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Lumpinou's Mods


Last Activity:
19th Feb 2025 7:10 PM
Join Date:
6th May 2020
Total Posts:
79 (0.04 posts per day)
Download Count:
Download Count:

About Me:

NO MOD REPOSTS ALLOWED. If you want to do a translation, contact me, I can link it in the download post.

Terms of Usage:

Uploading terms:

  • Do not upload to the Exchange.
With my meshes:
  • You may not include with Lots.
  • You may not include with Sims.
  • Do NOT include my meshes with recolours.
  • Do not re-use my textures for unrelated projects.
  • Additionally:
    • Do NOT recolour this in any way.
General terms:
  • Ask me first before modifying/using.

he following 'Terms of Use' transcribe my rules and wishes for what should and should not happen to my work. Please respect them as each violation of those terms of uses discourages me from wanting to keep sharing my work.
Terms of use

Do not re-upload my mods on any other Site, platform, etc. No re-posts or uploads under any circumstances;

Do not share or distribute my mod files without my permission;

If you want to share my mods, please do so by linking to the original posts or articles featuring download links, or linking to my Patreon, or its Mod Index post;

Do not copy any part of my files and / or code;

You can edit my Mods for your personal use only, NOT for distribution.

If you wish to integrate an element or elements from my mods to a mod of yours which will be shared and not solely for personal use, you MUST contact me first and obtain permission. Only exception: the Mood Pack Mod;

Similarly, if you want a mod of yours which will be shared and not just for personal use to 'read' or 'recognize' an element from my mods and use that to unlock or impact an element of your mod OR my mod, you MUST contact me first and obtain permission. Only exception: the Mood Pack Mod;

Where the Mood Pack Mod is concerned: you are allowed to use and call to its elements in your own mods, without asking for permission, as it is granted universally. You are still not allowed to redistribute it, nor are you allowed to modify it except for personal use.


If you are a translator and want to translate my mods:

- You may make your own translations and share them without the mod, ie, the translation by itself as a standalone, on any platform of your choosing;
- You may contact me and I will include you as authorized to edit my translation spreadsheet
Content Creators

Showing or featuring my mods in videos, articles and other forms of media is allowed, and appreciated! The only condition is to put a link to either the mod post itself, my Patreon site, or the Mod Index page on my Patreon site.

First Version of Terms of Use, written on November 29, 2020.

---------------------------END of Terms of Use Section----------------------------

Lumpinou's Top Download:
Lumpinou's Latest Downloads:
  • Science Baby Tweak: In-Game Choice of Pregnancy OR Instant Baby

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    Science Baby Tweak: In-Game Choice of Pregnancy OR Instant Baby ______________ For those of you want to use to science baby feature, more...

  • Memory Panel: a Mod for Lifelong Memories v2

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  • LGBTQIA+: Gender and orientation Overhaul, v2. Identity and Transition / Transgender gameplay, in-depth orientations, self-discovery systems, optional auto-assign, and much more! (Sims 4 Mod)

    by Lumpinou updated 22nd Oct 2024 at 10:57pm

    Lumpinou's LGBTQIA+: gender identities, romantic & woohoo orientations, auto-assign, gameplay Impact, and more! - Gender IDENTITIES, ROMANTIC orientations, WOOHOO orientations, and more...

    103 143.8k 311

    Game Mods » Script & Core Mods » Core Mods

  • First Impressions

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    --------------- FIRST IMPRESSIONS: What Is It? -------------------- It makes it so that when Sims meet for the First time, they'll develop more...