About Me:
Hello everybody! I'm Van and I've been involved in the Sims community since 2008.
While I might not post much here, you can also find me on my LiveJournal or on Garden of Shadows as Van_Squirgle.
My absolute favorite thing to do is create sims inspired by famous people or characters. While my default replacements are cartoony, I can assure you that the sims' face sculptures are as accurate as I can possibly make them.
-You CAN use my sims in your legacies or pixel_trade challenges. In fact, I may want to see pictures!
-You CAN use my sims to model custom content IF you credit me for them in the upload post.
-You CAN use the eyes that come with the sims I make, as long as you give me credit for them in the upload post.
-You CANNOT upload my sims and claim them as your own.
-You CANNOT use my sims to model custom content on paysites.
I hope you enjoy!