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YN's Creations
Stuff to stick on sims/Makeup and clothes and suchlike/Tart 'em up a bit.
Clothing 4Eyes 4
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Hi I'm YN,
I Love Mts2, I can easily upload, with out having trouble with a own site. English is not my native language, so about my lack of english wrighting, you just have to ignore :P
My Policy:
- Do not recolor, Unless it says, that you may.
- Do Not Copy/claim as your own. Cheating is Low.
- Yes, You may upload my clothing with your sims, as long as you give me credit, and link back.
- Do not edit.
- Do not upload them to Exchange or any paysite, or actualy, any where else xD So it should be: Do not Upload them :P
- Please feel free to use them in pictures.
- ♥ YN ♥ -
My Policy:
- Do not recolor, Unless it says, that you may.
- Do Not Copy/claim as your own. Cheating is Low.
- Yes, You may upload my clothing with your sims, as long as you give me credit, and link back.
- Do not edit.
- Do not upload them to Exchange or any paysite, or actualy, any where else xD So it should be: Do not Upload them :P
- Please feel free to use them in pictures.
- ♥ YN ♥ -