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Woodcraft Amateur
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Russian clay stove (Please redownload!)
by Jeka 22nd Feb 2008 at 10:28pm
:alarm: Please redownload if you have experienced interaction problems with cooking on my stove or if you downloaded the temporary more...
+1 packs
Log modular stairs and railing
by Jeka 31st Jan 2008 at 12:43pm
Hello everybody! more...
28 80.9k 156
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My policy:
You are very welcome to recolor my creations without asking my permission and you can include my mesh together with your recolors, but please don't forget about credits!
You may use my objects in your lots and you may include my creations in your lot files.
You may use my creations for videos, pictures or whatever you like without credits, in case you don't call them yours and there is no profit concerned.
In case you want to modify my mesh or use my textures, please contact me first. Don't be afraid, I'm not biting. ;)
In no case you are permitted to upload my objects on pay sites!
And I would greatly appreciate links to the sites where you might post recolors of my creations or your pictures or videos with them. It's not necessary, just my curiosity.
Thank you for your consideration!
You may use my objects in your lots and you may include my creations in your lot files.
You may use my creations for videos, pictures or whatever you like without credits, in case you don't call them yours and there is no profit concerned.
In case you want to modify my mesh or use my textures, please contact me first. Don't be afraid, I'm not biting. ;)
In no case you are permitted to upload my objects on pay sites!
And I would greatly appreciate links to the sites where you might post recolors of my creations or your pictures or videos with them. It's not necessary, just my curiosity.
Thank you for your consideration!