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Recently Uploaded See more
  • Legacy Personality

    by SpaceAce 2nd Jul 2023 at 8:03am

    Overview Legacy Personality adds aspirations and traits from Sims 3 Traits Absent-Minded Description: Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what more...

    12 33.8k 42


  • Supernatural

    by SpaceAce 6th Dec 2022 at 6:27pm

    Supernatural adds 3 new life state, a new type of plantsim, two cas items, a new aspiration and new traits. Zombies: Zombies more...

    9 49.6k 59


  • Transfer Minds!

    by SpaceAce 1st Jun 2022 at 1:46pm

    TL;DR Allows Old Sims To Transfer Into Servos Using The Robotics Bench. Features Another Interaction is added to the Robotics Bench that allows more...

    +1 packs 11 21.5k 50


  • Sickness Gamepack

    by SpaceAce 12th Sep 2021 at 10:25pm

    Adds a better sickness system, more objects, traits, an aspiration track, a social event, a lot trait, career, and cas more...

    5 49.8k 32

    Game Mods » Miscellaneous

  • Genie Gamepack

    by SpaceAce 22nd Aug 2021 at 12:19pm , updated 13th Sep 2021 at 9:26am

    This mod adds genies to your game! more...

    14 33.9k 48


Personal Picks (SpaceAce thinks you should check these out!)
  • Legacy Personality

    by SpaceAce 2nd Jul 2023 at 8:03am

    Overview Legacy Personality adds aspirations and traits from Sims 3 Traits Absent-Minded Description: Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what more...

    12 33.8k 42


Updated Downloads See more Updated
  • 10 More Traits!

    by SpaceAce 1st Aug 2021 at 9:59pm , updated 23rd Aug 2021 at 8:26am

    More Traits! more...

    10 127.8k 111 80.9k


  • 15 More Traits!

    by SpaceAce 28th Jul 2021 at 5:42am , updated 26th Aug 2021 at 12:24pm

    This mod adds 15 new traits! more...

    18 148.3k 114 70.2k


  • Legacy Personality

    by SpaceAce 2nd Jul 2023 at 8:03am

    Overview Legacy Personality adds aspirations and traits from Sims 3 Traits Absent-Minded Description: Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what more...

    12 33.8k 42 11.5k


  • Genie Gamepack

    by SpaceAce 22nd Aug 2021 at 12:19pm , updated 13th Sep 2021 at 9:26am

    This mod adds genies to your game! more...

    14 33.9k 48 11.3k


  • Supernatural

    by SpaceAce 6th Dec 2022 at 6:27pm

    Supernatural adds 3 new life state, a new type of plantsim, two cas items, a new aspiration and new traits. Zombies: Zombies more...

    9 49.6k 59 11.3k
