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Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
2 tone army-part I (the punx) Baggy trousers
by sannah 29th Aug 2007 at 2:45am
I'm making a 2 tone army! more...
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I think there should be some rules about my stuff here.And here they are...
you may:
*use my make-up,clothing,accessories,etc. in your full sim uploads.Just credit me.
*use my sims as models im your photos and movies
you may not:
*upload anything to paysites,donation sites or exchange
*steal my work
AND REMEMBER:respect the creators of the meshes!Always check their policies!
Well,that's it for now...
if you have any questions,just PM me.
Keep skankin' (:
you may:
*use my make-up,clothing,accessories,etc. in your full sim uploads.Just credit me.
*use my sims as models im your photos and movies
you may not:
*upload anything to paysites,donation sites or exchange
*steal my work
AND REMEMBER:respect the creators of the meshes!Always check their policies!
Well,that's it for now...
if you have any questions,just PM me.
Keep skankin' (: