see if it will play 'You can't touch this' Hit the books and learn some logic!
Level 4 – Apprentice Mon, Wed, Fri-Sun/0500-1300/§750
Being a drill operator was a lil bit 'boring'. You saw an advertisement for a builder taking on a new apprentice. He has a reputation for being a bit eccentric and shouting his mantra of 'can we fix it' at every opportunity, but you hope getting a foot in the door on a real building site will pay off! Time to up those mechanical and creativity skills so you can shout back 'yes we can' next time Mr Eccentric throws out his one liner!
Level 5 – Roofer Mon-Fri/0800-1700/§900
While an apprentice you found the best way to get away from Mr Eccentric (lets call him Bob) was up a ladder on the roof where it became quite riveting! Now you're such a pro at roofing you could do it in your sleep! Need to work on that body to keep swinging that hammer!
Level 6 – Cladding Installer Mon-Fri/0800-1600/§975
You've raised the roof, now it’s time to install some cladding and make this house a home! You're not one house short of a brick, all that logic has really come in handy now keep up on the body skills!
Level 7 – Crane Operator Wed-Sun/1200-2100/§1000
Guiding beams and putting up kit-set walls is pretty intricate work, with a sparkly blue crane and creating lofty, sturdy structures you really can't go wrong! Mechanical, Logic, body and creativity will get you through!
Level 8 – Welder Mon-Fri/0700-1300/§1200
This is the stuff, working with heat and metal, and you think to yourself, 'what a wonderful weld!' as you work away with your welders helmet obscuring everything except for the important piece in front of you, the sound of the welder blocks out all other noise leaving you in perfect ignorant bliss. Keep going with your mechanical and creativity to make awesome things!
Level 9 – Foreman Mon-Fri/0800-1800/§2000
One step away from Master Builder, now you can boss round those Apprentice workers, or be a fountain of knowledge for them and pass on your skills. Time to go Hammer and tong and max out those core skills and nail that last promotion!
Level 10 – Master Builder Mon-Fri/0700-1700/§3500
You've done it!! You dealt with Macho men in the store, sweated it out on the drill press, was a general dogs body, raised the roof and installed some walls, hoisted some beams and welded some steel. Now throw away the instructions, let your imagination fly and build whatever your hearts desire!
Chance card 1
A customer comes in and asks in which section he could find tools, bricks and tiles.
Does $me answer him with a pun and say 'it's under Construction' or does $me take him directly to the correct aisle and then go back to what they were doing?
Answer with a pun Take him to the aisle
Chance A good
$me knows these fellas all like a good builders joke and the customer roars with laughter and responds with 'do you know when it'll be finished?' As $me takes him to the aisle they have a good chatter and the builder lets it slip he's the brother in law of the owner. The owner promotes $me to Manager for having such good customer service skills.
Chance A Bad
$me knows these fellas all like a good builders joke and the customer roars with laughter and responds with 'do you know when it'll be finished?' As $me takes him to the aisle they have a good chatter and $me lets it slip that he thinks the owner is a stuffed shirt and the builder then tells $me that he's the brother in law of the owner. $me is fired for discussing staff with customers.
Chance Card B Good
This particular builder is a good customer of the trade shop and is known for putting in huge orders, he's also the brother in law of the owner. He had a massive order to fill and needed some help with requirements. $me goes above and beyond taking the customer to the aisle and then spending nearly an hour sorting out his order. The customer tells his brother in law about his experience and $me is promptly promoted to manager for excellent customer service.
Chance B Bad
This particular builder is a good customer of the trade shop and is known for putting in huge orders, he's also the brother in law of the owner. He had a massive order to fill and needed some help with requirements but after $me left him he couldn't find anyone to help. He tells his brother in law about his experience and $me is promptly fired for bad customer service.
Chance Card 2
A worker was stacking shelves of paint, somehow tripped and fell into the shelves, sending all the paint crashing to the floor. There's paint for miles and it's a pretty big job to clean it up. As manager does $me help to clean it up or leave it to the worker to teach him a lesson?
Help clean it up Leave him to it
Chance A Good
$me remembers what it was like working the shop floor and getting in trouble for making a mistake. $me is not a manager with a 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. $me pops some overalls over their suit rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. $me earns 1 cleaning and 1 charisma skill point and a $200 bonus for their go getter attitude.
Chance A Bad
$me remembers what it was like working the shop floor and getting in trouble for making a mistake. $me is not a manager with a 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. $me pops some overalls over their suit rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. Sadly $me doesn't see a patch of wet paint and slips and falls into their staff member. $me loses 1 cleaning and 1 charisma skill point for their clumsiness
Chance B Good
$me berates the worker for his incompetence and barks at him to clean up the mess and make it perfect. The worker gets so flustered he falls face first in the spilt paint, causing him to knock his head on the concrete floor and get a concussion. This makes $me realise the type of manager he has become. He quickly calls for an ambulance and then cleans up the mess himself. After work he pops to the hospital to check on his staff member and takes him some chocolates. For making good management decisions $me gains 1 charisma point and gets a bonus of $200.
Chance B Bad
$me berates the worker for his incompetence and barks at him to clean up the mess and make it perfect. The worker gets so flustered he falls face first in the spilt paint, causing him to knock his head on the concrete floor and get a concussion. For bad management decisions $me loses 2 charisma points and are demoted back to Trade Depot worker.
Chance card 3
$me is working away on the drill when it suddenly makes a huge jolt, gives a sputter and stops working. $me is having a little trouble fixing it when a co worker comes over and offers his help. $me isn't too sure if having help to fix their drill will make it look like they don't know anything. Does $me accept help or decline?
Accept help Decline Help
Chance A Good
$me knows accepting help isn't a sign of weakness, people are constantly learning on the job and it's always handy to have someone to explains things if you are not sure, Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to be had! For fixing the drill in record time and being able to keep up with their workload $me receives 1 Mechanical point and a bonus of $200
Chance A Bad
$me knows accepting help isn't a sign of weakness, people are constantly learning on the job and it's always handy to have someone to explains things if you are not sure, Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to be had! Sadly his boss is a bit old school and says 'if you can't do something right don't do it at all.' $me loses 1 Mechanical skill point for not knowing how to fix the drill
Chance Card B Good
$me declines the offer of help and goes about trying to fix it themselves, not even bothering to glance at the manual, he just seems to know what goes where and before he knows it the drill is in perfect order again. For fixing the drill in record time and being able to keep up with their workload $me receives 1 Mechanical point and a bonus of $200
Chance B Bad
$me declines the offer of help and goes about trying to fix it themselves, not even bothering to glance at the manual he makes bad decision after bad decision until the Drill is rendered completely useless and unfixable. $me loses 2 mechanical points and fined $200 to pay for a new one.
Chance card 4
The master builder $me works for has an affinity for cheese and chutney sandwiches and cream buns. Not knowing this $me goes to the fridge in the break room one day and sees a plate of sandwiches with a yummy looking cream bun. There’s no name on it so $me just takes it and gobbles it down. His boss comes in and sees his lunch gone and moans 'I can't fix that'! Does $me keep quiet or come clean?
Keep Quiet Come Clean
Chance A Good
$me sits quietly and hopes he doesn't look guilty, as he slyly makes eye contact his boss sees cream all over his top lip, and cracks up laughing at the sight and says if he wanted a cream bun all he had to do was ask! $me gains 2 charisma points.
Chance A Bad
$me sits quietly and hopes he doesn't look guilty, as he slyly makes eye contact his boss sees cream all over his top lip, and launches into a lecture about honesty in the workforce. $me loses 2 charisma points.
Chance B Good
$me comes clean and tells his boss they're really sorry it just looked so good and there was no name on it. He offers to shout everyone a round of cream buns. His boss is so grateful he pays for them all and $me gets to pocket the $100 it would have cost and gains a point in charisma.
Chance B Bad
$me comes clean and tells his boss they're really sorry it just looked so good and there was no name on it. He offers to shout everyone a round of cream buns. That doesn't cut it with his boss and $me loses 2 charisma points
Chance Card 5
$me is working hard up on the roof and doesn't hear the call for quitting time. His co worker climbs down the ladder and doesn't realise $me is still up there and takes the ladder away and goes home. $me is now stuck on the roof, Does he wait it out and hope someone comes back or does he take a leap of faith and jump?
Wait it out Take a leap of faith
Chance A Good
Luckily $me had his phone on him and he calls his coworker to say what’s happened, his coworker promptly comes back and gets him down. $me earns 1 logic point for quick thinking.
Chance A Bad
Luckily $me had his phone on him and takes it out to call his co worker, as he does a magpie sees the shiny reflection from his phone and swoops at $me causing him to drop his phone off the roof. $me is stuck on the roof in the cold until the owners arrive home and are able to get him down. $me loses 1 body skill point.
Chance B good
$me peers off the edge of the roof and sees a big pile of cut grass below him, Saying a prayer to the heavens he takes a leap of faith and jumps, he lands in the softest part of the pile and walks away unscathed. For his gymnastic skills $me earns 2 body points.
Chance B Bad
$me peers of the edge of the roof and sees a big pile of cut grass below him, Saying a prayer to the heavens he takes a leap of faith and jumps, sadly the pile isn't as soft as it seems and $me breaks his arm! $me loses 2 body skill points and $500 for loss of income while he's off nursing his busted arm!
Chance card 6
$me puts the last nail in to finish off the job, and then realises that on the last section of cladding he forgot to add insulation!! Does he use injection foam so he doesn't have to take the cladding off, or does he take the cladding off and put it in manually?
Use injection Foam Take the cladding off and install manually
Chance A Good
$me has some injection foam handy, so he goes down the line bores a few holes here and there and injects the foam in. He touches up the holes afterwards, and he does such a great job you couldn't even tell he had drilled holes in. For such pristine work $me is promoted!
Chance A Bad
$me has some injection foam handy, so he goes down the line bores a few holes here and there and injects the foam in. In his hurry to finish $me completely forgets to fill in the holes afterwards and in the first big rain, the clients house ends up flooding. For such cowboy work $me is demoted!
Chance B Good
$me is a perfectionist, he doesn’t like the idea of drilling holes into brand new cladding if he doesn't have to. Piece by piece he carefully takes the whole row off and then adds insulation, he pops the cladding back on and it's made to perfection.
For such pristine work $me is promoted to Foreman!
Chance B bad
$me doesn't have any Injector foam handy so he grouchily starts ripping the cladding off, in this process he ends up cracking quite a few pieces, he uses some no more nails to glue them back together, shoves the miniscule amount of insulation in and then bangs the cladding back on putting some of it upside down as he goes! For one of the worst cowboy jobs ever witnessed $me is fired!!
Chance Card 7
$me is driving his crane and what he thinks is hard dry earth turns out to be sticky mud! The crane gets stuck. Does $me go for help or does he get another crane to lift the first one out?
Goes for help Gets another crane to pull it out
Chance A Good
$me accesses the situation and realises he's in deep mud and deep trouble! He needs help and fast, so he goes to his foreman and tells him the situation. Luckily he did as they end up needing a winch and 2 other cranes to pull it out. For quick logical thinking and a lot of muscle work $me gains 1 logic point and 1 body point.
Chance A Bad
$me accesses the situation and realises he's in deep mud and deep trouble! He needs help and fast, so he goes to his foreman and tells him the situation. In the time taken to locate the foreman and explain what happened, the crane has sunk even deeper and is near impossible to get out. It takes 2 days to extract it. $me loses 2 body points and is fined $1000.
Chance B Good
$me can see he hasn't got a lot of time to get it out. He springs into action, goes and gets a heavier crane with a winch and is able to drag it out all on his own. For quick thinking he earns 2 creativity points.
Chance B Bad
$me can see he hasn't got a lot of time to get it out. He springs into action, goes and gets another crane but fails to think of getting a heavier one with a winch. In the process of trying to get it out he gets the second crane stuck as well. For such incompetence $me is demoted!
Chance Card 8
$me is welding together a support beam. When he realise he's done it upside down. To undo the weld he can either do it by thermal methods or by mechanical methods, what does he do?
Use Thermal Method Use Mechanical Method
Chance A Good
$me likes using Thermal methods, it tends to be cleaner and quicker. $me likes to take his time to set up his cut so it's perfect, he uses the age old saying of 'measure twice, cut once' He takes it nice and slow with his plasma torch and gets a perfect line with no indents so the steel is able to be reused and then welded on the right way. $me gets 2 creativity points and a bonus of $2000 for exceptional work.
Chance A Bad
$me likes using Thermal methods, it tends to be cleaner and quicker. $me however doesn't take his time in setting up his cut, he goes in all gun ho and makes a complete mess of it causing the steel to be unusable. For such sloppy workmanship $me loses 2 creativity points and $2000 is taken out of his pay to compensate materials.
Chance B Good
$me chooses to use an angle grinder to cut the weld. He knows if he doesn't take it slow it's going to end up all jagged. He sets up his weld and slowly sends the grinder through mostly cutting it clean and just having to sand it a little to make it all smooth again. $me gets 2 creativity points and a bonus of $2000 for exceptional work.
Chance B Bad
$me has an idol, and that is Tim the Tool man Taylor. So when it comes to this job she's taking a leaf out of Tims book and applying more power (add in the man grunt) she goes in all gun ho and makes a complete mess of it causing the steel to be unusable. For such sloppy workmanship $me loses 2 creativity points and $2000 is taken out of her pay to compensate materials.
Chance Card 9
$me is overseeing a big commercial build. If he gets this right then it's straight to the top for him. The architect on the project is really difficult to work with, the plans call for a large sweeping staircase in the middle of the atrium. $me has his team build it exactly that way. When the architect comes in he pulls out another set of plans and says they were following the wrong one. This new set has two sets of stairs, one either side of the atrium with a landing in the middle at the top. Does $me order his team to take apart what they have done and do it like in the new plan or do they leave it as is and hope the architect likes the finished project?
Put the new stairs in Keep the first set
Chance A Good
$me has grown up with the phrase 'the customer is always right' him and his team grit their teeth, and get to work demolishing the work they have already done and erecting the new stairs. When finished they also add a fountain in the middle of the atrium so there is something pretty to look at from the landing upstairs. The architect absolutely loves this new addition and $me is promoted directly to Master Builder and gets a bonus of $15,000!!
Chance A Bad
$me has grown up with the phrase 'the customer is always right' him and his team grit their teeth, and get to work demolishing the work they have already done and erecting the new stairs. When finished they also add a fountain in the middle of the atrium so there is something pretty to look at from the landing upstairs. The architect is one of these modern less is more idealists and absolutely hates the addition of the fountain. $me loses 3 creativity points and is out of pocket by $5000!
Chance B Good
$me just has a feeling that whatever he does with the stairs is just not going to cut it with this architect. So they leave the stairs and add two medium fountains either side to create ambience to the atrium. The architect comes in looks at the work for a good 10 minutes, ums and ahhs then throws up his hands and shouts 'merveilleux'! $me and his workers let out a giant sigh of relief $me is promoted directly to Master Builder and gets a bonus of $15,000!
Chance B Bad
$me just has a feeling that whatever he does with the stairs is just not going to cut it with this architect. So they leave the stairs and add two medium fountains either side to create ambience to the atrium. The architect comes in looks at the work for a good 10 minutes, ums and ahhs then throws up his hands and shouts 'imbéciles incompétents'! $me loses 3 creativity points and is out of pocket by $5000!
Chance Card 10
The company $me owns has been asked to build a new bridge connecting Pleasantview to Bluewater Village. $me has a team starting from the edge of Pleasantview and a team starting from the edge of Bluewater village with the idea of them meeting in the middle. Along the way someone hasn't measured something properly and when both teams get to the middle, the Bluewater village side is higher than the Pleasantview side. $me has two options, she could build a ramp from the pleasantview side to meet up to the Bluewater side, or she could demolish the Bluewater side and start again.
Build a ramp Demolish the Bluewater Side
Chance A Good
$me decides the best option is to build a ramp. If it has a few extra support beams underneath it will be strong enough to hold for years. It turns out perfect and the neighbourhood kids love going down it on their bikes! $me is awarded a key to the city and $55,000 for master build workmanship.
Chance A Bad
$me decides the best option is to build a ramp. If it has a few extra support beams underneath it will be strong enough to hold for years. It holds but only for a year as the support beams were not welded correctly and a big Earthquake took it out, luckily no one was on it at the time. $me is fined $20,000 for shoddy workmanship and is struck off the master builder list causing him to lose his company.
Chance B Good
$me can see a ramp won't work very well and makes the decision to demolish the Bluewater side and start again, this time doing the measuring himself! The extra cost ends up being paid back by the city when they see the finished bridge and realise they really got the best Master Builder for the job! $me is awarded a key to the city and $55,000.
Chance B Bad
$me can see a ramp won't work very well and makes the decision to demolish the Bluewater side and start again, this time doing the measuring himself! The extra cost ends up bankrupting him and the bridge is unfinished causing another company to take over. For shoddy workmanship $me is fined $10,000 and struck off the master builder list causing him to lose her company.
Chance card 1
A customer comes in and asks in which section he could find tools, bricks and tiles.
Does $me answer him with a pun and say 'it's under Construction' or does $me take him directly to the correct aisle and then go back to what they were doing?
Answer with a pun Take him to the aisle
Chance A good
$me knows these fellas all like a good builders joke and the customer roars with laughter and responds with 'do you know when it'll be finished?' As $me takes him to the aisle they have a good chatter and the builder lets it slip he's the brother in law of the owner. The owner promotes $me to Manager for having such good customer service skills.
Chance A Bad
$me knows these fellas all like a good builders joke and the customer roars with laughter and responds with 'do you know when it'll be finished?' As $me takes him to the aisle they have a good chatter and $me lets it slip that she thinks the owner is a stuffed shirt and the builder then tells $me that he's the brother in law of the owner. $me is fired for discussing staff with customers.
Chance Card B Good
This particular builder is a good customer of the trade shop and is known for putting in huge orders, he's also the brother in law of the owner. He had a massive order to fill and needed some help with requirements. $me goes above and beyond taking the customer to the aisle and then spending nearly an hour sorting out his order. The customer tells his brother in law about his experience and $me is promptly promoted to manager for excellent customer service.
Chance B Bad
This particular builder is a good customer of the trade shop and is known for putting in huge orders, he's also the brother in law of the owner. He had a massive order to fill and needed some help with requirements but after $me left him he couldn't find anyone to help. He tells his brother in law about his experience and $me is promptly fired for bad customer service.
Chance Card 2
A worker was stacking shelves of paint, somehow tripped and fell into the shelves, sending all the paint crashing to the floor. There's paint for miles and it's a pretty big job to clean it up. As manager does $me help to clean it up or leave it to the worker to teach him a lesson?
Help clean it up Leave him to it
Chance A Good
$me remembers what it was like working the shop floor and getting in trouble for making a mistake. $me is not a manager with a 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. $me pops some overalls over their suit rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. $me earns 1 cleaning and 1 charisma skill point and a $200 bonus for their go getter attitude.
Chance A Bad
$me remembers what it was like working the shop floor and getting in trouble for making a mistake. $me is not a manager with a 'do as I say, not as I do' attitude. $me pops some overalls over their suit rolls up their sleeves and gets to work. Sadly $me doesn't see a patch of wet paint and slips and falls into their staff member. $me loses 1 cleaning and 1 charisma skill point for their clumsiness
Chance B Good
$me berates the worker for his incompetence and barks at him to clean up the mess and make it perfect. The worker gets so flustered he falls face first in the spilt paint, causing him to knock his head on the concrete floor and get a concussion. This makes $me realise the type of manager she has become. She quickly calls for an ambulance and then cleans up the mess herself. After work she pops to the hospital to check on her staff member and takes her some chocolates. For making good management decisions $me gains 1 charisma point and gets a bonus of $200.
Chance B Bad
$me berates the worker for his incompetence and barks at him to clean up the mess and make it perfect. The worker gets so flustered he falls face first in the spilt paint, causing him to knock his head on the concrete floor and get a concussion. For bad management decisions $me loses 2 charisma points and are demoted back to Trade Depot worker.
Chance card 3
$me is working away on the drill when it suddenly makes a huge jolt, gives a sputter and stops working. $me is having a little trouble fixing it when a co worker comes over and offers his help. $me isn't too sure if having help to fix their drill will make it look like they don't know anything. Does $me accept help or decline?
Accept help Decline Help
Chance A Good
$me knows accepting help isn't a sign of weakness, people are constantly learning on the job and it's always handy to have someone to explains things if you are not sure, Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to be had! For fixing the drill in record time and being able to keep up with their workload $me receives 1 Mechanical point and a bonus of $200
Chance A Bad
$me knows accepting help isn't a sign of weakness, people are constantly learning on the job and it's always handy to have someone to explains things if you are not sure, Knowledge is one of the most powerful tools to be had! Sadly her boss is a bit old school and says 'if you can't do something right don't do it at all.' $me loses 1 Mechanical skill point for not knowing how to fix the drill
Chance Card B Good
$me declines the offer of help and goes about trying to fix it themselves, not even bothering to glance at the manual, she just seems to know what goes where and before she knows it the drill is in perfect order again. For fixing the drill in record time and being able to keep up with their workload $me receives 1 Mechanical point and a bonus of $200
Chance B Bad
$me declines the offer of help and goes about trying to fix it themselves, not even bothering to glance at the manual she makes bad decision after bad decision until the Drill is rendered completely useless and unfixable. $me loses 2 mechanical points and fined $200 to pay for a new one.
Chance card 4
The master builder $me works for has an affinity for cheese and chutney sandwiches and cream buns. Not knowing this $me goes to the fridge in the break room one day and sees a plate of sandwiches with a yummy looking cream bun. There’s no name on it so $me just takes it and gobbles it down. Her boss comes in and sees his lunch gone and moans 'I can't fix that'! Does $me keep quiet or come clean?
Keep Quiet Come Clean
Chance A Good
$me sits quietly and hopes she doesn't look guilty, as she slyly makes eye contact her boss sees cream all over her top lip, and cracks up laughing at the sight and says if she wanted a cream bun all she had to do was ask! $me gains 2 charisma points.
Chance A Bad
$me sits quietly and hopes she doesn't look guilty, as she slyly makes eye contact her boss sees cream all over her top lip, and launches into a lecture about honesty in the workforce. $me loses 2 charisma points.
Chance B Good
$me comes clean and tells her boss they're really sorry it just looked so good and there was no name on it. She offers to shout everyone a round of cream buns. Her boss is so grateful he pays for them all and $me gets to pocket the $100 it would have cost and gains a point in charisma.
Chance B Bad
$me comes clean and tells her boss they're really sorry it just looked so good and there was no name on it. She offers to shout everyone a round of cream buns. That doesn't cut it with Her boss and $me loses 2 charisma points
Chance Card 5
$me is working hard up on the roof and doesn't hear the call for quitting time. Her co worker climbs down the ladder and doesn't realise $me is still up there and takes the ladder away and goes home. $me is now stuck on the roof, Does she wait it out and hope someone comes back or does she take a leap of faith and jump?
Wait it out Take a leap of faith
Chance A Good
Luckily $me had her phone on her and she calls her coworker to say what’s happened, her coworker promptly comes back and gets her down. $me earns 1 logic point for quick thinking.
Chance A Bad
Luckily $me had her phone on her and takes it out to call her co worker, as she does a magpie sees the shiny reflection from her phone and swoops at $me causing her to drop her phone off the roof. $me is stuck on the roof in the cold until the owners arrive home and are able to get her down. $me loses 1 body skill point.
Chance B good
$me peers off the edge of the roof and sees a big pile of cut grass below her, Saying a prayer to the heavens she takes a leap of faith and jumps, she lands in the softest part of the pile and walks away unscathed. For her gymnastic skills $me earns 2 body points.
Chance B Bad
$me peers of the edge of the roof and sees a big pile of cut grass below her, Saying a prayer to the heavens she takes a leap of faith and jumps, sadly the pile isn't as soft as it seems and $me breaks hier arm! $me loses 2 body skill points and $500 for loss of income while she's off nursing her busted arm!
Chance card 6
$me puts the last nail in to finish off the job, and then realises that on the last section of cladding she forgot to add insulation!! Does she use injection foam so she doesn't have to take the cladding off, or does she take the cladding off and put it in manually?
Use injection Foam Take the cladding off and install manually
Chance A Good
$me has some injection foam handy, so she goes down the line bores a few holes here and there and injects the foam in. She touches up the holes afterwards, and she does such a great job you couldn't even tell she had drilled holes in. For such pristine work $me is promoted!
Chance A Bad
$me has some injection foam handy, so she goes down the line bores a few holes here and there and injects the foam in. In her hurry to finish $me completely forgets to fill in the holes afterwards and in the first big rain, the clients house ends up flooding. For such cowboy work $me is demoted!
Chance B Good
$me is a perfectionist, she doesn’t like the idea of drilling holes into brand new cladding if she doesn't have to. Piece by piece she carefully takes the whole row off and then adds insulation, she pops the cladding back on and it's made to perfection.
For such pristine work $me is promoted to Foreman!
Chance B bad
$me doesn't have any Injector foam handy so she grouchily starts ripping the cladding off, in this process she ends up cracking quite a few pieces, she uses some no more nails to glue them back together, shoves the miniscule amount of insulation in and then bangs the cladding back on putting some of it upside down as she goes! For one of the worst cowboy jobs ever witnessed $me is fired!!
Chance Card 7
$me is driving her crane and what she thinks is hard dry earth turns out to be sticky mud! The crane gets stuck. Does $me go for help or does she get another crane to lift the first one out?
Goes for help Gets another crane to pull it out
Chance A Good
$me accesses the situation and realises she's in deep mud and deep trouble! She needs help and fast, so she goes to her foreman and tells him the situation. Luckily she did as they end up needing a winch and 2 other cranes to pull it out. For quick logical thinking and a lot of muscle work $me gains 1 logic point and 1 body point.
Chance A Bad
$me accesses the situation and realises she's in deep mud and deep trouble! She needs help and fast, so she goes to her foreman and tells him the situation. In the time taken to locate the foreman and explain what happened, the crane has sunk even deeper and is near impossible to get out. It takes 2 days to extract it. $me loses 2 body points and is fined $1000.
Chance B Good
$me can see she hasn't got a lot of time to get it out. She springs into action, goes and gets a heavier crane with a winch and is able to drag it out all on her own. For quick thinking she earns 2 creativity points.
Chance B Bad
$me can see she hasn't got a lot of time to get it out. She springs into action, goes and gets another crane but fails to think of getting a heavier one with a winch. In the process of trying to get it out she gets the second crane stuck as well. For such incompetence $me is demoted!
Chance Card 8
$me is welding together a support beam. When she realise she's done it upside down. To undo the weld she can either do it by thermal methods or by mechanical methods, what does she do?
Use Thermal Method Use Mechanical Method
Chance A Good
$me likes using Thermal methods, it tends to be cleaner and quicker. $me likes to take her time to set up her cut so it's perfect, she uses the age old saying of 'measure twice, cut once' She takes it nice and slow with her plasma torch and gets a perfect line with no indents so the steel is able to be reused and then welded on the right way. $me gets 2 creativity points and a bonus of $2000 for exceptional work.
Chance A Bad
$me likes using Thermal methods, it tends to be cleaner and quicker. $me however doesn't take her time in setting up her cut, she goes in all gun ho and makes a complete mess of it causing the steel to be unusable. For such sloppy workmanship $me loses 2 creativity points and $2000 is taken out of her pay to compensate materials.
Chance B Good
$me chooses to use an angle grinder to cut the weld. She knows if she doesn't take it slow it's going to end up all jagged. She sets up her weld and slowly sends the grinder through mostly cutting it clean and just having to sand it a little to make it all smooth again. $me gets 2 creativity points and a bonus of $2000 for exceptional work.
Chance B Bad
$me has an idol, and that is Tim the Tool man Taylor. So when it comes to this job she's taking a leaf out of Tims book and applying more power (add in the man grunt) she goes in all gun ho and makes a complete mess of it causing the steel to be unusable. For such sloppy workmanship $me loses 2 creativity points and $2000 is taken out of her pay to compensate materials.
Chance Card 9
$me is overseeing a big commercial build. If she gets this right then it's straight to the top for her. The architect on the project is really difficult to work with, the plans call for a large sweeping staircase in the middle of the atrium. $me has her team build it exactly that way. When the architect comes in he pulls out another set of plans and says they were following the wrong one. This new set has two sets of stairs, one either side of the atrium with a landing in the middle at the top. Does $me order her team to take apart what they have done and do it like in the new plan or do they leave it as is and hope the architect likes the finished project?
Put the new stairs in Keep the first set
Chance A Good
$me has grown up with the phrase 'the customer is always right' her and her team grit their teeth, and get to work demolishing the work they have already done and erecting the new stairs. When finished they also add a fountain in the middle of the atrium so there is something pretty to look at from the landing upstairs. The architect absolutely loves this new addition and $me is promoted directly to Master Builder and gets a bonus of $15000!!
Chance A Bad
$me has grown up with the phrase 'the customer is always right' her and her team grit their teeth, and get to work demolishing the work they have already done and erecting the new stairs. When finished they also add a fountain in the middle of the atrium so there is something pretty to look at from the landing upstairs. The architect is one of these modern less is more idealists and absolutely hates the addition of the fountain. $me loses 3 creativity points and is out of pocket by $5000!
Chance B Good
$me just has a feeling that whatever she does with the stairs is just not going to cut it with this architect. So they leave the stairs and add two medium fountains either side to create ambience to the atrium. The architect comes in looks at the work for a good 10 minutes, ums and ahhs then throws up his hands and shouts 'merveilleux'! $me and her workers let out a giant sigh of relief $me is promoted directly to Master Builder and gets a bonus of $15000!!
Chance B Bad
$me just has a feeling that whatever she does with the stairs is just not going to cut it with this architect. So they leave the stairs and add two medium fountains either side to create ambience to the atrium. The architect comes in looks at the work for a good 10 minutes, ums and ahhs then throws up his hands and shouts 'imbéciles incompétents'! $me loses 3 creativity points and is out of pocket by $5000!
Chance Card 10
The company $me owns has been asked to build a new bridge connecting Pleasantview to Bluewater Village. $me has a team starting from the edge of Pleasantview and a team starting from the edge of Bluewater village with the idea of them meeting in the middle. Along the way someone hasn't measured something properly and when both teams get to the middle, the Bluewater village side is higher than the Pleasantview side. $me has two options, he could build a ramp from the pleasantview side to meet up to the Bluewater side, or he could demolish the Bluewater side and start again.
Build a ramp Demolish the Bluewater Side
Chance A Good
$me decides the best option is to build a ramp. If it has a few extra support beams underneath it will be strong enough to hold for years. It turns out perfect and the neighbourhood kids love going down it on their bikes! $me is awarded a key to the city and $20,000 for master build workmanship.
Chance A Bad
$me decides the best option is to build a ramp. If it has a few extra support beams underneath it will be strong enough to hold for years. It holds but only for a year as the support beams were not welded correctly and a big Earthquake took it out, luckily no one was on it at the time. $me is fined $10,000 for shoddy workmanship and is struck off the master builder list causing her to lose her company.
Chance B Good
$me can see a ramp won't work very well and makes the decision to demolish the Bluewater side and start again, this time doing the measuring herself! The extra cost ends up being paid back by the city when they see the finished bridge and realise they really got the best Master Builder for the job! $me is awarded a key to the city and $10,000.
Chance B Bad
$me can see a ramp won't work very well and makes the decision to demolish the Bluewater side and start again, this time doing the measuring herself! The extra cost ends up bankrupting her and the bridge is unfinished causing another company to take over. For shoddy workmanship $me is fined $10,000 and struck off the master builder list causing her to lose her company.
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Functional wood working Bench by DeeDee
- Construction Pickup Truck by CoolDad
- Pickup truck as Career truck by Whoward
Builder Career
Uploaded: 7th Jun 2021, 4.71 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 7th Jun 2021 at 1:23 AM
by wiggins1982 5th Dec 2005 at 8:36pm
63 110.9k 33
by 8th Feb 2006 at 10:27pm
133 192.2k 90
by nyjets0508 1st Mar 2006 at 1:37am
16 59k 11
by grrovvyhevens 28th Jan 2007 at 7:28am
by heaven updated 1st Mar 2009 at 10:21pm
47 107.9k 89
by ekrubynaffit 20th Mar 2014 at 2:15am
This is my Round 3 Lot in the Campus Constructors contest hosted by the lovely KarenLorraine, This is the Sports more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by ekrubynaffit 7th Sep 2020 at 2:33am
Just a few recolours of Jonesis bed blanket. more...
8 9.4k 24
Lil Bit Books - Maxis Makeover
by ekrubynaffit 3rd Jan 2016 at 10:50am
The last of my contribution to the Fishmas event at Leefish. more...
+13 packs
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by ekrubynaffit 26th Sep 2019 at 1:53pm
Heres another little subdivision for you, it's on a bit of a smaller scale than the previous one though. more...
+16 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by ekrubynaffit 6th Sep 2020 at 5:57am
I found a whole book online called The book of brick homes ( , and thought I might slowly make more...
+16 packs
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by ekrubynaffit 2nd Nov 2015 at 10:28am
Another Basegame lot, this one is split level nicely compacted into a two bedroom family home, with lots of room more...
7 10.2k 27
Recolours of Heks Massive wood dining set
by ekrubynaffit 7th Sep 2020 at 2:43am
I?ve always loved this set by Hek ( , and wanted it to be a bit more colourful, so have more...
by ekrubynaffit 4th May 2014 at 1:01pm
Small but Spacious This stylish residence is nestled on a large level block in more...
+16 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Haute Habitation - Maxis Makeover
by ekrubynaffit 3rd Jan 2016 at 10:26am
Another boring maxis house made over into something fresh and modern. more...
+13 packs
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
by ekrubynaffit 24th Jan 2014 at 6:20pm
Does your sim and their 5 friends have no where but a purple apartment to hang out in? Do they more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |
![]() | Bon Voyage |
![]() | Free Time |
![]() | Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Happy Holiday |
![]() | Family Fun |
![]() | Glamour Life |
![]() | Celebration |
![]() | H&M Fashion |
![]() | Teen Style |
![]() | Kitchen & Bath |
![]() | Ikea Home |
![]() | Mansion and Garden |
About Me
* If you use my houses in a story or example of something, please give credit where credit due. And a link to see it all in its glory is nice too.
* You may use my walls and paintings in your lots.
* If you have an issue with something, please contact me directly and not through a 3rd party. I like to know first and foremost what has gone wrong.
* If you are using my lots in a hood you are uploading for others to use, please do not include them, post a link to the lot for the downloader to install themselves incase there is CC and/instructions that go with it.
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