LGBTQIA+: Gender and orientation Overhaul, v2. Identity and Transition / Transgender gameplay, in-depth orientations, self-discovery systems, optional auto-assign, and much more! (Sims 4 Mod)
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Last Updated: Sept 2024 for EA Patch
Gender Identity, Gender Affirmation & Transition,
Split Orientations (In-Depth!),
Impact on Romance / WooHoo acceptance (optional),
Auto-Assign (optional & customizable),
Self-Discovery, (optional)
Extra aspects,
Coming Out (optional),
Queerplatonic relationships,
& More! + many more features in development & planned! : D
This mod is HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE. See something you don’t like? Chances are, it can be turned off or fine-tuned. Check the “Settings” Section in doubt!
There are Moodlets, Social Interactions, Notifications, Sentiments, etc, everywhere in this mod, so I didn't list them here!
GENDER Identities & Affirmation:
Free your Sims from the binary – their ‘CAS body gender’ doesn’t have to completely define who they are. You can assign them more precise gender identities if you so wish.
- Questioning, Cisgender, Agender, Non-Binary, Genderfluid and Transgender are the options in this mod.
- Gender Affirmation: a variety of non-medical and medical gameplay options for sims to transition or take gender-affirming steps. You can forget about CAS and actually do gameplay storytelling, accompanying your Sim along the way to their more expressed self - through interactions, moodlets, notifications, socials, relationship statuses and sentiments.
All via gameplay, Sims can decide to change their name, pronouns, walkstyle, clothing preference, wear binders / breastforms, get hormone replacement therapy, top surgery, bottom surgery, speech training, etc - and tell others about it, or even post on Social Bunny!
Have CONTROL over how Orientation & Identity Impacts your game:
- Want your non-cis Sims to NOT be misgendered and wrongly rejected based on their body? This mod’s got you covered!
- Have a story with an individual Sim who are in the closet and don’t outwardly act truthfully to who they are until they are ready to be out? Can do that with this mod too.
- Want all Sims to once more be completely pan? You can do that by either using the auto assign features, or leaving all Sims with no assignments, or using settings to make all Sims act pan no matter what (making all labels cosmetic-only - if you choose to add labels at all).
Bring NUANCE to your Sims and stories: Orientation, Extras, QPR
With a variety of (optionally) gameplay-impacting possibilities, you can make your Sims feel more diverse and real.
- Here’s some examples of the representation you can make. Want to play the story of a nonbinary aromantic demisexual Sim? a cis mlm sim who is still keeping up appearances in a straight relationship and getting closer to telling them the truth? a touch-averse Sim? What about, a pan/demiromantic WooHoo-Favorable asexual Sim? A heteroromantic grey/pansexual Sim? A Trans Sim doing HRT? Representing all these experiences, and more, is possible with this mod.
- ROMANTIC & SEXUAL orientations are completely separate and do not have to match at all.
- They ALL have (optional) gameplay impact (ie if ‘gameplay impact’ setting is on.)
- Sims can be, for romantic and sexual attraction, any mix of the following:
- allo, grey, demi, a- ; and: attracted to masc, attracted to fem., bi, pan
- Note: By default, the system looks at Identity not body (it’s a setting). NB, genderfluid, agender are included in all orientations by default (same setting).
- ace / aro can be woohoo / romance -favorable, -indifferent or -averse
- allo, grey, demi, a- ; and: attracted to masc, attracted to fem., bi, pan
- EXTRA ASPECTS help you represent an extra layer of realities.
- Various type of touch-dislikes for kissing-averse or touching-averse (or both).
- Sims can hide their identity or orientation w/ the “Pretending” aspects.
- Sims can add extra cosmetic labels such as ‘intersex’, ‘queer’, ‘gay’, ‘lesbian’.
- Sims can chose to be Always Faithful & reject sims except their partner.
- 'Experiences Dysphoria' extra aspect
- And more!
- QUEERPLATONIC Relationships & Romance-Free WooHoo:
- Sims can be Queerplatonic partners!
- Aromantic Sims & Sims with matched sexual orientations but not-matched
romantic orientations can woohoo without romance. Other Sims can, too, if you turn that setting on.
(Optional) AUTO-POPULATE your world with DIVERSE Sims:
- Highly customizable auto-assign systems will allow you to have a world where Sims will appear in the game with varied gender identities and pronouns, orientations, and various other aspects.
(Optional) Have your Sims FIND THEMSELVES:
- Systems for sims to discover their orientation, such as ‘Unexpected Crushes‘ (Sims discovering orientation through gameplay), "Orientation Type Discovery" (sims discover through gameplay that they're not allo), makes them live the feels of figuring out that maybe your orientation isn’t what you thought.
- Sims can also discover their gender identity through similar systems.
(Optional) Have your Sims COME OUT!:
- The ‘coming out’ progression walks sims from being in the closet to coming out to family and coming out publicly.
- Sims don’t have to come out. In the next version of the mod, you will also be able to entirely hide coming-out interaction and ‘out status’ prompts.
Accepting World [DEFAULT] or (Optional) Introduce some Negativity
- Stick to only positivity in an accepting world (default)
- Or, for those who want, allow negative reactions and answers
DATING App & LOT Trait: meet & mingle
- The Meet&Mingle! Dating App: have your Sim go on semi-blind dates with Sims auto-matched to be compatible, so Sims of any orientations and identities can meet potential partners easily.
- Lgbtqia+ lot Trait: for your non-alloCisHet Sims to hang out with other LGBTQIA+ Sims and allies.Can be applied to various lot types! If this lot trait is applied to a bar, enjoy Special Nights with different crowds.
This Mod has tons of settings for you to adjust it to your liking.
[b]Français - Frenchby Kimikosoma
Español - Spanish by Laura Martinez Barca
Italiano - Italianby Massimosims
Dutch by GothiqueAngel
Portuguese by Suuhrprise
Polish by Aarathiel
Base game compatible.
If you choose to make orientation assignments to your sims and are using this mod, it is strongly recommended to NOT do assignments for orientation in CAS, but to do it all through this mod instead - because the mod has more options that CAS can't handle at all! (it will also adjust the cas stuff, and vice versa). The mod has a convenient all-in-one system for assignments so it's fast and easy to make them.
For mod compatibility, see below.
[b]Compatibility notes for Wonderful / Wicked Whims by Turbodriver
WW and WonW will take into account my mod’s orientations in determining results for WW and WonW’s sexual attraction system. HOWEVER, WW and
WonW see ONLY the CAS gender of Sims. So, it will not look at gender identities.[/list]
McWooHoo’s “No string woohoo” breaks the impact of this mod for woohoo. It must be turned off to use this mod. Note that my setting ‘Show WooHoo for Non-Romantic relationships’ should do essentially the same thing.
More to come!

- Social Bunny Posts have appeared;
- Breastforms are now not just a cheat anymore but also a gameplay non-medical gender affirmation choice.
KEEP your settings file when updating from v2 or v2.1 to v2.2. Only delete your settings file if coming from v1.5 or earlier.
August 10: fix for players who have 'orientation based on identity' off and the default grey out options: there was an issue with female sims being properly recognized by the greying out in that circumstance. KEEP your settings file when updating from v2 or v2.1 to a more recent v2.1. Only delete your settings file if coming from v1.5 or earlier.
August 9, v2.1:
KEEP your settings file when updating from v2 to v2.1. Only delete your settings file if coming from v1.5 or earlier.
- Compatibility fix for people who have more than 8 sims in household and want to use the top surgery feature- Also includes the new Identity Discovery settings & the 'Experiences Dysphoria' extra aspect.
- + REUP'ED twice because the update of some days ago and the update of this morning made all the text all wonky due to a bug with the text table!!! let me know if you still notice any out-of-place text!

August 7:
- added a thing for future compatibility integrations.
- IMPORTANT Update to block traits from this mod from Mccc's trait inheritance system.I also:
- fixed some v2-specific problems with Asexual sims and refusals
- now it is more clear why 'woohoo' and exercise vanish for sims who've just had surgery - obviously, it was always because they're in recovery, but now the interactions will show greyed out and say so instead of just vanishing.- removed an accidental surgery scar being given to the wrong body type
AUGUST 5: Another small update for fixes etc. KEEP your settings file when updating from v2 to a more recent upload of v2. Only delete your settings file if coming from v1.5 or earlier.
- Per request, Ghosts are now excluded from auto-assignments, for those who use auto assign settings.
- there was one remaining thing with teen sims and the Meet&Mingle! dating app; in case no match existed in game, the system could not generate one. For YA and older, all is fine and if there's no match the mod creates ya one, but for teens, it would get stuck. So, now, if no match exists for a teen sim, nothing will happen, no match will be given, and the sim won't get stuck either. For adults, there will always be matches provided no matter what, just as before. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the teen generation problem without success, so, for now, this is it.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
Lumpinou_LGBTQIA_Mod_v2.3.ts4script | ts4script | 155444 |
Lumpinou_LGBTQIA_Mod_v2.3.package | package | 2112437 |
Note from the Creator:
- Make sure that Script files are either directly in the Mods folder OR in one subfolder, no deeper! Make sure to enable script mods in game settings.
- If you are interested, check out MonoChaos's "FtM surgery scars cc", optional CC that auto-applies with this mod's top surgery features. It's a collab between them and I, you can find it here
Uploaded: 22nd Oct 2024, 1.99 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 22nd Oct 2024 at 10:57 PM
#lgbt, #lgbtqia, #lgbtqia+, #queer, #pride, #social, #relationship, #romance, #woohoo, #gender preference, #gender, #orientation, #identity, #gay, #trans, #transgender, #self-discovery, #auto-assign, #asexual
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