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Puffdaddy's Loverly Creations


Last Activity:
6th Dec 2008 5:10 PM
Join Date:
27th Oct 2007
Total Posts:
2 (0.00 posts per day)
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About Me:

I'm pretty new to creating things, so I've started with the basic and easiest things such as houses, floor, walls etc. I still have absolutely NO idea how to recolour or make meshes or anything like that, but I know I'll learn some day.
I have no idea how people create clothing and makeup. Does it have something to do with bodyshop? I am completely lost with all that, so if anyone wants to help, I'd appreciate it. (and yes i read the tutorials but I still didn't 'get' it)

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puffdaddy's Top Download:
puffdaddy's Latest Downloads:
  • Baby Blue Nursery Wall

    by puffdaddy 28th Oct 2007 at 1:46am

    My very first custom thing that I made! more...