Oncologist Career - Converted from lientebollemeis career
by Bluebottle updated 3rd Oct 2017 at 6:49am
Conversion of a Sims 2 career by lientebollemeis more...
10 23.5k 45
SOLDIER Career (Final Fantasy VII)
by Bluebottle updated 4th Jun 2013 at 6:11pm
Now your Sephiroth/Zack Fair/Cloud Strife sims can be SOLDIERS! more...
23 34.7k 36
Final Fantasy VIII - SeeD Career
by Bluebottle 23rd Oct 2013 at 4:36pm
Career based on the SeeD organisation in the video game Final Fantasy VIII more...
6 22.7k 38
Gamer Career - converted from The Sims 2
by Bluebottle 4th Oct 2017 at 10:08am
This is a conversion of the Gamer career from The Sims 2: Seasons more...
6 32.3k 81
Final Fantasy VII SOLDIER Career
by Bluebottle 20th Sep 2013 at 8:22am
Now your Sephiroth/Zack Fair/Cloud Strife sims can be SOLDIERS! more...
9 30.6k 72
Rapper Career - Converted from coko career
by Bluebottle 1st Oct 2017 at 11:12am
So someone requested this conversion about 5 years ago and I forgot to finish it so ummm better late than never? more...
9 36.6k 63
by Bluebottle 10th Jul 2010 at 8:33pm
Ever thought "Hm, I would LOVE for my Sims to have a Gran Turismo career"? Well, today's your lucky day! more...
8 18.2k 4