Left Eye Slash **requested by sunken-woglinde**
by wicca_gal 4th May 2006 at 4:36am
an eye slash across the left eye for your sims. comes in three colors, red, pink, and brown. more...
5 9k 1
Lightning Bolt Mark **requested by Black Roses 12**
by wicca_gal 2nd May 2006 at 3:02am
a simple lightning bolt mark under the left eye. colors are blue, red, and black. more...
8 9k 1
kiss marks **request by carlystar**
by wicca_gal 23rd Apr 2006 at 1:23am
a simple kiss mark for your sims. made for right, left and both cheeks. all ages, both genders. more...
8 17.8k 17