Elfmaid's Elven Lady Everyday Adventure Outfits
by Elfmaid 30th Aug 2005 at 8:02pm
Hello Elf Fanciers! Here are some nice subtle elven-style recolours of Rose's (from Sims TV) Fantasy 17 outfit! more...
32 25.8k 15
Elfmaid's Evenstar Circlet: Custom Request (to share with everyone!)
by Elfmaid 15th Apr 2005 at 8:31am
Hullo! Thanks for downloading my version of this custom made circlet for RYTHELA! (You know who you are! more...
11 16.2k
Dr. Pixel's Curly Locks: Chestnut Recolour by Elfmaid
by Elfmaid 8th Apr 2005 at 8:50am
Hullo! more...
Elfmaid's Elven Lady Everyday Adventure Outfits
by Elfmaid 30th Aug 2005 at 8:02pm
Hello Elf Fanciers! Here are some nice subtle elven-style recolours of Rose's (from Sims TV) Fantasy 17 outfit! more...
32 25.8k 15
Elfmaid's Circlets and Diadems (for Lords AND Ladies)
by Elfmaid 15th Apr 2005 at 6:09am
Since my first set seems to be so popular, I thought I'd do up this set for you all to more...
20 18.3k 6