testers wanted : movie posters - variation #2
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 2:41am
Here's another variation on the movie theme, for your teen sims bedrooms and/or your sim theaters : the characters galleries, more...
1 4.8k
testers wanted : movie posters - variation #1
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 2:23am
Here's a slight variation on the movie posters theme : a collection of "coming soon" posters featuring movies not yet more...
2 5.4k
testers wanted : movie posters : george clooney and famous trilogies
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 2:11am
Some more movie posters here, featuring a couple of famous movie trilogies : Back to the future and the Indiana more...
2 6.1k
Testers wanted : more movie posters! (part 2)
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 1:58am
Here are some more movies posters, many recent ones, and some vintage... more...
4.7k 1
Testers wanted : more movie posters! (part 1)
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 1:45am
Here are some more movies posters, many recent ones, and some vintage... more...
4.3k 1
Testers wanted : movie posters collection (lots of them)
by FlyingCarpet 8th Feb 2005 at 12:59am
**UPDATED 23/02/05** All files EP ready, redone with SimPE 0.17c, and some new ones added I made these for more...
14 7.5k
testers wanted :*UPDATED FOR EPS* Andy Warhol paintings
by FlyingCarpet 8th Feb 2005 at 3:52am
**09/02/05 [UPDATE] The files have been updated using SimPE 0.15 so they should be compatible with the new expansion packs. more...
1 4.3k
testers wanted : Hawaiian themed paintings **UPDATED**
by FlyingCarpet 12th Feb 2005 at 3:24am
If you are like me in a rainy and cloudy place, you'll probably enjoy these colorful paintings, all based on more...
5 5.6k 1
Testers wanted : more movie posters! (part 1)
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 1:45am
Here are some more movies posters, many recent ones, and some vintage... more...
4.3k 1
Testers wanted : more movie posters! (part 2)
by FlyingCarpet 25th Feb 2005 at 1:58am
Here are some more movies posters, many recent ones, and some vintage... more...
4.7k 1