Munir bin Julaihi

Downloads: 14,914
Thanks: 766

Last Activity: 12th Feb 2025 6:46 PM
Join Date: 11th Sep 2007
Total Posts: 37 (0.01 posts per day)

About Me

1.) Do not claim them as yours.
2.) Don't upload them on ANY paysite or exchange.
3.) Any requests will be either ACCEPTED or REJECTED, depending on what kind of items you want me to do.*
4.) If there's any mesh that includes mine, please DO NOT POST THE MESH FILE, instead LINK THE MESH(ES) TO MY THREAD(S).
5.) Credit me when you're using my mesh, and by all means.

Note * = I mostly accept making things (clothes, accessories, objects only) from any video game series, but depend on the item that you want to request, I'll either accept it or reject it.

Top Download

Greetings, simmers!

22nd Aug 2011 at 8:45pm in » Glasses & Other Accessories

Sims 2

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For all the people from MTS who uses Facebook
A group for all you empty heartless beings out there! We have been expecting you!


Home Page: click here · Biography: Just an ordinary person enjoying his life. Location: Smallest island which you'll never find. Interests: Modding, Animating, Modelling, Video Making Occupation: Selling masks.

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Seasons Bon Voyage Free Time Apartment Life + 9 SPs

The Sims 3: Sims 3 Ambitions